 Holiday Plans, Year in Review, + more!
December 11, 2011 - Vol. 6, Issue 12
In This Issue
Holiday Plans
Local SEO Webinar
On The Go
Recapping 2011
Florida Events
New Staff
Demosphere Network
Blog Update
Coming in January...
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ExtraTime Exclusive - Holiday Plans


With the holidays fast approaching, members of the Demosphere team are set for some unique adventures.  

  • The Baker family traditionally plays board games on Christmas. In lieu of traditional gifts, everyone throws money into a pot and the winner gets to make a donation to their favorite charity.

What fun activities do you have planned? Tell us on our blog!


Julie Kratz's Corgi Dogs
Maximize Demosphere Webinar   
Maximize Demosphere Logo
Join us for our upcoming Maximize Demosphere Webinar!

On Wednesday, December 14 at 1:00p ET, Demosphere will present its 32nd Maximize Demosphere Webinar.

The topic for this month's webinar is Local SEO - How To Optimize Your Presence. The session will last approximately 30 minutes and will be accessible via web conference.

Be sure to RSVP now and session login information will be emailed before the session. We look forward to chatting with you on Wednesday for Maximize Demosphere!

Demosphere On The Go

The Demosphere team will be attending events nationwide over the next few weeks - join us in a city near you! 
For a more complete list of events, visit Demosphere On The Go.

2011 In Review

20122011 was an exciting and productive year for Demosphere. In addition to celebrating our 21st birthday, Demosphere partnered with 232 new organizations of all shapes and sizes, from local youth recreational leagues to national adult leagues.

The Demosphere team is constantly evolving to ensure we are delivering our company's mission to provide applications for organized sports with a product line that is configurable and extensible, accommodating the needs of all levels of organizations, and all levels of users.  


We wish all of you Happy Holidays and a very successful 2012!   

Enjoying Florida!

Super Y-Finals logoAs cold weather hits most of the country, two large national youth soccer events took place under sunny skies in Florida.

In Lakewood Ranch, FL, the U.S. Soccer Development Academy Winter Showcase brought together all 78 member clubs for a total of 234 matches over a five day period. The event is the first full gathering of teams in the season.

In Tampa, FL, the USL Super Y-League North American Finals saw 130 teams compete for championships in 12 age groups. The annual event is the culmination of a competitive season which began in May.

Congrats to both organizations on successful events and we hope you get to experience some warm weather soon!
Meet Demosphere's Newest Staff Member!

Nate MullerDemosphere is excited to announce a new member of our growing team!

Nate Muller has recently joined our team as a Web Developer. He joins Demosphere's growing development team tasked with furthering our suite of products and services.

For Nate's full bio, head to the "Our Team" section of our website. Welcome, Nate!
The Demosphere Network - New Website Launches

Scottsdale SC Website Congratulations to the newest members of the Demosphere Network! Check out their new websites:

Demosphere Blog Updates

Be sure to check out best practices, new product features, and enhancements at blog.demosphere.com.
Coming in January to Demosphere's ExtraTime Newsletter...

Maximize Demosphere. As our Maximize Demosphere webinar series continues its third year, make sure to join us for lots of informative sessions in 2012!

Demosphere On The Go. January marks the height of Demosphere's annual tradeshow and meeting season - see some stories from the road and see a schedule of future events!

...and lots more!