Dear Fellows,
Thank you to everyone that took the time to respond to our FA WSI Business Convention Format Survey. We had over 800 responses from fellows! The vast majority of members preferred the rotation of our business convention every year from a virtual format to an in-person format. After consulting the WSI board and outside professionals, our committee has begun the work to honor the fellowship’s request to alternate the format of the business convention each year.
To ensure that we have one in-person convention opportunity each year, the FA World Service 2024 - 2025 convention schedule is as follows:
May 31 - June 2, 2024, FA WSI Business Convention, in-person at The Doubletree Hotel in Danvers, MA
May/June 2025 FA WSI Business Convention, virtual convention. Dates TBD
October 2025 FA WSI Fellowship Convention, in person at The Grand Resort and Spa in Phoenix, AZ. Dates TBD
Our committee has formed an advisory sub-committee of members to focus on the deliberative part of our convention. We welcome any member with experience in planning a virtual deliberative convention involving motions, voting, and elections to contact by December 15, 2023.
Thank you all for your commitment and service to this organization and we look forward to seeing you at our next convention!
Yours in Service,
FA WSI Convention Planning Committee