Head of School Message
Dear FA Families,

In today’s world schools are charged with, and expected to address, a wide array of issues. In many ways that makes perfect sense and seems reasonable given that the vast majority of a child’s waking hours in these critically formative, school-age years are spent in the school environment and/or doing school-related work.

Most of us in the adult world have come to realize that character, work ethic, and compassion often pay larger dividends in life than native intelligence, book knowledge, and even problem-solving skills or curiosity… but the truth is that all of these traits are not mutually exclusive and in fact, more often than not, some can actually go hand-in-hand. What I think that operating in the adult world has come to reveal for many of us is that the latter four attributes only count to their full extent if they are built on the foundation of the first three. The real core business of school then is to help children develop all of these attributes and to inspire each young person to be their best selves. That’s a mouthful for any school community to take on and exactly why parents are so eager to find a school partner that is working hard in the quest to deliver on that promise.

Examples of FA’s commitment to these larger goals abound; and the breadth of programs, the quality of the adult mentors (teachers and coaches), and the quality of the peer interactions all contribute to our achieving these larger goals. My general focus in this Sunday’s message is on the classroom environments in all three divisions, across all disciplines, and how those environments and curriculum encourage the development of the mind, as well as support other growth realms. The specific example called forth today is a recent writing activity in Melanie Howell’s Sixth Grade English Class.

From the mouths of the students…

“After reading Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book, our sixth grade English class took note of the similarities between Gaiman’s book and Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book. Mrs. Howell challenged us to write a new version of the same story. We studied plot and character development then discussed the importance of varied sentence structure and how to write dialogue.”

Understanding the critical elements that contribute to good fiction and effective storytelling and participating in the editing process of producing quality writing are skill sets that pay dividends in school and life.

Caleb Shorthouse merged all the documents into one Google doc and formatted the cover that Mrs. Howell designed. Mrs. Howell uploaded the final pdf into KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).

The book, We Are Writers, is available on Amazon and is dedicated to a much-beloved Lower School teacher, Charlotte Floyd Gore, who recently passed away. Imagine the pride in these sixth graders as they find their original work on Amazon (Best Seller Ranks: #740,400 in Books, #833 in College & University Student Life, and #43,509 in Literary Fiction!). Imagine further the number of lessons gleaned from this single project ranging from the tenacity and perseverance developed in to birth an original idea and following it through to publication to cultivating the discipline to write and rewrite drafts of a story.

The truth is that in our society today schools are asked to do a lot. By creating activities that prioritize the acquisition of important skills and attitudes and by having those activities led and facilitated by smart, caring adults, schools can do a lot. Mrs. Howell’s students are but emblematic of all of the students here at Frederica, and activities like theirs that excite and empower our students to be their best scholars are becoming a hallmark of the school.


Scott L. Hutchinson
Head of School
This Week at FA

Monday @ 8:00 AM
AP World History Exam

Monday @ 9:00 AM
Senior Math Exams
Mr. Riggs' Classroom

Monday @ 3:30 PM
GISA AAA Girls Soccer
Elite Eight Playoff Game
Dismissal @ 9:05 AM
Click here for bracket.

Monday @ 4:00 PM
Middle School Faculty Meeting
Hamilton Hall

Tuesday @ 8:00 AM
AP Spanish Exam

Tuesday @ 9:00 AM
Senior History Exam
Corn Hall Conference Room

Tuesday @ 10:00 AM
Middle School Assembly

Tuesday @ 3:25 PM
May Court Rehearsal
Sea Island Green

Wednesday @ 8:00 AM
AP English Language Exam

Wednesday @ 9:00 AM
Senior Exams

Wednesday @ 3:30 PM
Graduation Practice
Sea Island Green

GISA AAA State Tennis Team Tournament
John Drew Smith Tennis Center
Click here for Girls' Bracket.
Click here for Boys' Bracket.

Thursday @ 6:00 PM
Class of 2021
Baccalaureate Ceremony
Community Church
St. Simons Campus
2700 Frederica Road
By Invitation Only (Limited Seating)

GISA AAA State Soccer Semi-Finals
Mercer University in Macon
FA Boys vs. Westminster (Augusta) or Brookwood
FA Girls play with win on Monday.

Friday @ 8:00 AM
AP Biology Exam

Friday @ 8:10 AM
Lower School Morning Meeting
Soccer/Football Bleachers + Field
Mrs. Squire's Class

Friday @ 11:35 AM
MS Student Council
Powder Puff Game

Friday @ Noon
US Student Dismissal

Friday @ 12:15 PM
MS Student Dismissal

Friday @ 2:00 PM
May Day Ceremony
Sea Island Green
May Court (10 Representatives + Escorts in Grades 6-12)
May Pole Program (Grades 4+5)
Music Program (Grade 3)

Saturday @ 8:30 AM
Class of 2021
Graduation Ceremony
Sea Island Green
By Invitation Only (Limited Seating)
Livestream Available

GISA AAA State Soccer Finals
Mercer University
Pending Outcome of Monday + Friday Games
Derby Day Thank You!
PK Welcomes New Knights
It has been a very exciting several days in Pre-K! PK students have been watching over an egg incubator in the Pre-K Center! The students did a unit on Life Cycles and talked about the different stages they go through and how they grow and change through each stage. On Friday, April 30, the students welcomed three baby chicks! They hatched during school hours, so the Pre-K students were able to watch them hatch out of their shells. It was truly an amazing experience for them to witness. The chicks lived in the Pre-K Center for a couple of days before being taken to a coop with other chickens. The children got to see them run around and learn how they eat. The especially enjoyed being able to hold the little chicks. This was such a fun experience for everyone!
Knights Table Menus
FA Yearbook Distribution
Frederica Academy's 2020-2021 edition of The Legend will be distributed on Thursday.

On Friday, the Class of 2021 surprised the school's co-founder, Dewey Benefield, with the announcement that this year's commemorative 50th Anniversary yearbook is dedicated in his honor and in the memory of his late wife, Tiggie Benefield. Mr. Benefeld's two children, Helen Benefield Billings '83 and Jim Benefield '81 joined their father for the ceremony.

Sarah Sarzier, editor of The Legend, made the announcement and James Cruikshank, Upper School Student Council President, introduced Mr. Benefield before he addressed the seniors with congratulatory remarks before their graduation, which was the pretense for his attending the assembly.
Following the assembly, the seniors enjoyed an outdoor lunch from La Plancha while recording their individual Baccalaureate speeches.
LS Morning Meeting
Mr. Roberts' Fourth Grade students led Morning Meeting last Friday morning. This week, Mrs. Squire's Fourth Grade class will lead Morning Meeting, which will take place at the soccer/football field and bleachers on Friday at 8:10 a.m. Parents are welcome to attend.
MS Powder Puff Game
The Middle School Student Council is sponsoring a Powder Puff football game at 11:35 a.m. on Friday. Middle School will dismiss at 12:15 p.m. following the game.
May Day Ceremony
May Day Celebration
Friday at 2:00 PM
Sea Island Green

The program will include:
2021 May Court (Grades 6-12)
Musical Performance (3rd Grade)
May Pole Dance (4th + 5th Grade Girls)
May Pole Escorts (4th + 5th Grade Boys)

Upper School Dismissal @ Noon

Middle School Dismissal @ 12:15 PM
(Following Powder Puff Game)

Lower School Dismissal (1-5) @ 3:00 PM

All FA students and families are invited to attend.
MAY 17-21
Library Book Deadline
All library books are due the week of May 17th. There is a $15 fee for books not returned by May 25th. Thank you for your cooperation.
MAY 20
LS Talent Show Deadline
This year, the Lower School Talent Show will be virtual. Students are invited to take a picture (paintings, sculptures, or other artwork) or video of their talent and send it to Mrs. Rolland to be included in a video on the last day of school. Talent videos should be less than one minute in length. After the hot dog party on May 25th, students will watch the video with their classmates in their classrooms.
Videos and pictures are due to Mrs. Rolland on Thursday, May 20, by the end of the day.
MAY 25
Lower School KiX
KiX will not be offered on Tuesday, May 25, which is the last day of Lower School classes.
MAY 26
Closing Ceremonies
St. Simons Presbyterian Church has kindly agreed to let FA use its sanctuary for our Closing Ceremonies on Wednesday, May 26.

Each ceremony will be limited to the students and their families for the following grade levels:

  • Fourth Grade (9:00 AM)
  • Fifth Grade (10:00 AM)
  • Eighth Grade (11:00 AM)

Additional details regarding each ceremony will soon be shared with these parents.
Cruikshank Scholarship
James Cruikshank formally received his Rotary Scholarship last week. James will attend Duke University this fall and will receive $3,000 each year for the next four years due to the generosity of the Rotary Club of St. Simons Island's Scholarship Program.
Elliott Scholarship
The Golden Isles Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (GIMOAA) has awarded Joshua Elliott a $2,000 scholarship.
Sixth Grade Carpe Vitam
Patience paid off this week for the sixth-grade students when they finally arrived at Camp Ebenezer. Not even COVID-19 could suppress the joy found on the faces of our students as they unloaded the bus and moved into the cabins they have been curious about since last spring when the pandemic changed our world.

Activities included a Western Night-themed banquet complete with square dancing, a lesson presented by the University of Georgia Extension Service about the role Georgia snakes play in the food chain, and archery taught by a former national and world champion archer. The students excelled in team building exercises which naturally led to opportunities for leadership, communication, and compromise. While teachers were interested in the history of the Salzburgers who settled this land in 1734, their students enjoyed running the same ground while playing Manhunt after dark with classmates. The New Ebenezer Retreat Center is a special place for many reasons, and our sixth graders thrived in this unique outdoor learning environment.  
Seventh Grade Carpe Vitam
This year's Seventh Grade Carpe Vitam trip was one for the books! In a pandemic year, when we initially thought we would be unable to have Carpe Vitam, the Middle School faculty chaperones managed to put together a week full of fun and educational experiences.

Day 1 began with a trip to Yulee, Florida, where students spent their time at White Oak Conservation. They rode in a trolly and were able to experience a wildlife tour that included tigers, petting rhinos, and feeding giraffes. Day 2 was an adventurous day at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, where they spent most of the morning canoeing up and down the Suwannee Canal. The rest of the day was full of wildlife tours, and students even got to see a variety of carnivorous plants that they just finished researching in science class. Day 3 they woke up early to catch the ferry to Cumberland Island. The students really enjoyed learning the history of the island, including the horses that have claimed it as their own. Students were able to enjoy their time hunting for shark's teeth, and ended their time with a beach day. Their final day of the trip was local, and a definite highlight for the week. They were fortunate to take a two-hour tour on the Lady Jane shrimp boat for a trawling trip. Students were taught the history of commercial shrimping and the importance of the wildlife in the Golden Isles. This was a great experience for all; they especially enjoyed passing around and holding a variety of marine life. "Overall, this year's Carpe Vitam rocked!," declared Coach Zimmermann, one of the trip's faculty advisors. She added, "We had a great time with our seventh graders, and it was nice watching them take full advantage of this opportunity to learn outside of the classroom."
Eighth Grade Carpe Vitam
For this year's Carpe Vitam trip, Eighth Grade students traveled to Saint Augustine, Florida. After arriving in St. Augustine, the students went straight to the old jail to be processed for booking. Afterwards, they hopped on a trolley and explored St. Augustine. They toured The Castillo, then enjoyed ice cream and burgers, before ending the day with a ghost tour. On day two, they travelled to Orlando and did iFly Indoor Skydiving, then went to Andretti for lunch and games. At Andretti the students played laser tag, did a roller coaster simulation, and raced go karts before spending an hour playing arcade games. Everyone finished the day with dinner and entertainment at Medieval Times. For their third day, the students started off with a sailboat ride before heading to George Street for a chocolate and candy tour. Once there, they got into small groups and each student got their own bags to fill up. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a pizza lunch together before jumping on the bus to head to the beach. It was perfect beach weather, and the kids were able to get their tans on, swim, and play spike ball. For dinner, everyone got dressed up for a nice meal at Gypsy Cab. On their fourth and final day, the group got to visit a gator farm and zoo and climb the St. Augustine lighthouse. It was the perfect end to a wonderful trip! 
Second Grade Music
Second Grade Musical Form Studies for Star Wars Day!

Second Grade students have been studying the elements of music, and the last couple weeks their studies have been focused on form, or musical sections. They have discovered binary form with two contrasting sections and ternary form with three sections. On May 4th, students had a blast analyzing the Star Wars main theme and illustrating it with a parachute routine. May the 4th be with you!
Second Grade Moms Breakfast
Second Grade students honored their mothers with their artistry and storytelling skills at a breakfast last week as a precursor to Mother's Day.
Pizza Art (Grades 1-2)
First Grade and Second Grade students read the classic storybook, Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig, and then made their own paper pizzas in art class.
First Grade Art
Eliana Tsai taught her First Grade classmates how to draw a bunny in art class.
Pre-K Mother's Day Tea
Pre-K students hosted their mothers for a Mother's Day Tea on Friday.
LS Tinker Time Photos
May Events

May 17 @ 8:00 AM
AP Comparative Government Exam
AP Computer Science Principles Exam

May 17 @ Noon
AP Statistics Exam

May 17-20
MS + US Exam Reviews

May 18
AP Computer Science Exam

May 20 @ 8:45 AM
Second Grade Beach Trip

May 21 @ 9:00 AM
MS + US History Exams
Early Dismissal

May 24 @ 9:00 AM
MS + US Math Exams
Early Dismissal

May 24 (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Second Grade EOY Party
Island Cinemas + Mallery Park

May 25
Last Day of Lower School (PK-Third Grade)

May 25
Lower School KiX will NOT be offered.

May 25 @ 9:00 AM
MS + US English Exams
Early Dismissal

May 26
MS + US Make-Up Exam Day

May 26 @ 9:00 AM
Fourth Grade Closing Ceremony
@ St. Simons Presbyterian Church

May 26 @ 10:00 AM
Fifth Grade Closing Ceremony
@ St. Simons Presbyterian Church

May 26 @ 11:00 AM
Eighth Grade Closing Ceremony
@ St. Simons Presbyterian Church

May 27-28
Teacher Post Planning
FA Summer Programs
FA Social Media
FA Quick Links