Volume 16 / Issue 1 (November 2019)
Local Influenza Update:
  • As of week 43 (ending 10/26/2019), overall influenza activity remains low throughout the county.
  • The most frequently identified influenza virus type reported by Orange County Public Health Laboratory was influenza A/H3 virus.
  • No influenza-associated deaths in persons under the age of 65 years have been reported to Orange County Public Health so far this season, which started September 30, 2019.
  • Influenza vaccination is always the best way to prevent influenza and its potentially serious complications. Go to ochealthinfo.com/flu to find out where you can get an influenza shot in Orange County.
  • For the most up-to-date surveillance information, including highlights from 2018-2019 influenza season, visit our influenza surveillance webpage.
State & National Influenza Update:
  • Seasonal influenza activity in the United States, including California, remains low.
  • Two pediatric influenza-associated deaths occurred in the U.S. during week 41 (ending 10/12/2019). One death was associated with influenza A (unknown subtype), the other was influenza B/Victoria.
  • Influenza A/H3 and Influenza B viruses have been co-circulating so far this season.

Clinical News:
  • A survey conduct by CDC found only 54% of pregnant women were vaccinated against the flu during the 2018-2019 season (link). Vaccination of pregnant women is particularly important, as they are at disproportionate risk of severe illness due to influenza.
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