We’re breaking down the Requirements of Participation Phase 2 updates and Phase 3 new guidance.
Today we’re focusing on F600, F604, F607, F608, F609, and the Psychosocial Outcome Severity Guide addressing abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Look for additional updates each week through October.
§483.12-Freedom from Abuse,
Neglect, and Exploitation
What you need to know: CMS made changes to the guidance for §483.12 Freedom from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation and updated the Psychosocial Outcome Severity Guide.
There are now 9 tags related to freedom from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Removes language regarding sexual abuse
Includes additional guidance on neglect.
F604-Physical Restraints
Clarifies when bed rails meet the definition of a physical restraint.
F607-Abuse Policies
Includes guidance for coordination with QAPI and provisions from the former F608.
F608-Reporting of Suspected Crimes
This guidance was deleted and added to F607 and F609.
F609-Reporting Alleged Violations
Revises definitions and guidance for the timing of reports.
Adds language for what facilities must report and provisions from the former F608.
Note also, technical changes were made to the following:
Surveyors use it to determine the severity of the psychosocial outcome resulting from noncompliance and to assist them in applying the reasonable person concept.