October 18, 2023
Dear Parents,
We look forward to meeting with you during the upcoming parent teacher conferences Tuesday, October 24th and Thursday, October 26th. If you have not signed up for a conference yet, please use the link provided in today’s communication to reserve a time with your child’s teacher. Your involvement and partnership in your child's education are greatly appreciated.
This year the Green Bay Diocese changed the standardized test to determine your child’s progress from the MAP Assessment to the STAR test. The STAR test assesses your child’s progress in math and reading. The report communicating your child’s progress on the STAR assessment will be sent home in a sealed envelope with your child on Monday, October 23. Please take some time to review the results of the test before your parent teacher conference so that you can get any questions answered by your child’s teacher during your meeting.
In addition to the STAR results you might consider discussing the following key topics at your conference:
Academic Progress: Inquire about your child's academic performance, including strengths and areas that may need improvement. Ask about their participation in class, homework completion, and overall participation with the curriculum.
Social and Emotional Development: Explore your child's social interactions and emotional well-being. Discuss any challenges or changes in their behavior, friendships, or attitude towards school.
Homework and Study Habits: Inquire about the amount of homework your child receives and discuss strategies to support their study habits
at home.
Special Needs or Concerns: If your child has any special educational needs, behavioral concerns, or health issues that may affect their learning, it's important to communicate these to the teacher.
Questions and Concerns: Finally, make sure to voice any questions, concerns, or suggestions you may have. Your perspective and insights are invaluable in helping us provide the best education for your child.
Thank you for your continued support.
Growing in GRACE,
Kay Franz