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February Calendar



Please remember those listed below in prayer:

  • Steve Shaw
  • Bess Uitermarkt
  • Ray Boomershine
  • Jennifer Matice (Lindsey Herny's cousin)
  • Jim Klampe
  • Darlene Veldhuizen
  • Dean Comstock (Harold Comstock's brother)
  • Carrol Bandstra (Shirley Vore's brother)
  • Gene Bosse (Francine White's son-in-law)
  • Jason Williams (Toni Bosse's son-in-law)
  • David Gleason (Osky school employee)
  • Jane Zemo (Keri Shepard's mother)
  • Becky Zickefoose (friend of Connie Louderback)
  • Jake Beck (Roger/Cyndy Gay's son-in-law)
  • Bob Jessup (RD Keep's brother-in-law)
  • Kim Stephen (cousin to Grubbs, Comstocks, & Rouws)
  • Allan Rouw (brother-in-law to Grubbs, Comstocks, & Rouws)
  • Anne Ullrich (Sherrill Helm's niece)


William Augspurger, grandson of Nolen & Linda Forsythe

Kyrsten DeWees, daughter of Rick & Michelle DeWees

Kelly Lane, granddaughter of Phyllis Lane

From The Pastor

Robert, the girls, and I want to say, “THANK YOU!!” from the bottom of our hearts for all the wonderful and generous Christmas cards, greetings, gifts, and goodies. We feel loved all year long and pray that we live in a way that makes you feel the same. 


Because of Robert’s sabbatical last year and many other opportunities to step back and invite many in our congregation to take leadership in different parts of worship, it has enabled me to see just how gifted our church community is. I am beyond thankful for the ways many of you stepped into new leadership roles and accepted invitations and volunteered to lead throughout the wider community. I believe we are truly living out God’s will for us to all help build the Kingdom of God together. 


That does not mean we are done! This year, lets think of ways we can continue to let God lead from the center of our lives; lead the words of our mouths, lead in the intentions of our actions, and lead in our Spiritual wellbeing. 


This February and throughout the rest of the year, lets ask and answer the question, “How can I better hear God’s leadership in my life?” If you have an answer to that question, I would love to hear it! 


Thank you all! 

Much Love,

Molly and the other three.  

2025 Elders & Officers of the Board


1-yr term:

Kathy Butler

Sherry DeJong (Elders Secretary)

Tim DeJong

Gene Fynaardt (Board Vice Chair)

Eric Palmer (Elders Chair)

2-yr term:

Linda Cohrt

Laura Ginaven

Lorri Grubb (Elders Vice Chair)

Brook VanRheenen


1-yr term:

Carrie Bowie (Board Secretary)

Jon Butler (Board Chair)

Terry DeJong

Eric Held

Karen Rouw

Keri Shepard

Heather Stevens

Diane Stewart (Board Treasurer)

2-yr term:

Jim Brandriff

Dennis Green

Kayla Martin

Brian Myers

I wanted to take time to say THANK YOU to everyone who remembered me with cards, goodies and gifts during the holidays.

Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated and I am thankful for your kindness. FCC has many generous people.

Mary Fowler


I want to thank all of you who sent cards and greetings during the holidays. It was so nice to be remembered. I miss being able to attend in person but enjoy the service online.

 Darlene Veldhuizen

The Worship Team is reaching out to the church to see if anyone would like to help form and lead a choir. This would take place about once a quarter and guidance could be offered if needed. Please reach out to Pastor Molly, Pastor Robert, or anyone on the Worship Team if you’re interested!

2024 Financial Summary


1/1/2024 Checking Balance




Misc. Income






Transfer from (to) Savings


12/31/2024 Checking Balance

Our Service Personnel

William Augspurger

3D Intel BN Unit 356

FPO AP 96385-5606

Kyrsten DeWees

She is home now

Kelly Del Rio Lane

Do not have current address

Men's Ministry

Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 1 pm in the Fellowship Hall for Men's Dominoes.

On behalf of Church Women United in Iowa (and Mahaska County), tabs from aluminum cans of all sizes are being collected to provide personal items for human trafficking survivors who are recovering in 3 safe houses in Iowa. Please bring donations in zipper storage bags and drop off in the basket.

Lydia Circle

Lydia Circle will meet Tuesday, February 18, 1:30 PM in the lounge.

“Sisters in Spirit”

 Sisters in Spirit will meet Saturday, February 1 at 8:30 AM in the lounge.

Rob & Rhonda Taylor

12792 Lincoln Circle

Clive, IA 50325

Joyce Eveland

1765 Howell Ave

Medford, OR 97501

Bess Uitermarkt

1146 Clearview Dr

Oskaloosa, IA 52577



1 - Quinnley Coffey

2 - Jan Crouch

3 - Tiffany Carriker

4 - Harris Stout

5 - Jeremiah Zaldarriaga

6 - Judy Braden

7 - Kris Butler

Harold Comstock

Laura Ginaven

Bodie Palmquist

10 - Sheryl Shaw

12 - Hannah Augustine

Ross Eveland

13 - Jay VanderMeyden

16 - Darrin Alderson

18 - Cael Butler

19 - Teresa Augustine

Steve Scholtus

Kraig VanHulzen

20 - Stephen Cronin

Lorri Grubb

Piper Pierson

Cindy Scholtus

22 - Hadley Myers

Brooks VanDerBeek

23 - Dennis Green

John McNulty

24 - Brian Myers

27 - Hallie Palmquist

Ruth Stanley

28 - Owen Palmquist 


Mike & Judy Braden

February 5, 1972

Alex & Taylor Knoot

February 23, 2019

Jim & Sone Scott

February 24, 1993

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A welcoming place where people feel a connection to God through

Jesus Christ and a commitment to each other, our community, and the world. 

First Christian Church

119 A Ave E

Oskaloosa, IA 52577

(641) 673-4671

Pastor Robert
Pastor Molly
Financial Secretary
Amanda Doud
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