Weekly news & updates
January 6, 2022
Snow Or Inclement Weather Update!

During the winter months, not only heavy snow, but also icy conditions or a power failure can cause a cancellation. If the weather is at all doubtful, please check your Sunday Morning 8am prEview prior to traveling. Thanks!

Please click below to send prayer requests. If you would like to add a name to this list or if you have a confidential prayer concern, please indicate in the email.
Watch previous sermons on YouTube.
Subscribe to FCCB channel. Click the link below, click on the Subscribe button on the FCCB Channel page. Watch archived sermons anytime.

Our Trustees Meeting is January 10th at 7:15 PM

Parents & Youth Newsletter

Click on and read our Monthly Newsletter for our Youth Congregation and their Families! Find fun and useful tips for your Holidays and more

Covid-19 Facility & Grounds Policy
Praising God in a safe and Responsible Way

Children's Area Events-
All classrooms upstairs areas and Nursery are Mandatory Masked Areas- Both Children & adults. All children's events that are indoors would be masked events- Both Children + Adults. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Parents are responsible for their children in deciding if they are masked within the Adult Areas of the Facility.

Adult Areas/ Events-
All areas that are not designated above as Children areas are to be decided by each individual as to whether that individual is comfortable not wearing a mask. All parents will decide if they are comfortable with their child not wearing a mask.

Outside Facility Areas/Events-
All outside areas to be decided by each individual as to whether that individual is comfortable not wearing a mask. All parents will decide if they comfortable with their child not wearing a mask.

It is the recommendation that while moving around the various areas of the Facility, including leaving and entering the sanctuary, please wear a mask for your safety and the safety of others.
Please be respectful of other people's space, continue to Social Distance. Wash you hands often.

This is GOD'S House and ALL are WELCOME Here!!!