Dear All,
Some beautiful but also harrowing events have transpired in the past few days, each of them years in the making...
1) FCC lawsuit to protect public health and the environment FILED!!
2) Illegal 5G installations by Ericsson in Topanga halted, cease and desist letter initiated against LA County
3) Other excellent news
4) Emergency in Sweden!
5) Upcoming 5G Global protest day
6) Defending myself against false claims sent out from dafna tachover
Our FCC Lawsuit for Failure to Protect Public Health Filed!
I am SO happy to announce our lawsuit against the FCC for not properly protecting public health has been filed today! Please click here to see our legal brief against the FCC to REQUIRE them to consider non thermal effects from non ionizing radiation in the "safety" standards! (There are no actual levels of safety for certain members of the population and I suspect for everyone else too). This has been a long time coming! I personally have been waiting to see this happen for over 13 years now! I could not be happier! This is in addition to our lawsuit against the wireless industry and municipalities that are aiding and abating the wireless industry, profiting at our expense and violating our rights to health, life, liberty and property amongst other violations. The FCC may also be named in that lawsuit, after this current FCC filing, it remains to be seen. However, our filing of the "Erin Brinrockovich firm" lawsuit has been set back a bit due to Coronavirus lock down of nearly 5 months now. But as things are slowly lifting, we are hopeful we will have it filed soon!
Illegal 5G Installations by Ericsson in Topanga Halted, Cease and Desist Letter Initiated Against LA County...
With huge gratitude to Topanga resident, Brian Planas for obtaining pictures for us and single handed-ly stopping the illegal installations of these 5G or small cells on Topanga Cyn. Blvd! Brian had the presence of mind to also photograph the truck details, which allowed us to track this company to its true owner which turned out to be Ericsson, despite whatever "shell company" may have been printed on the truck.
We sent a legal letter of notice and cease and desist to The Planning Dept. and County Legal Council re: the illegal installations. LA County has also been using Covid 19 as an excuse to ignore our PRAs (Public Records Act Requests) which we have been issuing for months now so that we can see where any new installations are. The possibility exists that we may soon be taking legal action against LA County for ignoring our PRA requests, but again, we have been advised not to file due to the Corona lock down as the judge would most likely rule in favor of LA County in that they have no obligation to break lock down orders, go back to work and fulfill our PRA request. It's frustrating as we are aware the wireless industry is fast at work trying to get their 5G network up and running while we are all locked down. With people like Brian around, I don't think they are going to be able to fulfill their plans quite as easily as they imagined!
Other Excellent News...
Upcoming 5G Global Protest Day Mark the date! Sept. 26th, 2020 is the next global Stop 5G International protest day! News is spreading about 5G and it could not happen fast enough! Please click on this link for more info and details on the protest.
It is with a heavy heart that I must continually defend myself against dafna tachovers false claims about me...
And finally, in response to some false allegations dafna tachover has sent out to her email list about me, I and many others find it beneath CHD to have someone like this amongst their staff. I have had to recently initiate a legal action against dafna tachover for lying about me to donors and attempting to divert precious donor dollars away from our legal work towards hers. We also believe she is responsible for the ENORMOUS WASTE of donations in our collective FCC case by pursuing the "dead end street" of trying to get our case moved to a different court than where it was originally filed. We honor RFK and his bravery in speaking out on issues most attorneys wouldn't dream of touching. We feel his non profit, CHD is too good to be associated with this kind of behavior from one of their staff. And dafna is not actually even an attorney in the FCC suit. I wonder why not?
I also found it incredulous when dafnas wrote..."However, because of the extreme importance of this case, CHD and EHT's attorneys are working on a joint brief in order to ensure the best possible outcome for the case". Yes, the
attorneys are now working together despite dafna and the reason for this is the judge forced that by consolidating the cases. dafna very recently actually tried to block all communications between CHD and EHT plaintiffs! That attempt was promptly disregarded, but it just goes to show tyrannical behavior is often just a matter of narcissism as opposed to actual substance, which was clearly the case in this instance as there was no good reason for dafna to attempt to block communications between plaintiffs in the same FCC case.
And finally, both sides are now in one consolidated case, but plaintiffs/petitioners are working with their own respective attorneys even though the cases have been consolidated. In CHDs attempt to take the cases out of the court where EHT had filed and move it into the court where CHD had filed, EHT prevailed and thus became the lead plaintiff in the now consolidated case. Although that would technically make our attorney the lead attorney since he is representing the lead plaintiff, both sides are working with their respective attorneys separately, the briefs get filed together in the court due to consolidation and there is no real legal relevance (other than the enormous waste of funds in the attempt to move the cases). Our attorney wished for me to pass on to you his statement re: this...
"Environmental Health Trust v. FCC is the lead case in a consolidated appeal of the FCC's December 2019 order terminating a notice of inquiry in the radio-frequency standards issued in 1996. Being the "lead case" means that the Court and others will be referring to the case as Environmental Health Trust v. FCC. It has no legal significance, however."
When deciding where to place your precious donation dollars, please bear in mind, we all believe it was dafnas efforts to have the cases moved and who was responsible for the COLOSSAL waste of money - approximately $50,000 on our side and we can only assume the same or more on the CHD side. Please don't worry at all if you donated to our "Erin Brockovich firm" lawsuit, your donations have already been put to excellent use. Thanks to your extremely generous donations, we have thus far been able to pay $35,000 for a large portion of the retainer to one of the major law firms involved, plus $7,500 for legal research. We are very excited about filing and look forward to doing so soon!
Special thanks for materials from: Brian Planas and Ira Nussbaumer
Liz Barris