Aug 6 – MESA Resource Call: I'm a MESA Rep – Now What?
If you are a WSI, EAI, or WAI contact, please use this email to make announcements at your FA meeting(s).
2023 Forum Highlights Now Available!
The WSI SGSC posted the 2023 Forum highlights of the breakout sessions. Click here to access the Forum highlights.
Want the EAI Service Support Weekend to come to you in 2024?
Learn more about what this two-day event is all about and the requirements for the application, which is due August 31, 2023, on our website. Click here to access the SSW webpage.
Resources for How to Organize and Run a Virtual Public Information Session has been uploaded to the FA website.
The FA WSI Literature Committee cordially invites you to a fellowship-wide virtual qualification recording for the FA Podcast. Attend one or both. The first one will be in Spanish.
Feeling discouraged? Experiencing difficulties now or in the past? You are not alone – the path to recovery can be challenging. Our speakers are not experts, they are just sharing their own obstacles and struggles and providing encouragement not to "Quit Before the Miracle." All are welcome!
Having difficulty hosting or attending virtual meetings? Is difficulty with technology interfering with your recovery? Office hours are now available twice a month for all fellows on the fourth weekend of the month.
Tradition Seven: "Every FA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." The Traditions Review Committee is excited to present our eForum series. Join us to hear experience, strength and hope from several panelists regarding their personal experience with this Tradition.