Coast Posts
- A Newsletter From FEC

April 2023

Monthly News Updates

News from Future Earth Coasts International Project Office
Shanghai | East China Normal University
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  • FEC and CERTO will be working together to support sustainable development in river deltas
  • FEC Fellows Session: Just Transition
  • FEC Dialogue with Academy Members
  • FEC Dialogue with Female Scientists
  • FEC Academician's Pick: Prof. Weiguo Zhang - Response of Shallow Gas-Charged Holocene Deposits in the Yangtze Delta to Meter-Scale Erosion Induced by Diminished Sediment Supply: Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • The concept of land bridge marshes in the Mississippi River Delta and implications for coastal restoration
  • Key lessons from new perspectives on Australian coastal management
  • Socio-ecological challenges and food security in the ‘salad bowl’ of Fiji, Sigatoka Valley’
  • Updates from FEC affiliated projects: Resilient Lagoon Network (RLN), Lagoons for Life, Coastal Pollution Toolbox, Novara One Planet

What have we been up to

FEC and CERTO will be working together to support sustainable development in river deltas

We are pleased to announce that Future Earth Coasts will be collaborating with the CERTO project (Copernicus Evolution: Research for harmonised Transitional water Observation, ), which aims to undertake research and development necessary to produce harmonised water quality data from each service and extend Copernicus to the large number of stakeholders operating in transitional waters.

The FEC affiliated project Mega-Delta Programme ( aims to support sustainable development in 25 globally representative deltas through study of the current status and threats facing these areas. CERTO will contribute water quality data to the Mega-Delta Programme by covering the Danube, the Ganges, Indus and Nile. This collaboration will lead to better understanding the status of these deltas and contribute to the Mega Delta programme objectives for these regions:

  • Understand the current status of global river deltas.
  • Explore the mechanisms of delta evolution under the influence of global climate change and human activities.
  • Predict future trends of water-sediment and socio-economic evolution, as well as early warning for hazards.
  • Provide solutions for common problems, such as sea level rise, coastal erosion, flood disasters, saltwater intrusion, soil and water pollution, and ecosystem degradation.

FEC Fellows Session: Just Transition

The FEC Fellows Session “Pathways to Coastal Sustainability: Just Transitions” took place online on 24 April. This webinar focused on the FEC theme ‘Pathways to Sustainability’ that aims to identify plausible Pathways to coastal sustainability to avoid unwanted futures. The workshop gathered a panel of respectful, highly-anticipated FEC academy members to share their perspectives on the topic 'Just Transitions'. It was moderated by FEC fellow Dr. Lesile Mabon and FEC academician Dr. Liana McManus. Prof. Tim Smith (Co-Chair of FEC), Prof. Denis Aheto and Prof. Luiz Drude de Lacerda joined the webinar as guest speakers.

FEC have been working with strategic partners to enable stakeholders to identify and choose credible, relevant and legitimate coastal sustainability pathways for their region. The work include understanding barriers and enablers for transitioning to coastal sustainability, and identifying practical processes to identify and institutionalize transitions to alternative futures. The underlying aim is to understand how society, and its institutions, can be empowered to make decisions that resolve conflicting interests and turn coastal sustainability knowledge into practical action.

Just transitions – the idea that our responses to climate change and sustainability challenges must not leave behind the people and places who rely on resource economies – are especially significant for coastal regions globally. In the workshop, participants looked at how different coastal regions globally are trying to create fair and decent work, and a sustainable economy, for people and places who have previously relied on high-emitting industries and also for people and places whose livelihoods depend on natural resources.

In the wrap-up notes, Dr Lesile Mabon emphasized that just transition means developing realistic and feasible pathways to a more sustainable and low-carbon economy and society for carbon-intensive regions and recognizing reliance on industry for jobs and revenue. Coastal societies have significant potential as sites for climate change mitigation through renewable energy, carbon sequestration, etc. Yet coastal societies also rely heavily on natural resources for jobs and the local economy. The vital of 'Just Transitions' is that developments happen in the interest of the communities nearest to them and bring jobs and innovation to coastal societies.

Watch the video recording through FEC YouTube Channel

FEC Dialogue Interview Series

FEC Dialogue with Academy members

This interview series ‘FEC Dialogue with Academy Members’ celebrates careers and life accomplishments of FEC Academy Members. They have been generously passing on knowledge and experience to the next generation of young coastal scientists to empower them with not only professional development opportunities but also life advice on ways to succeed despite challenges and difficulties. By featuring these dedicated and remarkable scholars in coastal sciences, we want to inspire young scientists to enter science careers, and recognize role models of successful researchers.

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Prof. Dr. Luiz Drude de Lacerda

Titular Professor

Marine Sciences Institute, Universidade Federal do Ceará | Brazil

L.D. Lacerda is a biologist with a PhD in Biophysics and Professor at the Federal University in Ceará, Brazil. He is a Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and of The World Academy of Sciences, also a member of the Scientific Board of the International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems and was a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of LOICZ and the Science Evaluation Panel of the IODP. He was a visiting researcher at the universities of Toulon, Nice and Hamburg.

L.D. Lacerda has experience in the field of Ecology, with emphasis on biogeochemistry and environmental contamination and monitoring of tropical ecosystems, and the impact of global climate change on ecosystem biogeochemistry.

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FEC Dialogue with Female Scientists

'Things don’t always go the way you might hope, but you just have to persevere.'

— Dr Sarah Kandrot

Sarah Kandrot is a geoscientist specialising the application of geoinformatics tools and technologies to coastal, marine, and environmental projects. She holds a PhD in Geography from University College Cork, where she previously worked as a lecturer and postdoctoral researcher. She is currently Head of Aerial Surveys at Green Rebel, an Irish company specialising in site investigations for offshore renewable energy (ORE) projects. Sarah oversees Green Rebel’s aerial survey division, which performs digital aerial marine ecology surveys and analyses to support consent applications for ORE projects.

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“I believe female researchers bring an openness and sensitivity to people and their places, which provides a strong foundation for the integrative and collaborative research we need.”

— Dr Carmen Elrick-Barr

Dr Carmen Elrick-Barr is a human geographer with over 15 years experience working in the academic and private sectors. She currently holds two research fellow positions relating to coastal governance (University of the Sunshine Coast, QLD) and coastal and marine resource management (University of Western Australia, WA). Carmen has worked for international development agencies (e.g. AusAID, USAid) and national and municipal governments in the Pacific, South-east Asia, Australia and Europe on coastal climate change issues. She is the state rep for Western Australian branch of the Australian Coastal Society.

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"Learning to say “no” helped me to set and communicate my own boundaries, as well as to prioritise the tasks that support my own career development."

— Ms. Lena Rölfer

Lena Rölfer is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Sustainability at Leuphana University and at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS). In her PhD, she focuses on the contributions of governance, local actors and information services to the resilience of coastal systems to climate change. She holds a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and a M.Sc. in Aquatic Tropical Ecology. Lena has a strong interest in the role and opportunities of early career researchers within transdisciplinary coastal research and at the science-policy-practice interface.

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To dare cross boundaries and look beyond your discipline/niche to collaborate and solve issues together with other scientists or stakeholders. ’

—— Ms. Viola van Onselen


Viola van Onselen is a PhD candidate at department of Geography at the National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei, China). She is interested in various management approaches to coastal zone issues around the world, in terms of how human decisions have affected the natural landscape, biodiversity and vulnerability of these coastal environments and explore how sustainable approaches, like Nature-based Solutions, can increase the resilience of coastal zones.

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“Keep an open mind, keep learning and remain fascinated so that you may one day fascinate the world with your science.”

—Dr. Eirini Politi

Dr. Eirini Politi works in an environmental consultancy in research and development (R&D) projects mainly funded by the European Commission (EC) and the European Space Agency (ESA). Her field of expertise is in water quality remote sensing and ecosystem applications using EO and GIS tools, and she is now involved with upstream and downstream product and services development, project management and communications. She has worked in the academic sector (Greece and UK), a national research centre of expertise (Ireland) and the private sector (Switzerland and Germany).

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FEC New Publications

FEC Academician's Pick

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Prof Weiguo Zhang:

'This interdisciplinary study shows how delta erosion hazard can influence greenhouse gas emission in coastal environments, which is an understudied topic yet.'

Response of Shallow Gas-Charged Holocene Deposits in the Yangtze Delta to Meter-Scale Erosion Induced by Diminished Sediment Supply: Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Yufeng ChenBing DengGuiling ZhangWeiguo ZhangShu Gao


River deltas have long been considered important carbon sinks. However, the presence of shallow gas and the processes of delta erosion caused by diminished sediment supplies could reduce the strength of the carbon sink. In this study, based on historical bathymetric data and a data set obtained from a seismic survey, we investigate the response of gas-charged deposits in the Yangtze subaqueous delta to seabed erosion. A conservative estimate of the total methane reserves of 0.55–4.35 × 10^11 mol was obtained in the delineated gassy area of ∼3,800 km^2. The seismic and bathymetric data reveal a prominent erosional belt at water depths ranging from 5 to 20 m and extending from the southwestern to northeastern nearshore areas of the Yangtze subaqueous delta. Erosion is severe in the south and slight in the north due to differences in the hydrodynamic conditions, sediment erodibility, and sensitivity to sediment reduction. Seabed erosion reduces the thickness of the cap bed and the overburden pressure at the gas front, making it easier for gas to seep through the sediment column and bypass the anaerobic oxidation of methane. The good agreement between the elevated methane concentrations and the erosional belts and the spatial coincidence between the shallower gas front and pockmarks indicate that seabed erosion accelerates gas seepage activities. In the context of global deltaic degradation, the increasing greenhouse gas emissions from deltaic deposits are worthy of further attention.

Text Link

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The concept of land bridge marshes in the Mississippi River Delta and implications for coastal restoration

John W. Day, Robert R. Twilley a, Angelina Freeman, Brady Couvillion, Tracy Quirk, Navid Jafari, Giulio Mariotti, Rachael Hunter, Charles Norman, G. Paul Kemp, John R. White, Ehab Meselhe


Louisiana has high coastal wetland loss rates due to natural processes such as subsidence and anthropogenic activities such as construction of river levees and dams, pervasive alteration of surface hydrology by local industries such as oil and gas, and navigation. With the exception of the Atchafalaya River discharge area, most of Louisiana's marsh coastline is retreating and coastal marshes are degrading. In the inactive degrading delta regions, there exists a previously uncharacterized landform referred to colloquially as coastal ‘land bridge’ marshes. Land bridge marshes are saline or brackish marshes fronting large estuarine bays or lakes with sufficient fetch and wave energy to supply high levels of resuspended sediments to the marsh surface. They are generally linear features that are oriented parallel to the coast and the shoreline front retreats landward due to erosion from wave energy. These marshes persist over time vertically due to input of resuspended sediments but are experiencing rapid edge erosion due to wave attack. Comparison of data from Louisiana's Coastal Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) sites show that land bridge marshes have a greater frequency of higher soil surface elevation and higher soil bulk density than non-land bridge marshes. Because land bridges are vertically stable relative to other coastal wetlands, identification of measures to sustain these landscape features is important. Simulations using MarshMorpho2D, a process-based reduced-complexity morphology model, suggest that protection barriers installed on the seaward side of land bridge marshes will attenuate wave energy and, thus, edge erosion. Shoreline protection that can reduce wave energy but still allow sediment input to marshes include living shorelines, rock barriers, and/or breakwaters. Periodic thin layer nourishment of the marsh surface may be necessary to help sustain vertical growth. Further, marsh creation projects directly landward of land bridge marshes may benefit from their protection from waves and as a source of sediment. Consideration of land bridge marshes as distinct marsh types in the State Master Plan and integrated modeling could help to identify measures to sustain these landscape features.

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Key lessons from new perspectives on Australian coastal management

Nick Harvey, Timothy F. Smith


Approaches to Australian coastal management are constantly changing yet continue to fall short in terms of social-ecological resilience. We provide a commentary on contemporary Australian coastal management issues and responses, informed by a selection of papers that were invited for a Special Issue of this journal following the Australian Coastal Society's 2021 national coastal conference. The selected papers were categorised into three groupings: 1) coastal governance; 2) coastal threats and adaptation; and 3) coastal processes. They were then analysed in the context of both the unique Australian federated approach to coastal management and the international literature on coastal management. A number of findings and themes emerge. First, the paper confirms previous findings on a lack of federal leadership in Australian coastal management and lack of action on recommendations from numerous national coastal inquiries. The paper concludes that: there has been a significant reduction of coastal expertise in the federal public service; there is a lack of a well-defined broad-based federal funding mechanism for coastal management; there is a need to incorporate a sediment compartment approach in both Australian coastal planning and climate adaptation strategies; a number of coastal management instruments at the State level appear not fit for purpose; and coastal adaptation faces conflicts in balancing property rights with public coastal amenity.

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Socio-ecological challenges and food security in the ‘salad bowl’ of Fiji, Sigatoka Valley

Kerrie PickeringTristan PearceLui ManuelBrendan Doran & Timothy F. Smith 


This article examines food security in the Sigatoka Valley, one of the most productive food regions in Fiji, in the context of recent socio-ecological challenges through a case study of Narewa village. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews (n = 25), a fixed question food insecurity experience survey (n = 25), and a free listing exercise about preferred and consumed foods (n = 24). Results revealed that while most households had access to sufficient food, the increased frequency and intensity of droughts, tropical cyclones, and flooding caused almost half to worry about meeting their future food needs. To date, a culture of sharing within the village has helped most households access food but this will likely be inadequate to meet future needs as climate change is projected to impact food production. Given that the foundation of food production in Narewa, like other villages in the valley, relies on the long-term viability of agricultural systems, better focus needs to be placed on the natural resources that form the backbone of these systems such as water availability, soil health, and slope stability and their resilience to anthropogenic and natural stressors. Efforts that focus on protecting and enhancing local ecosystems in light of expected future climate change, combined with greater attention on food storage and the use of resilient crops, and enhancing social cohesion and sharing networks are needed to avoid breaching tipping points in the food system.

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Coastal Radar

Updates from FEC Affiliated Projects

Resilient Lagoon Network (RLN)

On May 9th, the Resilient Lagoon Network in collaboration with Innohub are co-hosting a workshop in Accra, Ghana that will explore entrepreneurial solutions for coastal environmental challenges. The workshop will bring together academics, practitioners, entrepreneurs and innovators to catalyse entrepreneurial solutions that can address the challenges that are threatening the sustainability of coastal environments in Ghana and across West Africa. The workshop will facilitate knowledge exchange, networking and opportunities for project development.

Coastal Pollution Toolbox (CPT)

A new publication in Cambridge Prisms:


Lange, M., Cabana, D., Ebeling, A., Ebinghaus, R., Joerss, H., Rölfer, L., & Celliers, L. (2023). Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, E23. DOI:

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Lagoons For Life

Find us at EuroLag10 in Gdynia, Poland, on the Baltic Coast this summer

The FEC 'Lagoons for Life' Working Group and the H2020 CERTO project will attend EuroLag10 this summer in Poland. This is the first EuroLag conference since EuroLag9 (2019) was hosted in Venice, Italy, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, EuroLag will focus on the buffering role of lagoons and estuaries as well as on new developments to conservation objectives, management measures and environmental status assessments of coastal ecosystems including monitoring designs, indicators, and modelling tools for integrated assessments. The impact of alien species on coastal ecosystems is also a key theme area of the conference. 

Further information on the conference can be found here: and registrations will be open between 28 April and 19 May 2023.

A workshop on the assessment of coastal lagoon sustainability

The EuroLag10 conference organising committee together with Future Earth Coasts, Lagoons for Life and the Murray Foundation will host a workshop on Thursday 22 June during the EuroLag10 conference aiming to assess the sustainability of coastal lagoons using the Circles of Coastal Sustainability framework. The workshop’s target audience are advanced researchers with access to extensive, multi-disciplinary data about one or more coastal lagoons. Participants will be briefed prior to the workshop by the organisers on the type of data that will be necessary for the workshop to be productive. Expected outcomes include: a set of 10-20 infographics on the sustainability of the individual coastal lagoons, a set of 10-20 conceptual diagrams on the sustainability of the individual coastal lagoons, and a set of 10-20 articles to be submitted as a special issue on “Sustainability of Coastal Lagoons” to Springer Anthropocene Coasts journal.

For further information and registration for the workshop please see here:

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Novara One Planet: Climate-safe remote coastal communities

Arctic yacht among star attractions at climate festival

Climate campaigners sailing the globe on an Arctic icebreaking yacht will be among the guests at a two-day festival this summer.

Nigel Jollands and Veronica Lysaght of the Novara One World Project will be taking part in the Shetland Climate Festival at the Clickimin Leisure Centre on 9th and 10th June.

Members of the public will have the opportunity to go aboard the yacht, hear about the work of the project and discuss how remote and rural communities are tackling issues of climate change. 

The festival, which builds on the work of Shetland Climate Week 2022,  will feature an exhibition hall showcasing organisations which are working on the six themes.

These are: the Shetland Net Zero Route Map; transport; energy; resource use; nature based solutions; building and energy efficiency; and business and Industry.

Click here to read more.

New FEC Publications

Chen, Y., Deng, B., Zhang, G., Zhang, W., & Gao, S. (2023). Response of Shallow Gas‐Charged Holocene Deposits in the Yangtze Delta to Meter‐Scale Erosion Induced by Diminished Sediment Supply: Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(1), e2022JF006631.

Day, J. W., Twilley, R. R., Freeman, A., Couvillion, B., Quirk, T., Jafari, N., ... & Meselhe, E. (2023). The Concept of Land Bridge Marshes in the Mississippi River Delta and Implications for Coastal Restoration. Nature-Based Solutions, 100061.

Lange, M., Cabana, D., Ebeling, A., Ebinghaus, R., Joerss, H., Rölfer, L., & Celliers, L. (2023). Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, E23.

Pickering K, Pearce T, Manuel L, Doran B & Smith T, 2023, ‘Socio-ecological challenges and food security in the ‘salad bowl’ of Fiji, Sigatoka Valley’. Regional Environmental Change, 23, 61. 

Harvey N & Smith TF, 2023, ‘Key lessons from new perspectives on Australian coastal management’, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 239, 15 May 2023, 106581

Sengupta, D., Choi, Y. R., Tian, B., Brown, S., Meadows, M., Hackney, C. R., ... & Zhou, Y. (2023). Mapping 21st century global coastal land reclamation. Earth's Future, 11(2), e2022EF002927.

Elrick-Barr CE, Clifton J, Cuttler M, Perry C & Rogers AA (2023). Understanding coastal social values through citizen science: The example of Coastsnap in Western Australia. Ocean & Coastal Management, 238, 106563. 

Lange, M., Cabana, D., Ebeling, A., Ebinghaus, R., Joerss, H., Rölfer, L., & Celliers, L. (2023). Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1-20.

Alice Newton, Michele Mistri, Angel Pérez-Ruzafa and Sofia Reizopoulou. (2023). Editorial: Ecosystem services, biodiversity, and water quality in transitional ecosystems, Front. Ecol. Evol., Volume 11.

Huddleston, P., Smith, T. F., White, I., & Elrick-Barr, C. (2023). What influences the adaptive capacity of coastal critical infrastructure providers?. Urban Climate, 48, 101416.

Elegbede, I., Lawal-Are, A., Favour, O., Jolaosho, T., & Goussanou, A. (2023). Chemical compositions of bivalves shells: Anadara senilis, Crassostrea gasar, and Mytilus edulis and their potential for a sustainable circular economy. SN Applied Sciences, 5(1), 44.

Wolff M, Ferse SCA, Govan H (eds) (2023) Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management - Experiences and Lessons Learned. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland. 

Datta, Satabdi, Roy Joyashree (2022) Exploring Adaptive Capacity: Observations from the vulnerable human coastal environmental system of the Bay of Bengal in India. Frontiers in Climate. Vol 4.

Smith, T., Elrick-Barr, C., Thomsen, D., Celliers, L., & Le Tissier, M. (2023). Impacts of tourism on coastal areas. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, E5.

Laubenstein T, Smith TF, Hobday AJ, Pecl GT, Evans K, Fulton EA & O’Donnell T, 2023, ‘Threats to Australia's oceans and coasts: a systematic review’, Ocean & Coastal Management, 231 (published online 29 Oct 2022)

Li, Y., Robinson, S.V.J., Nguyen, L.H., Liu, J., 2023. Satellite prediction of coastal hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Remote Sensing of Environment 284, 113346. 

Pereira, C.I.; Botero, C.M.; Ricaurte-Villota, C.; Coca, O.; Morales, D.; Cuker, B.; Milanes, C.B. Grounding the SHIELD Model for Tropical Coastal Environments. Sustainability 2022, 14, 12317.

Mabon L and Kawabe M (2022) 'Bring Voices from the Coast into the Fukushima Treated Water Debate' PNAS 119 (45) e2205431119.

Rölfer, L., Abson, D. J., Costa, M. M., Rosendo, S., Smith, T. F., & Celliers, L. (2022). Leveraging governance performance to enhance climate resilience. Earth's Future, 10. 

AM Foley, S Moncada, M Mycoo, P Nunn, V Tandrayen‐Ragoobur, ...Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (3), e769

Peng, Y., Sengupta, D., Duan, Y., Chen, C., & Tian, B. (2022). Accurate mapping of Chinese coastal aquaculture ponds using biophysical parameters based on Sentinel-2 time series images. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 181, 113901.

Rölfer, L., Celliers, L., & Abson, D. J. (2022). Resilience and coastal governance: knowledge and navigation between stability and transformation. Ecology and Society, 27(2), 40.

Brendel, A.S., Ferrelli, F., Piccolo, M.C., Perillo, G.M.E., 2022. Procesamiento de datos satelitales ópticos y de radar para la detección de cambios morfométricos: el caso de la desembocadura del río Sauce Grande (Argentina). Caminhos de Geografia 23:85-94. DOI 10.14393/RCG238658189. ISSN 1678-6343.

Castiglioni, E., Gaucher, C., Perillo, G.M.E., Sial, A.N., 2022. Marine deposits of the Chuy Formation (Late Pleistocene) and isostatic readjustments in the area of Laguna de Rocha (Uruguay). Agrociencias 26:e799. doi:10.31285/AGRO.26.799.

FERREIRA, Alexander Cesar; LACERDA, Luiz Drude de. Mangrove restoration in ne brazil: a unified contribution to adapting to global climate change. Arquivo de Ciências do Mar, Fortaleza, v. 55, p. 219-230, 2022. Especial Labomar 60 anos.

Ferreira, A. C., Borges, R., & de Lacerda, L. D. (2022). Can Sustainable Development Save Mangroves?. Sustainability, 14(3), 1263.

Rölfer, L., Elias Ilosvay, X. E., Ferse, S., Jung, J., Karcher, D. B., Kriegl, M., ... & Walker, E. Z. (2022). Disentangling Obstacles to Knowledge Co-Production for Early-Career Researchers in the Marine Sciences. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.

de Lacerda, L. D., Ward, R. D., Borges, R., & Ferreira, A. C. (2022). Mangrove Trace Metal Biogeochemistry Response to Global Climate Change. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 47.

Raikes, J., Smith, T. F., Baldwin, C., & Henstra, D. (2022). Disaster risk reduction and climate policy implementation challenges in Canada and Australia. Climate Policy, 1-15.

Elrick-Barr, C. E., & Smith, T. F. (2022). Current Information Provision Rarely Helps Coastal Households Adapt to Climate Change. Sustainability, 14(5), 2904.

FEC Official Journal

Anthropocene Coasts

special column

Anthropocene Coasts, the official journal supported by Future Earth Coasts, is archived by 17 databases, such as Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Catalogue of Chinese High-Quality Sci-Tech Journals (Geosciences), CLOCKSS, CNKI, Wanfang, CNPIEC, Dimensions, EBSCO Discovery Service, Naver, EBSCO Discovery Service, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, Portico, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, TD Net Discovery Service.

Official Website:

Submission system:

FEC Official Journal

Call for Papers:

Special Issue: Coastal hazard risk in the Anthropocene



Bruce Glavovic, Massey University, New Zealand

Robert J. Nicholls, University of East Anglia, UK

For this Special Issue, Anthropocene Coasts invites manuscripts that focus on coastal hazard risk in the Anthropocene, including ecological, cultural, social, economic, and governance (including political, administrative, policy and legal) considerations.


  • Dec. 1st 2022: Open call for abstracts Opens
  • Jun. 30th 2023: Open call for abstracts closes; submit MS for 2x independent review
  • Dec. 30th 2023: Manuscript submission deadline

Click here to find more

Special Issue: Material transport and eco-environmental dynamics across the river-estuary-coast shelf continuum under changing climate and human activities


Aijun Wang, Third Institute of Oceanography, China

Bong Chui Wei, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

SM Sharifuzzaman, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Cherdvong Saengsupavanich, Kasetsart University, Chonburi, Thailan

For this Special Issue, Anthropocene Coasts invites manuscripts that focus on material transport across the river-estuary-coastal shelf continuum under changing climate and human activities from a range of disciplines (e.g., biology, ecology, geomorphology, hydrology, oceanography, sedimentology, coastal zone management, and multidisciplinary topic).


  • Nov.10th 2022: Decision to proceed / not proceed with SI
  • Dec. 1st 2022: Open call for abstracts Opens
  • Jun. 30th 2023: Open call for abstracts closes; submit MS for 2x independent review
  • Oct. 30th 2023: Manuscript submission deadline

Click here to find more

Online Resources

"World Large River and Delta Systems Source-to-Sink Online Talk Series" continue to update!


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