First Christian Church
2320 Country Club Rd
Winston-Salem, NC  27104
November 27th of ' 19
Welcome to FCC Weekly News!

Hello to you all and welcome to FCC Weekly News, 
your electronic source for what is happening 
at  your church each and every week.

In This Issue
Serving in Worship This Sunday
December 1st, 2019

Preaching:  Rev. David Harrison

Acolyte: Hannah Harrison

Elders: Connie Hance and Marilyn Cardwell
Deacons: Gina Pruitt, Renee Stephen and Ginny Tussey

Worship Leader: Claudia Colter

Director of Music Ministries: Regina Pozzi

Opportunities for Service & Fellowship

Noon Bible Study                    ~ CANCELLED ~
Choir Rehearsal                      7:00 p.m.

Church and Palooza are closed all day Thursday and Friday

Sunday School                        9:30 a.m.      
Fellowship T ime                   10:30 a.m.    
Sunday Service                     11:00 a.m.
1st Sunday in Advent

Men's Lunch Bunch             11:30 a.m.
@ Clemmons Kitchen

Noon Bible Study                  12:00 p.m.

Elders' Meeting                      6:00 p.m.
FCC Advent Events

Dec.   1st- First Sunday in Advent
Dec. 15th- Service- Choir Christmas Festival- "Lessons & Carols" 11:00 am
                  Cocoa and Carols in Taylor Hall- Palooza Kids and FCC Youth 4:00 pm
Dec. 19th- Blue Christmas Service in Taylor Hall- 6:00 pm
Dec. 24th- Christmas Eve Service in Taylor Hall- 5:00 pm

Our forms have been sent out through Sunday bulletins and the post office.
The due date is THIS Sunday, December 1st.

If you need another form:

please contact the church office at 722-2714
give your information to Jesse and she can fill out a form for you.

The holidays are here! We are thankful for so many things like family, home, food and good health.  

Have you ever thought how thankful you are for your church staff? 

Their job descriptions are long and many times they do even more than required of them
just because we asked. 

I am inviting you to contribute to a love offering that will be divided among all our staff. Please put "staff love offering" on the Memo line of your check and deliver it to the church office or place it in the offering plate by December 15th. 

Becky Minnix, Moderator 2019
Crisis Control Ministry

Dear Friends,

The Holidays are fast approaching. One of the best things about this busy time of year is that our kitchens are filled with the good aromas coming from those cookies, cakes and other desserts we bake. Crisis Control Ministry realizes this too. For the month of December, they are requesting BAKING SUPPLIES so their clients can also enjoy those same things. Fill your grocery cart with sugar, flour, cake mixes or anything else you might like to give and bring it to the church. Place them in the white container in the Education Foyer and we will deliver them. Your stockings will be filled with multiple blessings!

Becky Minnix
Christian Action Ministry
Girls that Give

Did you know?
Most people walk an average  of four miles a day, 
but our homeless  neighbors average ten-a painful  difference.

Did you know?
Socks are the least-donated clothing items 
and yet the most in-demand for our local brothers and sisters in desperate need.

There are two main reasons socks are among the most valuable
piece of clothing to people without permanent housing:
1. Feet work overtime when there's no cozy home
    (and laundry room) to return to each night.
2. Socks and underwear aren't often donated
    or, when they are,  the goods cannot be sanitized and put to use.

Help us help the homeless!

New socks of any style or color --  Sizes infant to adult --  Gloves --  Toboggans

Drive Dates: Oct.  20th - Dec. 20th 2019

Delivery will be made to those in need in time for Christmas !!
C WF Day Group Nut Sale

Please also note the limited quantities of the following items are available:  
pecan halves, pecan pieces, black walnuts, deluxe mixed nuts, 
sweet & salty trail mix as well as  chocolate cashews.  Yummm!

If you would like to make a purchase, please contact Marilyn Cardwell at 336-722-7757.

DWM/CWF Day Group

The CWF will meet on Monday, December 16, 2019, at 3:00 pm in the library.  Our "Bad Girl of the Bible this month is Jezebel and the lesson comes from 1 Kings:18-21 and 2 Kings:9.  Start reading now!

We have several cardboard boxes of a few sizes that would be appropriate for holiday shipping; a vailable ask Jesse.
Palooza Wish List
Art/School Supplies:
  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • Washable Paint
  • Colored Pencils
  • Wooden pencils
  • Small pencil erasers (to go on pencils)
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Multi-color, multi-size paper
  • Modeling clay
  • Pipe cleaners 
  • Glitter
  • Hot glue sticks
  • Duct tape
  • Dry erase markers 
  • Coloring books -
  • Blue tacky
  • Glue dots
  • Children's yoga mats
  • Floor cushions for children
  • Play-Doh 
  • Legos
  • Diverse children's books
  • Floor puzzles 
  • Kid's jigsaw puzzles
  • Bingo for kids 
  • Minecraft games/legos
  • Map posters
  • Motivational posters
Youth Happenings

Hello and Happy December! 

The Youth Group will not meet on Wednesdays in December -- instead, we will meet on Sunday evenings for Christmas-themed activities. For specific times and events, see the list below.

December 1 - Gingerbread House Decorating! Join us from 5:30 - 6:30 pm to decorate Gingerbread Houses as a youth group and learn about why a strong foundation is important for both gingerbread houses and our faith lives. (Matt. 7:24-27)

December 8 - Tanglewood Festival of Lights! We will leave for Tanglewood from the Church Parking Lot at 5:30 pm and return no later than 8 pm (depending on traffic.)

December 15 - Christmas Hymn Sing! Everyone is invited to join us for a Christmas hymn sing from 4 - 5 pm in Taylor Hall. We will sing Christmas Carols as a congregation and enjoy cookies and cocoa afterwards.  

(The youth will not meet on Dec. 22nd or Dec. 29th) 

If you have any questions about any of these events, please contact Kaitlin at or call (828) 713-2570. 



To those interested in renewing our PINC (Partners In Christ) meetings, please respond in an e-Mail. In your answer, please relate the following answers:
  1. Your level of interest
  2. Evenings that you Cannot meet
  3. Types of activities that interest you
Our goal is to meet together and get to know each other in a more personal way. In sharing various activities, I think we accomplish that in a very Christ-like way.

In the past in addition to opening devotionals (when appropriate) we have performed several service projects - Valentine and Easter Baskets for seniors, Preparation of eggs for our Easter egg hunt,and help with fund-raising projects of the church. In addition we have prepared items for sale to raise funds and had sale of donated items.  We have also participated in fun activities such as movies, bowling, art and wine parties, and dinners out. We also had interesting speakers for our meetings as well as instructors for arts and crafts projects.

Your response to this message is important in deciding the future of PINC.

Janice Taylor

Attendance for Worship Service

You will find a black book for members and visitors alike to sign.  Please complete your information and pass it along to the person next to you. If you are the last person to sign the book on the row, pass it back to the beginning. The first person who signed will remove the sheet and place it in the offering plate .
Listen to Sermons Online

You can listen to sermons online here: A big thanks to Andy Askew for recording the sermon audio every Sunday!
Samaritan Ministries

The shelter has a year-round list of needs that are always appreciated. They especially have shortages of men's deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, and socks.  Food items are canned meats and #10 size canned fruits, vegetables and applesauce. Please place your items next to the white bin in the foyer outside the office or in the church office.
Online Giving Options!

You will now be able to use your paypal account or credit card! Go to  and click on the donate or give with givelify button under the search bar on the right hand side of the website page. It will lead you to paypal or givelify's secure pages in order to give. It even gives you the option to enroll for monthly giving so you don't forget your offering! 

You can download either of the apps as well to your smart phone! 

Check out our website for more information: