Across the threshold
to mystery the ancestors call to us.
Your ancestors have gifts from their suffering, too: courage, endurance, resilience, stubborn perseverance. Receive these as their gifts to you.
~ Joanna Macy
Often our loneliness and isolation is due to a failure of spiritual imagination. We forget that there is no such thing as an empty space. All space is full of presence, particularly the presence of those who are now in eternal invisible form.
~ John O'Donohue
4 Spaces left! (16 total)
Exploring Ancestral Lineage Through Landscape and
A 5-day experiential intensive
September 25 - 30, 2019
at Harrods Creek Sanctuary in Goshen, KY Guided by Peter Scalan and Doug Van Houten
DEEP IN OUR BONES we carry the DNA of ancestral stories that have been passed down to us over many generations. Woven in the shadows of time and the family narrative, with all the migrations, celebrations, tragedies, gifts and wounds, the ancestral energies have influenced our emotions, our life decisions, and how we think of ourselves. This influence is often unknown to us consciously. These hidden histories also haunt us with a longing for what we do not know, or are in the process of discovering about our unique personal soul stories. Exploration of the ancestral stories can bring a greater sense of belonging to the world and enhance the ever-evolving journey toward the embodiment of the unique soul qualities that each of us brings as gifts to the world
AT HARRODS CREEK SANCTUARY, you will likely meet up with the ancestral wounding in your lineages, perhaps piled up over generations. This is different though related to our personal life wounds and may, like our personal wounds, serve as portals to our development. You will have the opportunity to transform these wounds and discover the gifts of your ancestral heritage that are bound up like a gordian knot, the threads which go back generations. This work often resolves a puzzlement about why, having enacted much personal wound work, there seems to be something that continues to block progress, something that you cannot quite put your finger on.
IN OUR FIVE DAYS TOGETHER at Harrods Creek Sanctuary in Kentucky, there will be ample time for wandering in this verdant landscape of fields, forest and streams surrounded by towering sycamore, bald eagle, coyote and owl make their homes, where we cannot help but feel the old ones present and shimmering in the air. We will court the mystery of our ancestral nature, listening with our bones and the ears of our imaginative hearts to ancestral energies -- engaging with them and embodying them in story, movement, and image. Woven between wanders we will utilize poetry, council, deep imagery, ceremony and dream work to court the old ones and sort the threads of our personal and collective stories. Through this process, we will seek a deepened sense of ourselves, find lost heirlooms, and possibly bring a balm to ancient wounds.
COST: $550 - $750 (sliding scale) All camping program Must register by June 15, 2019 Non-refundable deposit of $200 to register. Registrations and final payments due 30 days before the program. Meal cost not included. Sharing in food preparation will be part of our community practice, more details on meal logistics will be included in the prep materials. In the event that we find it necessary to cancel the program you will receive a full refund. Scholarships available.
Peter Scanlan
was a clinical psychologist in private practice for 34 years in Nashville, Tennessee. He trained with Animas
Valley Institute and with School of Lost Borders as a vision quest guide and was a lead guide for the Animas Valley Institute for 16 years. He works to facilitate the transformation of personal story into the mytho-poetic
story that each of us inhabits. He is dedicated to guiding people to the edge of the deepest mysteries, holding sacred space while they plunge into those depths, and then honoring the unique power and truth of the stories that they bring back from those journeys. He brings heart presence and a playful
spirit to his work.
Doug Van Houten
In this work, Doug draws on the wisdom of the natural world, depth-psychology, eco-psychology, dreams, somatic knowing, poetry, and many pan-cultural, soul furthering practices that includes: The Way of Council, vision fasting, trance dancing and conversations with the more than human world. Doug's true calling in life is to support others as they uncover their own unique gifts and in so doing, transform their lives in service to what Thomas Berry called "The Great Work" of our times. Doug is also a student of Refined Hakomi, an ardent beekeeper, a visual artist, a wily wanderer, a dream tracker, a deep ceremonialist, a heart-centered activist, a budding yoga instructor and a seasoned guide for Animas Valley Institute (
Also, at Harrods Creek Sanctuary this fall:
Wild Mind Intensive
October 17-21, 2019
The Way of Council and the Art of Mirroring
October 22-26, 2019