Nov 10 & 11 – connection Writing Sessions with one that is Australia/New Zealand time-zone friendly!
If you are a WSI, EAI, or WAI contact, please use this email to make announcements at your FA meeting(s).
All Chapters and Stories from the FA Book are Now Available on the FA Website
This will be especially helpful for virtual FA Literature Meetings that may choose to display the book on the screen during meetings. Explore the FA Book.
WAI September Summary Report
Check out September's edition of The Scoop. The August edition was sent out erroneously last newsletter. We apologize for the confusion.
A Service Group Support Committee Snippet - News You Can Use!
Grow fellowship connections with your meeting phone list! A great way to grow fellowship through connection and service! Join a local service group!
A Weekend to Spread the Word of Recovery - November 4 & 5
Having difficulty hosting or attending virtual meetings? Is difficulty with technology interfering with your recovery? Office hours are now available twice a month for all fellows on the fourth weekend of the month.
Practice the tool of writing! All are welcome; 90 days is not required to participate. Register for one of the sessions below. Check the FA Events Calendar for details.