Extension Explores Food Preservation

Summer Series: August Session Recap

August Webinar Recap: Curing Meats

Dr. Chad Carr, Professor and State Extension Meat Specialist with the University of Florida, shared information on the curing of meat. He starts out with some definitions of processing and then describes the functional (salt, phosphate and nitrite) and sensory (sugar, spices, etc.) ingredients used in processed meat products. The steps in processing are presented with different types of products. Dr. Carr also addresses the food safety concerns with cured meats. Discussion follows about home cured bacon, jerky and fermented sausage.

The webinar from August 17, 2023 was recorded and is posted on our YouTube at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ-F2JyyZn4

Please feel free to share the link with others you know who may be interested.

Contact and Resources Information:

Dr. Chad Carr— chadcarr@ufl.edu

Local University of Tennessee Extension County FCS Agents


Resources from Dr. Carr’s Presentation:

Videos showing the equipment and process of making Lean Textured Fine Meat

Home Cured Bacon (Missouri Extension)


Extension Publications

Basics of Sausage Making (Georgia Extension)

Curing Pork Products at Home (Mississippi Extension)

Country Cured Ham (Georgia Extension)

How to Make a Country Ham (Kentucky Extension)

Country Curing Hams (Missouri Extension)

Dry Curing Virginia-Style Ham (Virginia Extension)

Beef Pastrami (Hawaii Extension)

Making Jerky (National Center for Home Food Preservation)

Fruit Leathers and Jerky (Colorado Extension)

Extension Resources: Food Preservation

National Center for Home Food Preservation

Literature Review for Cured/Smoked Meats

University of Tennessee Extension Explores

Extension Explores Resources

Extension Explores Website

Extension Explores YouTube Channel

Extension Explores Content Team

Team Leader

UT-TSU Extension, Bedford County | 931-684-5971Whitney Danhof

Team Members

UT Extension, Cannon County615-563-2554 | Kristen Jones 

UT-TSU Extension, DeKalb County615-597-4945April Martin

UT-TSU Extension, Marion County 423-942-2656Anna Belk

UT Extension, Pickett County931-864-3310 | Amanda Woody 

UT Extension, Robertson County615-384-7936 | Lauren Patterson

UT Extension, Smith County615-735-2900 | Mary Draper

UT Extension, Van Buren County931-946-2435 | Paula May 

UT-TSU Extension, Warren County931-473-8484 | Hilda Lytle 

UT-TSU Extension, Wilson County 615-444-9584