Tuesday Evening, December 14, 2021
Fox News interviews MRFF Founder and President Mikey
Weinstein about the so-called "non-profit" Wreaths Across America Christianizing the graves of Jewish and other non-Christian veterans by placing unwanted Christmas wreaths on them. Wreaths Across America claims its policy is to skip graves marked with the Star of David, but photographs of their wreaths on graves marked with the Star of David show that they clearly don't follow this policy.
This article currently has nearly 12,000 comments, the overwhelming
majority of which oppose MRFF's efforts, some in a threatening
manner, as would be expected from the Fox News audience.
Wreaths Across America 'carpet-bombing' veteran cemeteries with 'Christian gang sign,' nonprofit say
By: Matt Wall
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Fox News interviews both MRFF's Mikey Weinstein and Wreaths Across America's executive director Karen Worcester, whose husband Morrill Worcester is the owner of the for-profit Worcester Wreath Company, which got a $17 million contract in 2019 and similarly lucrative contracts in all other years to provide the wreaths used by their family's "non-profit" Wreaths Across America.
To distract from the actual issue of the defiling of non-Christian veterans' graves, and with unbelievable irony given the millions that the Worcester's rake in from their "non-profit," Fox questions the propriety of Mikey Weinstein's salary, casting doubt on the 105 hours that Mikey reports on MRFF's tax forms to work each week, a number of hours that certainly justifies what is actually an average salary for his position. Mikey absolutely does work 105 hours a week, as MRFF's thousands of clients who know they can reach him any time, day or night, weekdays or weekends, can attest to.
GRAPHIC AUDIO: Vile Threatening Voicemail Left for Mikey Weinstein and MRFF Staff in Wake of FOX News Coverage
The following voicemail is emblematic of many others MRFF began
receiving immediately following FOX News’s coverage.
Religious freedom foundation protests
wreaths on veterans' graves
By: Pamela Manson
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
The article highlights MRFF Advisory Board Member Marty France's reply to one of the many, many, many hate emails that MRFF has received about this issue. From the article:
One profane email said, "As a combat veteran, if I fell in a foreign land, it would have been nice for a complete stranger to spend the time and money to remember me at this time of year."
In response, retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Marty France, an MRFF advisory board member, asked if the veteran would be open to any decorations being put on a gravestone.
"So, you would be okay with me putting an little black ISIS or green Muslim flag on your grave?" France said in an email posted on the foundation website. "That's very open-minded. How about a menorah for Hanukkah? Maybe a Confederate flag from the Daughters of the Confederacy? May my dog leave a decoration?"
Anti-Christmas Thugs Declare War on
Wreaths at Veteran Cemeteries
By: Caleb Parke
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
A brief article by former Fox News reporter Caleb Parke on former Fox News personality Todd Starnes's website.
Who Could Oppose Wreaths on Military Graves?
By: Robin Smith
Monday, December 13, 2021
The far-right Patriot Post's answer to it's headline's question – “Anti-religious bigots like Mikey Weinstein, that’s who. He’s vilifying a time-honored tradition.” – is all that needs to be said about this article.
Wreaths on Kansas City veterans’ graves at Leavenworth are not ‘Christian gang signs’
By: Jim Dawkins
Friday, December 10, 2021
Commentary carries on the Wreaths Across America ludicrous claim that their Christmas wreaths aren't Christmas wreaths.
MRFF Non-Religious Affairs Advisor Dustin Chalker’s Statement on Wreaths Across America’s non-consensual, non-Christian, pagan symbols on graves
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
I am not a Christian, but Christmas is one of my favorite holidays! Winter holidays have always been an important psychological tool for helping populations survive the winter. Cold, food scarcity, and depression have taken a lot of lives throughout history. Societies that develop warm, hopeful, loving traditions to fortify their people have a better chance of surviving and thriving. My family has celebrated “Grinchmas” for over a decade, setting overnight traps with the kids, stealing presents and hiding them around the house or setting up a scavenger hunt, and other fun activities every Christmas morning.
See, Christmas is not a Christian holiday at all, but a low-effort adaptation of pagan solstice traditions. For example, Judeo-Christian scriptures explicitly prohibit cutting down trees and decorating them “as the pagans do.” Astrotheological analysis of the New Testament conclusively places the alleged birth of Yahushua squarely on September 11th of 3 B.C., not December 25th. I could go on, but the point is there is a massive gap between the Christianity of scripture and ancient tradition vs the “Christianity” of modern Western culture. Regardless, modern Christianity treats Christmas as if it were coherently related to their religion, and that can lead to some problems.
Imagine if some organization called Magic Across America decided to non-consensually place witch hats on the graves of US service-member for Halloween. Can you imagine the uproar of Christian offense? Most folks wouldn’t really care, but this would be desecration in the eyes of many denominations of Christians, who consider such symbols to be grossly against their values (like Harry Potter). Ironically, Wreaths Across America is doing the same exact thing: non-consensually placing non-Christian, pagan symbols on graves. Again, most folks don’t care, but some Christian denominations strongly oppose such pagan decorations, including Quakers, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others.
As for me, throw all the wreaths you want on my grave! That’s an individual choice. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation opposes this paganized “Christian” practice because there is no respect for individual choice. Wreaths Across America does not have the permission of families to do what they are doing. They do not know the beliefs of the deceased or their surviving family. They may be “honoring” them in their own eyes, but only degenerate narcissists treat other people the way they themselves want to be treated. Truly moral conduct requires considering how the other person wants to be treated, not just a self-absorbed reflection on what you want. They are grossly disrespecting some of these families, and it must stop.
Dustin Chalker
MRFF Non-Religious Affairs Advisor
“You commie fuck”
We RESPECT the memory and honor our soldiers laying wreaths at their graves. Go to hell you communist joyless soulless fuck.
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Board Member John Compere
and MRFF supporter Fr. Steve Dundas:
“Statement to Colorado Gazette”
If you are the organization that gave statement to the C Gazette that the Wreaths Across America should be stopped putting wreaths on the graves of our fallen soldiers at Arlington Cemetery I must comment my dismay and disappointment. I saw this reported on national news on Fox.
The wreaths are not a religious act. They are placed out of respect and honor during the Christmas season. These fallen were never able to ever again spend a Christmas with their families snd loved ones. Something you and I CAN do this Christmas. I SINCERELY HOPE YOU RETRACT THIS STATEMENT.
if I have contacted the wrong agency I am sorry. If correct I will spread word about your dishonor.
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Advisory Board Members
Mike Farrell and James T. Currie,
and MRFF Board Member John Compere:
You and your slut girlfriends aren’t funny, all your pathetic videos on your sad little youtube channel are pathetic. Good job setting yourselves up for a barrage of attacks. Idiot piece of fucking shit.
(name withheld)
Second email from same detractor:
Fox news did a segment on you and now the hate mail is going to pour in, hating on wreaths across america for nothing. You’re disgusting and a jewish piece of shit
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Board Member John Compere
and MRFF supporter Fr. Steve Dundas:
You may also be a veteran but just like every group we have our bad actors and idiots and yes you are one of them.
Our country was founded on Christian principals if you don’t like it leave.
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Advisory Board Members
Mike Farrell and Marty France,
MRFF Board Member John Compere,
and MRFF supporter Rabbi Joel Schwartzman:
“Being Nice”
You should be ashamed.
(name withheld)
“Christmas Wreath”
Since you feel motivated to share your thoughts please allow me to share mine.
I believe someday, you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do as to why you object to compassion and kindness. I hope you’re prepared.
(name withheld)
Are you real???
Disrespect U S A
To see response from MRFF Board Member John Compere:
“Religious Freedom”
Why don’t you back off. How dare you endeavor to speak for everyone. If you choose not to believe, fine. But don’t you dare impede on others and tell them they can’t!!!!! That’s discrimination and self serving. Why don’t you dedicate your time to peace or feeding the hungry children of the world.
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Advisory Board Members
Mike Farrell and James T. Currie,
and MRFF Board Member John Compere:
You know, just when you think that we’ve reached an end of people looking for things to be upset about, a group like yours raises the bar.So suddenly after over 30 years NOW these wreaths are a problem? Then you pile on the hyperbole of how this is a desecration and an insult to our honored dead, come on!Americans have been doing this with little to no problems. The families of these fallen service men and woman haven’t raised a stink but you and your devine group of misfits know better than anyone else! The people just aren’t as enlightened as you neophytes are so you will save them from their poor, ignorant minds, their souls will be saved, by you of course since the THOUSANDS of the workers and the fallen families themselves are just so evil! Please, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, shut the fuck up, stop trying to fix a problem that only exists in your minds and craw back into whatever cesspool you’ve crawled out of. We do not need or want your self serving “help”!Merry Christmas
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Advisory Board Members
Mike Farrell and James T. Currie,
and MRFF Board Member John Compere:
“Wreaths Across America”
Hey asshole, go fuck yourself…we WILL CONTINUE to place wreaths on military Gravestones, period…if you don’t like it look the other way you commie bastard.
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Advisory Board Member Mike Farrell
and MRFF Board Member John Compere:
“Wreath controversy”
In a statement you said that placing wreaths on veterans graves everywhere is unconstitutional. To which I have to say that I think you are confused to what separation of church and state actually means. Our founding fathers had NO ISSUES with religious displays in public spaces or even Government spaces. What they were against was having a Government sponsored religion like the Church of England that was intertwined with the crown. Members of the church could also hold Government offices, the King being the head of the Government AND the head of the Church of England gave him unchecked power being the best example. Having a state sponsored Church of America where an individual could hold office as well as a public office like congressmen, Senator, Judge, or even President is what the founding fathers wanted to avoid. Your claim and the claims of people like you that wreaths, nativity scenes, crosses, etc. etc. displayed in Government buildings or on Government property is somehow unconstitutional is either deliberately obtuse to support your personal beliefs or just ignorance of the constitution. Please understand that I respect you sir and this is in no way intended as a personal attack. It is simply my opinion which means it is not necessarily right or wrong but just my opinion.
Thank you
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Advisory Board Members
Mike Farrell and James T. Currie,
and MRFF Board Member John Compere:
“Wreaths on veterans grave”
You and your band of merry goofballs need to grow up. You don’t get everything you want in life.
The people laying the wreaths make mistakes. They are volunteers. Get over it.You are showing the hatred you have for Christians.
RIP ALL veterans no matter what denomination.
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Advisory Board Members
Mike Farrell and James T. Currie,
and MRFF supporter Rabbi Joel Schwartzman:
Mr. Weinstein,
I received your email last night after speaking with you on the phone. I want you to know that I have read the emails you sent me with great care. After careful consideration and empathizing with you and your organization’s position, I feel compelled to express my concerns. As I honor and respect the mission of your organization I disagree with your course of action against the Wreaths Across America project. You state in your email that “MRFF is not anti-wreath” but “anti-presumption.” Would it not be presumptuous to presume that an intended gesture of good will would not be welcome by the deceased veterans or their families? I’m sorry but the presumption goes both ways. I would also urge you to consider the logistical challenge of attempting to locate every responsible living family member for those buried veterans just to ask them if it’s okay to lay a wreath on their grave during the holiday season, only to have them give their blessing (now I know I’m presuming but I think a very safe one). I think this practical aspect should be a serious consideration and a point of empathy on MRFF’s behalf. For surely to administer such a logistical nightmare would put at risk the entire project. But I think the most logical aspect to all of this is simply that if a family member decides to visit their loved ones grave site and they see a wreath, and they don’t want it there, all they have to do is remove it. It’s that simple, no harm no foul. As a former military officer I know you understand that one must choose their battles carefully. When you consider the intent behind such a project that promotes such a gesture of good will, it seems silly to me to think this is a battle that needs to be fought. Besides, just because it can be fought doesn’t mean it should. Our world needs more good will, not less of it. So I urge you to please reconsider your efforts and focus on things that are far more important.
(name withheld)
To see responses from
MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein
MRFF Advisory Board Members
Mike Farrell, Marty France, and James T. Currie,
and MRFF Board Member John Compere:
“Wreaths Across America”
It took me quite a while to find the objectionable aspects of the organization, but I did, and I owe an apology to you. I kept seeing things today that I missed yesterday — things that were troubling, but not definitive (partnership with the DAR, fawning coverage from FOX, and other evidence).
Then, I found the “10 Balsam Bouquets for 10 Special Qualities” that our veterans embody — presumably, to their way of thinking, every veteran. The first attribute of veterans, it proclaims, is “Their faith in God” — presumably a very specific God that would exclude you, and the generic term that excludes me. Silly me — I thought all these years that I was a veteran!
Once again, my apologies and best wishes.
(name withheld)
To see response from
MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein:
“Wreaths Across America”
Mr. Weinstein,
Just read the article on Fox news. I couldn’t agree with your take more. I used to work for Maine Veteran Services as the surveyor/mapper for the state cemeteries. I never looked forward to this event.People also to fail realize the tremendous effort in clean up and the amount(s) of non-biodegradable materials that end up in the land fills. I could go on but I share your sentiment(s) besides religious considerations.
(name withheld)
Hello! I recently donated to your organization and was touched by Mikey’s handwritten thank you message on my acknowledgment letter. You are doing wonderful work and I’m going to donate more in the future.
All the best,
(name withheld)
MRFF is a 501C3 Nonprofit
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(505) 250-7727