Taking into consideration all feedback received, WAI will be voting on these WAI Draft Bylaws on Sunday December 8th, during our WAI meeting at 8:30 AM PT. Here is the summary of the changes from our current WAI bylaws. At that meeting, we will also vote on a Standing Rule of Order motion defining Substantial Unanimity, to match the definition approved at the 2023 World Service Business Conference.
EAI Bylaws Motion - Election Timing Change
The EAI Chair, with the Bylaws Committee, presents a motion to change the timing of the Executive Board Elections, and therefore the Committee Chair appointments, from January/February to July/September. You can read the proposed Motion here.
If you'd like to learn more, please attend one of the discussion calls scheduled.
Advanced registration is closed but you can still register on-site (no meal plan provided) for the in-person Service Support Weekend being held THIS WEEKEND November 15-17 in Arlington, VA. The 2024 theme is Service: Courage to Change. All are welcome! To volunteer for service during the weekend or for more information, go to the Service Support Weekend web page.
FA Meeting Re-Registration is Ongoing!
Read this email from the World Service Board about FA meeting re-registration. Meeting Contacts, WSI and Intergroup Reps and Secretaries are all able to re-register the meeting. Here's how to re-register.
Submit Main Motions to your Intergroup by the end of November
Thank-a-Thons consist of multiple one hour meetings held back to back on the morning of Thanksgiving (in the US) or on another day of gratitude.
Fellowships should submit the Thank-a-Thon details to the Events calendar. Further information and a list of all Thank-a-Thons is located here. Meeting formats specific to Thank-a-Thons are located here. Please email 12thstep@foodaddicts.org with any questions.
Have some fun! Use QR codes under Art, News, & Clues to access extra content, including... well, you'll just have to check it out and see!
Are you subscribed to the Connection? If not, click here.
Note: no Connection rep call in November.
Did you hear a qualification at a meeting or hang up from an outreach call recently and think ‘wow, what a great story!’?
Click here to suggest a FA member to record for the FA podcast! We are looking for FA members who demonstrate recovery with 5+ years abstinence who have completed two twelve-step studies.