Student News & Voices
Learn news that affects engineering, engineering tech, and engineering ed
students, what they're up to, and what they have to say...in their own words.
Skyrocketing: The NASA Student Launch is an annual competition that challenges student teams from middle school through graduate school to propose, design, build and test a reusable rocket that flies to one mile in altitude, deploys a recovery system, and returns safely to the ground, while carrying a payload of scientific or engineering value. "The Vanderbilt Aerospace Design Lab team from Vanderbilt University claims top honors. Vanderbilt's first-place finish is the team's fourth win in the past five years." Read more.
Hacking with Heart
: This summer, students and engineers collaborated around the globe to come up with solutions to some pressing problems. Thanks to advanced A/V tech, three schools worked between the U.S. and the Gaza Strip to come up with advanced solutions for issues in a war-torn environment. Read more.
Calculus Problems: A new study shows that, contrary to popular belief, learning calculus in high school does not indicate whether or not a student will succeed in college calculus. Instead, mastery of the basics is a better predictor. Read more.
REQUEST FOR TESTIMONIALS: This year marks ASEE's 125th anniversary! It may be early in your career, but has the Society influenced your path in any way? Have we helped you network or land an internship? Leave us a few sentences to tell us how. The best answers will be published in a special issue of Prism magazine! Take three minutes and answer the survey here.
Academic & Professional Development Resources
Tips on navigating politics, from classroom to office.
This is Terrible Advice:
The Internet abounds with awful job guidance. A lot of it is well-meaning but outdated, while other advice exploits job seekers into paying for services. Some of it filters down to people we trust, who repeat it. College career offices, for example, often employ advisers from academia who have limited industry experience. Click through to learn how to spot bad advice and run the other way. Read more here.
Rigorous Summer Writing:
To all the grad students out there, you probably entered summer with great expectations for turning your research into conference-worthy papers and other projects. Have you started yet? Inside Higher Ed proposes a strategy to get going. Click here.
YouTube Trolls: This may not come as a surprise, but according to a new study by two Australian science communication researchers, women who run STEM-related YouTube channels get more comments--both positive and negative--than men, with far more emphasis on their appearance. Read more here .
Funding & Internships
Opportunity abounds!
This month's highlights:
The Department of Energy's Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship program encourages undergraduate students to pursue STEM careers by providing research experiences at one of 17 Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. They perform research under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers on projects supporting the DOE mission. Deadline: October 9.
The Lint Center for National Security Studies awards scholarships to those studying and working toward national security efforts, including cybersecurity and counterintelligence. Applying for one scholarship will put you in consideration for all categories. Deadline: July 31.
The USRA (Universities Space Research Association) is a nonprofit chartered to advance space-related science, technology, and engineering. It presents up to four scholarship awards to undergraduate students each fall for $4,000 each. Online application deadline is August 8.
(Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association) War Veterans scholarship is a $2,500 scholarship for actively serving members or honorably discharged veterans in accredited undergraduate STEM programs. It can be used for online and distance learning programs. Deadline: November 16 (applications open in August).
Videos & Entertainment
Because sometimes you just need a break!
Video: Make Useless Things: Simone Giertz, our favorite bad robot maker, gives a TED Talk on why you should be making useless things. Watch it here.
Video: Sand Blaster: Researchers at Purdue University have figured out how to 3D print very viscous materials. This means that they can print anything from cookie dough to medicines to rocket fuel. Watch it here.
Video: Don't Try This At Home: How can common table salt blow up a fish tank? Watch as the
Backyard Scientist uses molten salt and water to explosive effect!
Watch it here.