Message from FADSS CEO
Welcome to the third issue of the FADSS 2023-2024 Business Partner Quarterly Enewsletter.
This publication provides FADSS 2023-2024 Annual Business Partners an opportunity to share timely and relevant information related to the services and products they provide to Florida school districts. This is a great way to reacquaint yourself with the companies that support FADSS year around, and get a jump start on identifying companies to seek out at FADSS Business Partner Showcase held in conjunction with our upcoming Spring Leadership Conference.
Additionally, there are 19 Associate Partners that will also be attending the Spring Conference with some participating in the Showcase, along with five Affiliate Partners.
All of these companies – Annual, Associate and Affiliate – are listed in the 2024 Spring Conference Digital Directory, which you can access via THIS LINK or download a pdf via the purple button below. The directory provides a brief overview of the company, primary contact, and a link to their website.
I ask that you take a few minutes to read these informative articles to learn more about the quality products and services they provide to school districts, as well as view the digital directory for a listing of all companies that support FADSS. Their support of FADSS, Florida district school superintendents, and public education, is invaluable and greatly appreciated.
— Bill Montford