FDA Hearing on 
Homeopathic Medicine
April 20-21
Washington, DC




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Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association

Dear Naturopathic Physicians and Students:

Homeopathy has come under attack by the FDA. The AzNMA is working closely with the AHIMA to provide up to date information on the FDA hearing in Washington, DC April 20-21. 


Below is an email request from Dr. Bruce Shelton asking assistance from the naturopathic community. Please read and if you can help, Dr. Shelton's email is below.


I have also included a blog post by Dr. Martha Grout.

Homeopathy in the USA - 2015


Dear Members:

"As you may be reading the FDA has decided to hold public hearings in late April on how Homeopathic remedies are produced and labeled.


This COULD reverse a 75 year history that has helped make homeopathy as respected and popular as it has become.

Slight changes in regulations demanding hard science could create an environment where manufacturers won't be able to supply even the simplest of homeopathics for our patients.

Folks THIS IS THE REAL DEAL. We need to act and act now.

It was decided on a group phone call on Saturday that I should make a presentation tied to my own experience as a physician patient.


Here I was 30 years ago, a graduate MD of NY medical college Board Certified in Family Medicine coming down with pneumonia that after antibiotic healing a week later became a florid case of life threatening asthma that in the matter of a month made me a pulmonary cripple.

I was placed on


Ventolin inhalers

Steroid inhalers

Oral steroids

Other blockers of all types

ALL TO NO AVAIL. I couldn't breathe while lying down or with the slightest exertion.

I was headed for a horrible end when Homeopathy intervened under the direction of several very bright homeopaths.

 Within 20 minutes of these little drops of "water" placed under my tongue my nightmare ended.It was such a life changing experience that I went back to school to learn what I know today and my second career began.


I have graduate degrees in homeopathy, have been medical director for two major homeopathic companies -  Heel and Desbio and am now the past president of AHIMA and current head of the Arizona Homeopathic licensing Board.


Homeopathy filled a huge hole in the Allopathic paradigm that would have let me die. Not only did this work for me, but it has worked for thousands of patients that I've treated in my medical practice in Phoenix and for patients treated by other doctors I've helped train.


I'm requesting that each person reading this document tell their own story in a one page document that I can put in a book to bring with me to the Washington hearing.

Homeopathy hasn't put all of the scientific pieces of the puzzle together  as of  yet but that is coming, and some day will earn the Nobel prize for someone who finally figures it out.


Please simply write me an email and we will see that it is typed properly for presentation.


I'm also sending this to my patients and asking you to do the same.

Please respect HIPAA rules and just ask for the story without privacy breaking identifiers.

The future of homeopathy is on the line. 



Dr Bruce H Shelton MD, MD (H), DiHom, FBIH



Thank you all from the naturopathic community for your support of AHIMA and Homepathic Medicine. 

Cathy Stuart
Executive Director

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