Weekly news & updates
February 24, 2022
Ashes to Go!

Along with St. Thomas, we will be offering Ashes to Go on Ash Wednesday, March 2 from 7-9 and 11:30-1:00. If you are so moved please stop by to receive your ashes. We will be in front of Molten Java on Greenwood Avenue.
Concert! March 12 at 2:30 pm

Featuring Dana Mancuso and Jason Norton
Dana will offer contemporary folk and praise.
Jason will feature works of Beethoven and Debussy
All are invited to attend this collaborative effort between First Congregational Bethel and Danbury.
Seating in the large sanctuary, masks required.
See more by clicking the link HERE

Do You Know Jonah?
Save the Dates!

How in the world can you make a full study out of the Book of Jonah??? Watch us! Please join Rev. Suzanne for a four week Bible study on the Book of Jonah on Thursday evenings March 3,10,17 and 31 at 7:00 pm. (please note no study on March 24)
Using the Viva Series we will think more deeply on themes that appear in the Book: Trouble, Time Out, Trabajo, Temper Tantrum. We hope you'll join us. The weekly study will last for one hour and be offered via Zoom. All you need is a Bible! 
Please register and you will be sent the Zoom link. Registration is open throughout the study, but you only have to one time. 
As a follow up Rev. Suzanne will be preaching on Jonah for four Sundays in Lent.

Click to register:
PLEASE DONATE!!! Sign up today!!!
February 28th, 2022 1PM-6PM
A special thanks to all who signed up so far.

Note: all 32 appointments have been filled, check back if you like in case there are cancellations. Thanks for all your participation.


Please click below to send prayer requests. If you would like to add a name to this list or if you have a confidential prayer concern, please indicate in the email.

Watch previous sermons on YouTube.
Subscribe to FCCB channel. Click the link below, click on the Subscribe button on the FCCB Channel page. Watch archived sermons anytime.

February Parent Newsletter
Click on and read our Monthly Newsletter for our Congregation and their Families! Find fun and useful tips and more
Local Retreats, Summer Programs and Events:
The Admissions Committee is now accepting applications on a rolling basis. Visit www.immaculatehs.org/admissions to learn more about scheduling a tour or applying for admission. Questions? Call (203) 744-1510 x148 or email admissions@myimmaculatehs.org.

Immaculate High School presents "Together Again on Broadway" on Saturday, March 26, 2022, from 6:00pm to 11:00pm.
Location: Amber Room Colonnade,1 Stacey Road, Danbury, CT 06810.
For more information, please visit www.immaculatehs.org/gala or contact Alumni & Events Director, Jeannie Demko at jdemko@myimmaculatehs.org or (203)744-1510 ext. 158.
Coalition 50th Anniversary National Gathering in August!
Dear Open and Affirming family!
Fifty years ago, in 1972, a courageous and visionary band of queer leaders in the United Church of their Christ (with their straight allies) founded the "UCC Gay Caucus," the forerunner of the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ.

Earlier that year, the Golden Gate Association in California ordained Bill Johnson—the first openly gay man to be authorized for ministry in an historic Protestant denomination. 
This year's National ONA Gathering will celebrate this milestone in our beloved church. We'll celebrate the past 50 years and the extraordinary growth in our movement from small beginnings, honor our elders, and learn from each other the ways our movement needs to expand its vision at the beginning of our second half-century. 
Join us on Zoom August 5, 6, 7 for this once-in-a-lifetime event. Events will be scheduled in the evenings, enabling Hawai'i and western time zones to participate. We'll announce registration in the spring, but in the meantime please mark these dates on your calendar!
As with National Gatherings in the past, there will be soul-expanding worship and mind-expanding keynotes. I'm looking forward to seeing each of you!
With every blessing,
Andy Lang
Executive Director
Open and Affirming Coalition
United Church of Christ
We're excited to see 2022 retreat offerings at Mercy by the Sea!

167 Neck Road
Madison, CT 06443-0191
Tel: (203) 245-0401
Fax: (203) 245-8718

A New Way to Register

This year, they are implementing a new online registration process. Here are some helpful hints so you know exactly what to expect and what you need on Thursday.

  • Registrations will open on Thursday, January 20 at 9 a.m.
  • Go to the retreats page on their website and choose your retreat date.
  • Click on the name of your requested retreat director. Each name is its own link and will take you to that director's specific page.
  • If the retreat director is full, a waitlist form will appear. Fill in your name and contact info to be added to the waitlist. If there are openings for the director, a "register" button will appear in the lower right corner. Click and follow the instructions.
  • Have your credit card available to process your $250.00 deposit or full payment.
  • Mercy For All funds provide financial assistance for those who cannot afford the full fee, thanks to contributions from generous donors and the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. To inquire about assistance, we invite you to contact Sister Ann McGovern.
  • If you are unable to register online, please call (203) 245 0401 where staff will assist you. Or email Sister Ann McGovern. Note: these requests will be processed after all the online registrations are fully processed.

Upcoming Programs and Retreats
Personal Reflection Time at Mercy
Take some time to rest and renew your spirit on the tranquil Connecticut shoreline. This two-night private retreat from February 4-6 includes a single room with en suite bath and all meals. Register.

Easter Triduum Retreat at Mercy by the Sea
Holy Thursday, April 14 – Easter Sunday, April 17

Register now for this year’s Triduum with Father Ed Dempsey and Mercy by the Sea Staff. In times that often feel hopeless, it is our faith and the strength of community that enables us to hold the pandemic, the suffering, the violence, and the darkness of our world and which invites us to embrace a hope that arises in and amongst us. In these holiest of days, hearts are transformed and thawed and our hopelessness evolves into a knowing that our time is now to be the living presence of Christ in the world. View more details and register here

2022 Directed Retreats

Registration is ongoing for our 2022 silent, directed retreats. View all our offerings here and email Karen Rossignol to register. Thank you for entrusting us with your precious
retreat time!

Summer Sabbath
Each summer, Mercy offers two sabbath weeks for anyone who needs to renew their connection with life’s animating Spirit. Facilitated by seasoned retreat leaders, Andrea Minelli and Carol Villaggio, these times can be as unplanned as you like, although there will be opportunities to gather for reflection and prayer. Spiritual direction is also available by request. Join us from July 31-August 7 or August 7-12. To register, email Karen Rossignol.

Events by our Partners

Registration for Silver Lake summer camp is now open!

Learn more about summer camp at Silver Lake, view the 2022 summer brochure, and look through the upcoming sessions at https://www.silverlakect.org/summercamp

223 Low Road | Sharon, CT 06069 | 860.364.5526 | Fax: 860.364.1000



Hundreds of churches are coming together to launch a unified region-wide movement called CT CityFest.

This Gospel movement is dependent on the Holy Spirit, but also dependent on you. And it starts with us right now. Getting our hearts and our minds rightly focused... spiritually invigorated.

This launch for the festival is called RE:NEW. This is a special night to gather the church together to worship as one body, preparing our hearts for this powerful season of outreach.

We're excited to announce that Grammy award-winning artist Israel Houghton will be leading us in worship and will be joined by Adam Durso (President | LEAD.NYC) and Andrew Palau who will be challenging our hearts toward sharing the Good News.

Encourage your congregation to plan to attend. It's free. RE:NEW is an event for the whole church.

The RE:NEW Gathering
March 17 | 7 p.m.
Kingdom Life Christian Church in Milford


Join church leaders from across the region at the CityFest Pastors and Leaders Conference. This time is designed to be a blessing and refreshment to all of the amazing leaders in Southwestern Connecticut.

Mark your calendars now for March 17 at Black Rock Church and plan to join pastors and leaders from all over Southwestern Connecticut in a time of worship, fellowship, and teaching.

Pastor, teacher, and author AR Bernard will be bringing the keynote address, as well as encouragement to every pastor in their daily walk as shepherds to their local congregations.

You won't want to miss this exciting time!