What is the Extinction Rebellion?
The Earth, including its mantle of atmosphere,
is suffering.
With entire ecosystems dissembling before changing climates,
life on Earth as we know it is at stake.
From Monday 15 April, Extinction Rebellion is taking action on the streets of cities all over the world - from Auckland to Accra, Mexico City to Vancouver - over multiple days to demand that governments take necessary action on the global Climate and Ecological Emergency.
Extinction Rebellion will peacefully block traffic around the clock. This will be a full-scale festival of creative resistance, with people's assemblies, art actions, stage performances, talks, workshops, food and family spaces.
Why in the US? Because our institutions have proven themselves incapable of addressing the climate crisis. Therefore, we must do more in addition to lobbying and protesting congress, more in addition to using nonviolent direct action to stop fossil fuel infrastructure . . .
Rebellion is collectively our last best chance.