April 10, 2024

Dear Parents,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the remarkable outreach and support shown by our school community during the recent passing of one of our school family members, Robert McMenomy. Your response during this difficult time has been nothing short of inspirational, and it serves as a shining example of what it means to be true Catholic disciples.

The loss of a loved one is a profound experience that can deeply impact individuals and families. However, witnessing the outpouring of love, compassion, and solidarity from our school community has been a source of immense comfort and strength for Ellie, Clara, Lucy, Grace and Meaghan.

As Catholic disciples, we are called to emulate the teachings of Jesus Christ by loving and supporting one another, especially in times of need. Your unwavering commitment to living out these principles serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of our faith community. 

Moving forward, let us continue to hold the McMenomy family in our thoughts and prayers as they navigate through this period of mourning. Here is a link to Rob’s Obituary which gives the details of the services planned this weekend.

Robert McMenomy

Once again, thank you for your outstanding display of compassion and unity. Together, we have shown what it truly means to be a part of the Father Allouez Catholic School community.

Growing in GRACE,

Kay Franz

Join us for Pizza with a Purpose for a night out building the FACS community while serving the greater community! This month we'll be featuring Howe Community Resource Center (HCRC).


5:30pm~6:15pm Free pizza dinner & learn about the featured non-profit: Howe Community Resource Center (presentation will be student friendly so all attending will learn something!)

6:15pm~7:00pm Group service project packing snack packs for classrooms at Howe Community School 

We ask that a parent/guardian attend with any PK - 4th grade student. Middle school students are welcome to attend without a parent/guardian, and the service project is a great way to get in a volunteer hour. If you need to arrive late or leave early, that's okay; Please join us for what you can. We'd love to have you there! 

Please RSVP here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0F4AAEAD23A4FF2-48746402-pizza 

It is time to celebrate our Mrs. Franz and her dedication to Father Allouez Catholic School and GRACE. Please join us in celebrating her the week of April 29th. We would love your participation! 

Monday, April 29th: Superhero Day. Dress like a superhero or wear a superhero shirt

Thursday, May 2nd: All School Mass. Please join us at 8:30am at St Matthew's Catholic Church honoring our principal. Drop off in the morning will be same as usual Res Campus students will be bussed over.

Friday, May 3rd: Day at the FACS Oscars. Students are encouraged to dress up in formal wear for the FACS awards ceremony

We would love Mrs. Franz to reminisce the impact she has had on us. Anyone that is interested in sending a letter, a note, a card, or a special memory should have them to either the Resurrection campus or the St. Matthew campus by Friday, April 26th addressed or marked as LTP. 

Throughout the week, Mrs. Franz will be gifted with love. If you are interested in making a monetary donation please send this to either campus addressed or marked as Sunshine. 

Still Time to Order Your Yearbook! Don't Miss Out!

If you have not already ordered your yearbook with Harmann Studios please use the link below to do so.

LINK:  harmann.com/ordering

School Specific Code: FACSYB

The St. Matt's Kids Running program will be starting on Monday, April 29th! This program emphasizes fun and fitness and prepares students to run the Bellin 5K Race (the 5K was just added last year and is the same time/day as the longstanding Bellin 10K) which will be held on Saturday June 8th.  

This is a free program and all St. Matt's students K-4 are welcome, but students younger than 2nd grade need a parent/adult volunteer to run with them for safety purposes. We will be practicing twice a week after school at St. Matt's (we will run outside) starting on Monday, April 29th. Practice dates are as follows: April 29 ; May 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 22, 28 and 30 and June 4 and 6. These practices will take 30-60 minutes depending on the length of the run. Pickup times will be noted on the practice schedule that will be given out to those who sign up.  We are greatly in need of adult helpers! You don't need to run to help!  Help needed includes directing/cheering on students on the route and making sure they are safe, handing out water, and helping with snacks.  To sign your child up or if you have questions, please contact Carrie Miller at 920-309-2444 or carrielmiller99@gmail.com.

Learn Archery from the St. John the Baptist Archery Team!

Are you interested in learning archery? Sign up for a free archery clinic on Saturday, April 20th from 9-11 am at St. John the Baptist School. Spots in the clinic are limited so, please RSVP here.

Register for NDA and SNC Athletics Camps

Click here for a master list of all upcoming St. Norbert College and Notre Dame Academy athletics camps! GRACE is proud to partner with our CatholicLink schools to provide these opportunities.


 Alpha is a video series that invites us to explore some of life’s biggest questions. Each session lasts roughly 90 minutes and includes snacks, a video, and discussion with other FACS parents. Everyone is invited to participate, regardless of their faith background. 

Even if you didn’t attend our first sessions in December, you are more than welcome to join us. The dates and times for the remainder of the year are listed below and we’d love to have you for as many as you can make. To make it easier for parents to attend, we are offering free child care at each session. Simply sign up here (https://forms.gle/qM25TeEKSt8Pd72HA) so we can plan for food and child care. 

Questions about Alpha? Contact Peter Weiss (peterweiss@uwalumni.com).

  • Session 11 - Sunday, April 14, 3:30 - 5:00 in the St. Matthew Gathering Space
  • Session 12 - Sunday, April 21, 3:30 - 5:00 in the St. Matthew Gathering Space
  • Session 13 - Sunday, April 28, 3:30 - 5:00 in the St. Matthew Gathering Space

Alpha is made possible in part by a grant from the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.


Please NOTE the important and fast approaching deadlines!

Don’t drop the ball and miss out on these important opportunities.

LINK HERE for more information!


Click here to register

Calendar of Events

April 18 SAC meeting 6:00pm SMC

April 19 No School - Teacher in Service

May 10 Special Person's Day/Art Show-SMC Grades -PreK-4th

May 10 Early Dismissal 11:15 SMC 11:30 RC

May 15 MS Spring Concert 7:00pm/Art Show

May 16 SAC meeting 6:00pm SMC

May 23&24 8th Grade Camp Tekakwitha

May 24 Kindergarten Round-Up/Step Up Day

May 27 No School - Memorial Day

GRACE Academic Calendar 2024-2025

NDA News -April

Spend your Summer at NDA! 

NDA Enrichment and Athletics Camps are dedicated to providing every camper with a safe environment where students learn, discover, and have lots of fun! We build lasting memories for your children and we cherish that opportunity each and every year! Our campers will grow, laugh, and learn with each new experience!

Registration is now open for all 2024 Triton Summer Camps. Register here.

Class of 2028:

We are still accepting applications for the Class of 2028. The application is linked here.

Pancake Run/Walk at NDA

When/Where: Wednesday, April 24th at NDA’s Ted Fritsch Field (shirt pick up is 4:30 p.m., run starts at 5:00 p.m.) 

Entry Fee: $20 gets you a shirt and all you can eat pancakes

What: Run/Walk for the NDA Closet

Who: Everyone

NDA Busing 2024/2025

The following information is for Green Bay residence only. If you will be attending Notre Dame in the fall and will be requesting busing, you will need to fill out an enrollment form (Link below) by May 1st. This form is ONLY for students who live in the Green Bay Area School District. No form is required for any other district for busing. More information click here. Questions? Ckirschling@notredameacademy.com

NDA Dance Team Tryouts: 

Join the nationally ranked Notre Dame Dance Team! More information can be found on out website: https://notredamedance.wixsite.com/dance For questions email NotreDameAcademyDance@gmail.com

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