Spring Lecture Series 2017
Please join us for fresh-roasted coffee, delicious home-made pie and a most interesting experience ! We are looking forward to a full house this Thursday to hear Laura Ryan share her intimate secrets about making the best damn pies in Dufferin County! Check out our upcoming lectures including Rob Stimpson's Sir Earnest Shackelton Lecture this Saturday at 2pm! Seating is limited to 30 people.  Proceeds support Friends of Island Lake Trails.  
$20 per person includes coffee & pie! 
Antarctica and Ernest Shackleton
Saturday, April 22, 2 - 4pm
Join photographer Rob Stimpson for his fascinating presentation and spectacular images of Antarctica. Since 2005, his travels have taken him countless times to the coldest, windiest, driest and highest continent on the planet. Rob's work as an expedition photographer provided him with many opportunities to capture with his camera what few will ever experience. He will entertain you with those images and stories about icebergs, penguins, whales and one of the great explorers of the 20th Century, Sir Ernest Shackleton.    Register Here
Risk & Adventure in the Pursuit of Financial Security
Thursday, May 4,  7- 9pm 
For over 20 years, Pamela Turnbull, Investment Advisor at BMO Nesbitt Burns, has helped Lin & Al (and previously Lin's mom) navigate the adventures of the financial markets. With a BSc in Forestry, Pam has a keen appreciation of the natural world around us. Just as the natural world has systems that guide, grow and protect it, Pam has applied that science to create a disciplined process to help grow and protect the financial well-being of the families with whom she works. Join us as Pam shares her experience in mitigating the risks of investing to create your personal level of financial security. Learn about where to invest today and how to navigate what may be around the bend ahead for you and your family.    Register Here

What's Not to Hike?
Hatching Loops & Lattes 
Friday, May 12,  7- 9pm 
Please join us for an intimate evening with Nicola Ross to learn how a love story turned into a fabulous series of hiking guidebooks including the soon to be released Dufferin Hikes: Loops & Lattes.­­ A fourth book is now in the works for May 2018. Nicola's Loops & Lattes Hiking Guides have become a brand, as well as a way for this award-winning local author to combine her love of hiking with her passion for writing.  
Allan Pace | The Farmhouse Pottery
307114 Hockley Road, Mono, ON Canada L9W 6N6