Sweater weather, pumpkin lattes, hay-rack rides, and pumpkins are upon us! Just because the temperature outside will be falling, that doesn't mean your health should too!

  • Get enough vitamin D. As the days become shorter, natural light can lead to a lack of vitamin D.
  • Take a brisk walk.
  • Stay hydrated. For every cider or pumpkin latte also drink a glass of water!
  • Check your calorie intake. Soups are a great idea, but cut calories by adding Greek yogurt instead of sour cream!
  • Be vigilant about handwashing. Flu season is happening, so wash those hands!
  • Schedule any check-ups that you may have missed over the summer.

Strategies for a Healthy Autumn!



Join Us for a Creative Morning at the Halstead Brick Street Arts and Crafts Festival on October 14th, 10am-12pm

If you're looking for a delightful way to spend your Saturday morning, look no further. We invite you to join us at the KLCH booth during the Halstead Fine Arts and Crafts Festival. Thanks to a generous grant from AARP, we're on a mission to find local creators—young and seasoned alike.

Why You Should Be There:

WE NEED YOU! Come show off your artistic flair through rock painting. Yes, you heard that right—rock painting! It's a simple yet fulfilling craft that anyone can enjoy, especially those of us who've gathered a wealth of life experiences.

What We Have For You:

We'll have a selection of rocks ready and waiting for you. Choose a small rock to paint and take home as a keepsake or conversation piece. But that's not all! You'll also get to paint a larger rock that will be proudly displayed on the KLCH campus. Imagine contributing to a communal art piece that will be admired by visitors for years to come!

A Gathering for All Ages:

Whether you're a grandparent, parent, or simply someone who appreciates the artistic things in life, this event is for you. It's a wonderful way to engage with your community, share your creativity, and even learn something new.

So Mark Your Calendars: October 14th from 10am to 12pm.

We can't wait to see you at the KLCH booth at the Halstead Fine Arts and Crafts Festival. Let's come together to create something beautiful.

See you there!

Unleash Your Inner Artist: AARP Cement Painting Project for the 50+ Crowd

Hello, seasoned artists and creative souls! If you're 50 or better and have a knack for art, we've got an exciting opportunity just for you. Starting today, we're inviting you to be part of a vibrant community art project at the KLCH campus. And guess what? Your artwork could become a permanent fixture beneath our brand-new AARP benches!

What We're Looking For:

We're in search of simple yet captivating 16x16 square drawings that resonate with themes like flowers, quilts, mosaics, or dot patterns. The color palette is straightforward—red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple, black, brown, and white. Feel free to play around with shades by lightening or darkening the colors with black and white. The key is to keep your designs uncomplicated and enjoyable.

How to Participate:

Create Your Masterpiece: Grab your art supplies and let your creativity flow within a 16x16 square canvas. You are welcome to swing by KLCH at 505 Main Street, Halstead, KS to pick up a 16x16 piece of paper to draw your creation on. Please use whatever art supply that you have on hand to create your design sample. (ex. colored pencils, crayons, markers, paint)

Submission: Please deliver your completed drawings to KLCH by October 20th.

Installation: We'll select 24 standout pieces to be featured on the concrete pads beneath the new AARP benches.

A Community Effort:

Students from Halstead Schools will be installing the selected drawings. But if you'd rather bring your artwork to life yourself, we welcome you to paint your design directly onto the concrete. Just reach out to KLCH to schedule a convenient time, and we'll have all the specified colors ready for you upon arrival.

Important Dates to Remember:

Submission Deadline:

October 20th

Installation Completion:

October 29th

So, if you're 50 and fabulous, why not contribute to this enriching community project? It's a fantastic way to showcase your artistic talents and add a splash of color to the KLCH campus.

We look forward to seeing your creations!

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