Hello Catherine,

We are excited to share more news with you about how God is changing lives through the mission of His Word here in Northern Ireland and worldwide. Please read through this edition of Extra Insight and be encouraged that God is building his Church through the Bible and pray that he will do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

In this month's Extra insight, you will hear about how God continues to work through the Bible society in Ukraine even in such difficult circumstances. You can also learn more about some of our resources and a job we are currently advertising for.


Northern Ireland

February will be a busy month with Mark and Catherine out and about all over Northern Ireland sharing about the amazing work of Bible mission.

Here are some of key dates this month. Please be thinking and praying for them as they travel or think about coming along:

  • 4th February - Catherine participating with the Council for Global Mission (PCI) event in Glendermott Presbyterian Church, Londonderry.
  • 5th February -Mark with Lisnabreen Presbyterian Church PW
  • 8th February- Mark with Glengormly Methodist Friendship group.
  • 7th February- Catherine with Rosemary Presbyterian Church PW.
  • 11th February -Catherine with Church on the Hill, Maghaberry.
  • 11th February -Mark with Seapatrick Parish Church, Banbridge.
  • 18th February - Mark with Kilfennan Presbyterian Church, Londonderry.
  • 18th February- Mark with Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady.
  • 25th February -Mark with Hillsborough Parish evening service.

We are Hiring!

Do you want to join our team as our new Marketing and Fundraising Manager? Do you have enthusiasm, creativity and skills that would enhance our work in this area? What could you bring to advance our current marketing and fundraising practices?

Please prayerfully consider if you, or someone you know could join our team in this new and exciting role with opportunities for professional development through work in Northern Ireland as well as around our global United Bible Societies Fellowship.

To find out more please read the information pack for the job and get in touch to ask any questions you might have – [email protected] / 028 9032 6577.

Closing date for applications is 12 NOON on the 9th February 2024.

Interviews will take place on Thursday 15th February in Belfast.

Click here for more info

Pray with Us

Join us to pray on Wednesday 28th February at 1pm on Zoom as we pray for our work in Northern Ireland and around the world.

Anatoliy the General Secretary from the Bible Society in Ukraine hopes to join us on this zoom. It will be great to hear from him and pray into his situation specifically, please think about joining us that afternoon.

Click here to join in the zoom

Daring to Hope

Consider taking our 'Daring to Hope' resource and running it during the season of Lent. Through the five sessions, you will find out what lament is and practically go through the four steps of biblical lament; turning to God, permission to protest, boldly crying out for help and daring to hope as you move forward.

We encourage you to run the session between the 13th of February (Shrove Tuesday) and Sunday 24th of March (Palm Sunday) as we lament and then dare to hope towards Easter and the resurrection of our Saviour. 

Click here to find out more info

Pray for the work in NI:

  • Pray that Churches will engage with 'Daring to Hope' this Lent and that they may be blessed through it.
  • Pray for the appointment of the 'Marketing and Fundraising Manager '. Pray for wisdom for Catherine and the Board during the application and interview process.
  • Pray for Mark and Catherine as they travel around the province this month.



The current war and conflict in Ukraine escalated two years ago in February 2022. People in Ukraine and the surrounding countries have endured so much in that time with millions of adults and children displaced from their homes as well as the many life-changing injuries and deaths that have occurred. There has been such loss – loss of life, loss of a way of life and I’m sure in many places a loss of hope for the future.

In these difficult circumstances, our colleagues in the Bible Society of Ukraine have continued to work to reach out with the Bible to bring hope, comfort and encouragement. Our colleagues have often been in places where they have been in personal danger, they have continued though for the sake of the gospel.

Recently we heard a story of an older soldier on the front line, he is 57 years old. He said “I got to know God at the frontline thanks to the Bible”. Our colleague had been at the frontline meeting with soldiers when he found himself in a trench next to this man who shared -

"I have never been to church, never read the Bible, because I never had one. Here, at the combat positions, in short moments of silence, I started reading prayers from the Book of Psalms, as you advised me back then. I feel warmth inside me while reading. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. I realized that it was God who came to me, a sinner, at the age of 57. He came here, to the swamp, to the horrors of the war, to find me. Thank you for the Bible, it revived me to a new life - a life with God. Please, could you pray with me?”

As you can see above, Anatoliy the General Secretary from the Bible Society in Ukraine hopes to join this month's Zoom prayers. Please think about coming along to hear from him.

This month your donations to Bible-a-Month will help more soldiers have copies of the Bible so that they can meet God and receive a new life with him.

Pray for this Project:

  • Pray for peace and comfort in the midst of the war, pray for an end to the war in Ukraine.
  • Pray for our colleagues who have worked so tirelessly to reach everyone in Ukraine with God’s Word. Pray for the staff and volunteers of the Bible Society of Ukraine as they distribute Bibles and portions of Scripture.
  • Pray for all those who have had to leave their homes and live somewhere else to remain safe.
Sign up to give a Bible-a-Month here

This project is our Bible-a-Month project for February. By becoming a Bible-a-Month partner you will help to provide Scripture to people all over the world every month. You will receive a free calendar with information about this and 11 other Bible Society projects. Commit to giving just £5 each month and you will ensure that the Word of God is shared across the world. Sign up here.

Daily Bible Reading Guide 2024

Reading God's Word every day is so important. Our daily Bible reading guide for 2024 is now available. Click the link below to order some for yourself or for your Church.

This little guide is FREE and can be a great tool to help others get into the habit of daily Bible reading.

Clear here to order your Reading Guide

More from Bible Society NI:


27 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6NB

028 9032 6577 Charity Reg. No. NIC102557


The header image shows a solider in Ukraine holding the Bible

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