We are looking forward to an educational FA Symposium event this Sunday, October 10.
We recognize that each individual must assess their personal risk and level of comfort when attending in-person gatherings. The symposium will be held both in-person at the Crowne Plaza King of Prussia and virtually via live stream, to allow the community to participate in a way that best fits their situation. However you elect to participate, we are grateful for your continued engagement. 

In-person and virtual attendees will be able to participate in live polling questions, utilized by speakers throughout the symposium, via a program called Poll Everywhere. Instructions for using Poll Everywhere will be provided during the symposium, but please plan to have your cell phone charged and nearby to respond to the live polls.

Registration and breakfast will start at 7:30am, and the symposium will begin at 8:30am (ET). Click the button below to read the full agenda. We’ve also included additional information below to let you know what to expect from each participation option.
In-Person Attendees
  • rideATAXIA Shuttle: FARA has organized a shuttle from the Symposium hotel- Crowne Plaza King of Prussia to rideATAXIA Philly on October 9th. The shuttle will leave the hotel at approx. 7am, 8am, 9am and 10am and will start making return trips at 12pm. The shuttle (King Limo) is wheelchair accessible with a lift and has two wheel chair seat-belt areas. Special thanks to Reata Pharmaceuticals for sponsoring this shuttle.
  • FA Symposium Check In: Name badges and folders will be available on Sunday morning at the registration desk outside of the ballroom. Name badges will be arranged alphabetically to easily locate your name.
  • Masks: Consistent with CDC recommendations, FARA requires all attendees of the FA Symposium to wear face coverings over their nose and mouth, when not actively eating and drinking in indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available to all attendees.
  • Event Layout:  The ballroom will be set to allow for distancing at and between tables.
  • Self Health Assessment: In light of the ongoing spread of COVID-19, individuals who cannot affirmatively respond to all of the categories below should not engage in FARA face-to-face activities. By attending, you agree that you:
  1. Have not had close contact with a person confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days;
  2. Are not currently experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19, which include fever, cough, and shortness of breath among others;
  3. Are not waiting for a COVID-19 test result or received a positive test for COVID-19 in the past 14 days;
  4. Have not traveled internationally or to a community in the U.S. that has experienced or is experiencing sustained community spread of COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
  5. Will wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when not actively eating or drinking.

Attendees agree to report a positive COVID-19 test to FARA at [email protected] within 14 days after participating or volunteering at FARA events.
Virtual Attendees

  • Zoom: Virtual Attendees can access the live stream of the symposium via Zoom.  Click here to have the Zoom credentials sent to your email. The Meeting ID is: 827 3021 7655 and the passcode is: FARA2021 The broadcast will begin at 8:30am (ET). 
  • Q&A: Virtual participants can submit questions through the Q&A function on Zoom. A FARA staff person will monitor the Q&A box for questions and share them with speakers if time allows. 
  • Breakout Session: The breakout session that will be live streamed is Medical Trusts and Estate Planning for Special Needs with Rebecca A. Hobbs, Esq., Certified Elder Law Attorney - O’Donnell, Weiss & Mattei, P.C. The other breakout sessions will not be streamed.
  • Meeting Recording: If you are unable to tune in for the live stream, the FA symposium will be recorded and made available on FARA's YouTube Channel.