January 10, 2024
Dear Father Allouez School Community,
It is with mixed emotions that I write to you today, as I announce my retirement at the end of this academic year effective July 1, 2024. After 43 years dedicated to Catholic education, with the last 10 years serving as the principal of GRACE Father Allouez Catholic School, I believe it is time to pass the torch to a new leader.
This decision has not been an easy one, as this school and its community have become an integral part of my life. Witnessing the growth and success of our students over the years has been immensely fulfilling. Each one of you, whether students, parents, or faculty, has contributed to the vibrant and nurturing environment that defines Father Allouez Catholic School.
I am immensely proud of the accomplishments we have achieved together, and I have full confidence in the continued success and growth of our school. The dedication and passion exhibited by our exceptional teaching staff, the support from parents, and the hard work of our students have made FACS a truly special place.
As I step down from my role, I am filled with gratitude for the countless memories and meaningful experiences shared with all of you. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the principal of Father Allouez, and I am confident that the values and traditions that make this school unique will endure.
I want to express my deepest appreciation to the entire community for your unwavering support throughout the years. I am confident that the GRACE System, along with the talented and dedicated faculty and staff, will continue to guide FACS towards a bright and successful future.
As I embark on this new chapter in my life, I carry with me the cherished memories of our shared journey and the knowledge that Father Allouez Catholic School will continue to thrive under new leadership.
Thank you for the privilege of being a part of this incredible community.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Kay Franz
Principal, Father Allouez Catholic School
Attachment: Communication from President Kimberly Desotell