week's focus point -

What communities do you belong to? This past week, I had great
experiences with three of mine. I was in Denver for 3 days with
colleagues from my professional community of consultants. We shared
food, fellowship, and great laughs. We only see each other in
person a few times a year, yet these valuable times together are
the formation of lifelong friendships and professional help. On
Friday, my Rotary club banded together in a fundraiser of handing
out roses. A small gesture, although we do it together and my team
helped me deliver mine as I was out of town. Finally, on Saturday I
spent a day with my faith family hosting a nationally renowned
speaker. It also included plenty of food, fellowship, and laughs as
we grew in our spiritual development.
Sometimes we shelter ourselves too much. Our business can often be
lonely and it's important emotionally and intellectually to share
experiences and camaraderie. Seek out good people and form
communities that will challenge, enrich, and grow your personal and
professional lives.
This week's quote -"Intellectual growth should commence at
birth and cease only at death."
- Albert Einstein
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