ExploreChinatown Newsletter
Save the Date: Lunar New Year (Jan 25, 2020)
2020 is the year of the Metal Rat, starting from January 25 th, 2020 to February 11 th, 2021. The Year of the Rat is the first zodiac sign in the Chinese zodiac cycle. Rats are quick-witted, resourceful, and smart but lack courage. With rich imaginations and sharp observations, they can take advantage of various opportunities well. In Chinese culture, rats represent working diligently and thriftiness, so people born in a Rat year are thought to be wealthy and prosperous.

11am @ SDR Park, Grand Street

Super Saturday Lion Dances
All Around Neighborhood in the Afternoon

1pm, Starting at Mott Street, Chinatown

There were an estimated 76,790 fewer New Yorkers in the state this past year, a drop of 0.4 percent, which made it the biggest percentage decrease in the country. The major factor in it was net domestic migration: New York lost 180,649 residents who left our fair state for another area of the country. Only California outdid us with 203,414 residents moving away in 2019.

This was already one of New York City’s first Baptist churches, and it would continue to make history by serving every surrounding immigrant community. It would be the first church in the United States led by a black woman, and it would welcome predominantly black congregants near the heart of a bustling Chinatown, carrying a unique version of the message of hope and inclusion for all who walked through it doors.

其他名列2020年紐約米其林餐廳名單華人餐廳包括:小籠包專賣店Pinch Chinese、「粥之家」(Congee Village)、「富貴樓」(Dim Sum Go Go)、「百餃園」(Dumpling Galaxy)、「好麵館」(Hao Noodle and Tea)、湘巴佬(Hunan Bistro)、法拉盛北方大道的「湘水山庄」(Hunan Café) 、華園(Hwa Yuan)、四川火鍋店唐鍋(Tang Hotpot)等餐廳

Food delivery workers in New York City have long been preyed upon by muggers, but with the advent of app-based ordering, many thought they would be less of a target because they usually don’t carry as much cash.

In recent months, though, they have fallen victim to a new crime wave: theft of their electric bicycles, which are propelled by batteries and can cost as much as $2,000.

聯邦人口普查局(U.S. Census Bureau)2日宣布,從本月6日起,紐約市2020人口普查員時薪從25元漲至28元,並呼籲符合條件的公民積極申請普查員工作。


The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting to fill hundreds of thousands of temporary positions across the country to assist with the 2020 Census count. Apply Now
Community Meetings

1/8/2020, 6-8pm
Envision SoHo/ NoHo report public release at Scholastic, 130 Mercer St
1/15/2020, 6:30 PM
CB2 LAND USE at Sheen Center, 18 Bleecker St., Loreto Auditorium
Presentation to CB2 by Plan Sponsors and preliminary discussion on response to the recently released Envision SoHo/NoHo: A Summary of Findings and Recommendations.
Volunteer Opportunity

Chinatown Literacy Project: Part-time teachers for high-English-proficiency English Classes
Background: Chinatown Literacy Project is a youth-run program that provides weekly English classes for adult Chinese-speaking-English-language-learners. CLP is unique amongst literacy programs in that participants not only benefit from free class time but also an hour of immersive conversation practice with high school volunteers. Becoming a teacher at CLP is a great opportunity to improve the lives of those who may not traditionally have access to paid English-language-acquisition classes.
Job Responsibilities:
  • Teach Sunday morning sessions (from 9AM to 11AM) from January through April. Classes are not held during public or school holidays.
  • Prepare weekly ESL curriculum/lesson-plans for fifteen to twenty-five English learners.
  • Work with high-school-age Program Coordinators and the Program Advisor to develop curriculum and build programs.
  • Participate in weekly debriefing sessions to discuss progress of ESL students and to address the questions and concerns of the student volunteers.
  • Work with Program Coordinators to find a substitute to be at hand should you ever be unable to teach.
  • Required: College degree and interest in teaching English.
  • Recommended: Some level of Chinese-language proficiency. This proficiency is most important for teachers in low-English-proficiency classes, as learners may be completely unable to comprehend/speak English
Contact: Please send a resume or cover letter to chinatownliteracyprojectnyc@gmail.com