Coast Posts
- A Newsletter From FEC

February 2024

Monthly News Updates

News from Future Earth Coasts International Project Office
Shanghai | East China Normal University
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  • Calling for Applications - FEC Small Grant Program
  • ECR Webinar on Science Publication and Refereeing
  • 16th Summer Academy at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg from 28 July to 24 August 2024
  • FEC Dialogue: Meet the Fellows | Dr. Giovanni Ávila-Flores
  • Development of a management-based ranking of beaches
  • Water resource sustainability: Challenges, opportunities and research gaps in the English-speaking Caribbean Small Island Developing States
  • Governance innovations in the coastal zone: Towards social-ecological resilience
  • Updates from FEC Academy Members: Prof. Dr. Michelle Mycoo
  • Updates from FEC Affiliated Projects: Coastal Governance: Embracing Vulnerability and Change, Novara One Planet
  • Updates from FEC Supported Networks: CERTO, Proplayas, ECOP

Future Earth Coasts Playlist

Future Earth has created a new playlist for FEC on its Youtube channel.

Watch videos on FEC Playlist 

What have we been up to

Calling for Applications - FEC Small Grant Program

Future Earth Coasts (FEC) is a global sustainability, research and innovation network that promotes knowledge sharing and action towards implementing our vision for healthy oceans and coasts for a just and environmentally sustainable future. It is first and foremost a platform to integrate communities of science and society to co-design methodologies and approaches for the co-production of knowledge that will lead to more sustainable practices of use and development of the world’s coastal zones.

The FEC Small Grant program targets both individuals and teams of 3 to 5 Early Career Professionals that present a proposal aiming to increase their ability to understand, predict and/or manage the effects of human activities, including climate change, on estuarine and coastal regions. The program welcomes applications from both individual and group applicants.

Annually, the FEC Small Grant program will award one or more grants, totaling €1500. The number of awards will depend on the funds available in the FEC Budget for the year of the award.

As researchers in less developed countries are at a disadvantage because of the lack of sufficient funds, equipment, or opportunities, the FEC Small Grant Program is designed to help individuals and small teams that need to improve further their capability to reach their goals.

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ECR Webinar on Science Publication and Refereeing Conducted by Prof. Mike Elliot

The Horizon Europe #GES4SEAS project, along with its sister initiatives focusing on marine ecosystem-based management, has created a community tailored for Early Career Researchers (ECRs). As part of this group, an initiative of Seminar Sessions has begun and is available for all marine ECRs to join. An ECR webinar on science publication and refereeing was presented by Prof. Mike Elliot, FEC's vice chair.

To access the recorded video, click here 

Prof. Mike Elliot

Dr Mike Elliot is a Professor of Estuarine and Coastal Sciences at the University of Hull, UK. He is a marine biologist with a wide experience and interests and his teaching, research, advisory and consultancy includes estuarine and marine ecology, policy, governance and management.

16th Summer Academy at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg from 28 July to 24 August 2024

The International Foundation for the Law of the Sea will hold its 16th Summer Academy at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg from 28 July to 24 August 2024.

The Summer Academy is a centre of excellence for studies of both International Law of the Sea and Maritime Law and includes related topics of economic and natural sciences. It brings together a prestigious faculty from among the judges of the Tribunal, professors and professionals from the maritime field with a dedicated group of some 35 highly motivated participants from around the world.

For further information, please refer to “Summer Academy in a Nutshell” at 2022-SumAc_i_a_n.pdf ( As a rule, applicants should hold a master's degree (LL.M or equivalent). A limited number of scholarships and travel grants will be available. Subject to availability of places, exceptions may be considered for master students or professionals in the maritime field and, in rare cases, for excellent undergraduates focusing on Law of the Sea or Maritime Law

Admission requirements and Scholarship details alongside FAQs are also available at

Applications are invited at Application – International Foundation for the Law of the Sea (; the application period for electronic applications and registration will expire on Monday, 15 April. For further communication and enquiries please contact the Foundation at

FEC Dialogue Interview Series

FEC Dialogue: Meet the Fellows

Dr. Giovanni Ávila-Flores

Autonomous University of Baja California Sur | México

Giovanni Ávila-Flores (Gio) obtained his bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur (UABCS), Mexico. Later, he did his master’s studies in Environment and Resource Management at the Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Later in 2019, he did a research stay in the “Mangrove Ecology” Working Group of the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen, Germany. In 2021, he obtained a Ph.D. in Marine and Coastal Sciences from UABCS by presenting a thesis about a comprehensive assessment of mangroves in Baja California Sur, Mexico. On the other hand, he is a member of various global scientific organizations such as the “Ecosystem Services Partnership” and the “Society of Wetland Scientists.” He has also held executive positions within some international networks as “Young Ecosystem Services Specialists” (YESS) in the period 2020-2021 and “Early Career Researcher Network of Networks” (ECR NoN) as Chair of the Membership Committee in the period 2022-2023.

What motivated you to become involved with Future Earth Coasts (FEC) and join the FEC Fellows Program? As an FEC Fellow, what do you hope to achieve or contribute to the broader scientific and stakeholder community?

Gio: Derived from my work in Early Career Researcher Network of Networks (a platform for ECR networks worldwide to communicate, collaborate, and foster a shared vision on sustainability research towards a sustainable future) was how I met Future Earth. Since FE is an organization composed of multiple organizations, I started to review its different components and networks, and FEC particularly caught my attention since I am a marine biologist and precisely because I have experience in coastal issues both as a researcher focused on coastal wetlands as well as a native of a seaside city. I was particularly interested in the fellow’s program since this program would allow me to meet colleagues in similar situations to mine and, from there, generate networking. Likewise, I hope to learn more and more about this great community and contribute using my experience in previous networks to the development of this network to which I now belong, as well as to obtain feedback and contacts from other colleagues to continue learning and contributing to the generation of science focused on coastal zones.

Click here to access the complete interview

FEC New Publications

Development of a management-based ranking of beaches

Elaine Baroni de Oliveira, Alice Newton & Camilo M. Botero

Prof. Alice Newton


Beach rankings are very frequent on the internet; however, the information provided on how these rankings are made is often unclear and their content is mostly subjective. In addition, the vast majority of these rankings do not take into account the fact that beaches are coastal eco-systems. The aim of the research was to develop an objective framework to rank the quality of beaches worldwide. The framework integrates indicators to assess the socio-ecological system quality and can be used as a basis for effective beach management. The methodology involved the collection, evaluation and grouping of indicators into domains and categories. Moreover, a measurement technique and a 5-point rating score for each indicator was used. Weights were calculated for different beach types using an analytical hierarchical process and the methodology was validated by a focus group of beach management experts. The quality value of each beach was calculated through equations and the results were presented in graphs inspired by the Circles of Sustainability and the Ocean Health Index. The theoretical application was tested on Portuguese beaches. The framework presents a holistic assessment of four domains: Recreation, Protection, Conservation and Sanitary. The resulting Beach Ranking Framework (BRF) is an objective, holistic framework designed to communicate with society, unlike the existing beach quality assessments.

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Water resource sustainability: Challenges, opportunities and research gaps in the English-speaking Caribbean Small Island Developing States

Michelle A. Mycoo, Ronald R. Roopnarine

Prof. Michelle Mycoo


Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face multiple developmental challenges including the adverse impacts of climate change. Among these complex challenges is the critical issue of devising strategies and plans to achieve water resource sustainability. The combined effects of hydro-climatic hazards such as droughts, rising sea levels, floods and increasing socio-economic pressures have already begun to adversely impact on SIDS water resources. This review article examined studies on ten English-speaking Caribbean SIDS to explore challenges and opportunities for enhancing water resource sustainability in the Caribbean and to identify emerging research gaps. A desk review and synthesis of existing data and available literature including reports, policy documents, peer-reviewed journal articles and books published over the last ten years were conducted to highlight research gaps in water resource sustainability. The conclusion presents a way forward for SIDS to cope with the consequences of climate change on their vital water resources. The findings from this paper can inform regional polices, strategies and plan and direct research to critical areas where information is needed to support evidenced-based decision making. The review is useful for academics, policymakers and practitioners.

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Governance innovations in the coastal zone: Towards social-ecological resilience

Carmen E. Elrick-Barr, Dana C. Thomsen, Timothy F. Smith


Innovation is championed to enable transformation towards social-ecological resilience in coastal communities. Yet, innovation in coastal areas is not well understood with limited research concerning the nature of innovations and determinants of success. Analysis of interviews with 68 coastal and community key informants in Australia’s most rapidly growing coastal communities revealed that despite high levels of individual capacity (e.g., among coastal managers and community service providers) and good-practice policy, most innovations were limited in scale and insufficient for transformative change. All too familiar barriers included limited financial and human capacity, and a culture of ‘failure avoidance’ in government. Nevertheless, a small number of exemplars avoided these constraints by implementing systemic solutions that addressed socio-ecological challenges and built community resilience. Individual and community capacity for such innovation was built prior to crisis events and consisted of experience/knowledge, extensive and diverse social networks, and resource mobilisation skills. The findings provide further evidence of the critical importance of investing in communities before, during, and following crisis—in other words, continually.

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Prof. Dr. Tim Smith

Dr. Carmen Elrick-Barr

Coastal Radar

Updates from FEC Academy Members

FEC Academy Member, Prof. Dr. Michelle Mycoo Distinguishes Herself in Major UN Appointments

Prof. Michelle Mycoo was selected in 2023 as 1 of 20 distinguished scholars from across the global scientific community by a UNESCO-International Scientific Committee Foresight Expert Panel. The United Nations (UN) in its own words “is seeking to be rejuvenated by a forward-thinking culture and empowered by cutting-edge skills for the twenty-first century – to turbocharge its support to people and planet”. To better navigate current and future uncertainty and disruptive change, the United Nations will strive towards this vision with a powerful fusion of innovation, data, digital, foresight and behavioral science skills and culture – a dynamic combination that it calls the UN 2.0 “Quintet of Change”. It is about evolution towards more agile, diverse, responsive, and impactful UN organizations.


Additionally, Michelle Mycoo was re-appointed to serve on The International Science Council as a SIDS Liaison Committee member.

Prof. Dr. Michelle Mycoo

Professor Mycoo was 1 of only 15 Experts who conducted the scientific review of the draft United Nations 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report. This pivotal report, launched at the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Summit in New York in September 2023, concentrates on accelerating action to address key challenges, especially as the world approaches the mid-point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, agreed to in 2015 by many countries.

Updates from FEC Affiliated Projects

Coastal Governance: Embracing Vulnerability and Change - Final Report

The FEC-affiliated ‘Coastal Governance’ project has just been completed!

The project was funded by the Australian Research Council and supported by the University of the Sunshine Coast. The team explored issues of coastal vulnerability and adaptation across seven Australian case study sites, and also included several international examples of regions facing similar challenges.


The final report that summarizes the key findings as now been published and can be downloaded here. The team has also produced a series of 29 research insights (each consisting of a 1-page summary document underpinned by a journal article) that provide more detail on topics including: threats to the coast, community vulnerabilities, disaster risk reduction, adapting critical infrastructure, legal and policy mechanisms to reduce vulnerability, and adaptation preferences.


More information and other resources relating to the project can be accessed via the project website here. For more information, please contact Tim ( or Carmen (

Novara One Planet

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Crossing the Atlantic

The numbers start to stack up; 21 days at sea, 3,300 nautical miles (that’s more than 6,000 kilometres) five people in a small space doing watches and catching up on dozens of hours of lost sleep.

After all those numbers, the human story is that we have arrived safely into Falmouth Harbour in Antigua and Barbuda.

Novara is a little worse for wear – we had a broken halyard, a leaking stern gland, sea-water in the engine, an intermittent fault in the navigation equipment and annoyingly, a loo that wouldn’t flush half the time. But due to the superior engineering skills of Maddy and Andy, we still have a floating boat!

Updates from FEC Supported Networks 

CERTO (Copernicus Evolution - Research for harmonised and Transitional water Observation)

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Water quality is a key worldwide issue relevant to human consumption & food production, industry, nature and recreation. The European Copernicus programme includes satellite sensors designed to observe water quality, and services to provide data and information to end-users in industry, policy, monitoring agencies and science. However, water quality data production is split across three services Marine, Climate Change, and Land, with different methods and approaches used and some areas, notably some transitional waters, not supported by any service.

The main output of the project was a prototype system that can be “plugged into” the existing Copernicus services, used on cloud platforms, or in popular open-source software used widely by the community (SNAP). CERTO produced the evidence needed by the “entrusted entities” that run the Copernicus services as to the improvements, potential to increase the user community, possible downstream services and wider impact of the prototype.


PROPLAYAS is a collaborative interdisciplinary exchange for beach management and certification platform, with a spectrum of action in 17 countries and 79 groups or nodes in Latin America and Europe. 

The members of PROPLAYAS are scientists, activists, managers, and entrepreneurs integrated for a common goal: the integrated management of one of the most valuable marine-coastal ecosystems: the beaches.

The Proplayas Network has introduced the publication Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible en la Gestión Marino Costera in Spanish. The book is a combination of papers addressing the ODS in coastal management, focusing on Latin America and Spain. Additionally, it features a collection of artworks and chosen photographs from a competition that attracted more than 250participants. 

Click here to read the book

The Early Career Ocean Professionals Programme (ECOP)

UN Ocean Decade ECOP Japan Symposium

hybrid event on March 7, from 1-4pm JST

This hybrid symposium will provide a space for Japanese ECOPs to learn more about the seven UN Ocean Decade Outcomes and hear from speakers regarding concrete activities and initiatives related to these outcomes in Japan. In addition, the ECOP Japan node will unveil a poster illustrating how Japanese ECOPs view the seven outcomes and what they believe should happen under each of them to achieve the ocean we want. This event will offer an opportunity for ECOPs in Japan to recognize issues and solutions across different ocean sectors and help deepen a common understanding toward the achievement of the UN Ocean Decade. 

Click here to read more 

Invitation to Join a National ECOP group on Social Media Apps in Asia

The ECOP currently has three WhatsApp groups for ECOPs in Bangladesh, India and Malaysia and one WeChat group for ECOPs in China. Other communication channels will be launched very soon. These groups will provide you with a platform to network, share Ocean Decade related news and opportunities, and connect with other fellow early-career professionals across disciplines, sectors and walks of life.

If you are interested in joining any one of these groups, please contact the regional team directly at: 

The 2024 Winter Issue of PICES Press

The 2024 Winter issue of PICES Press was published earlier this year. Two articles were authored by members of the core global ECOP team: (1) “Engaging ECOPs in East Asia: Insights from 2023 Surveys in China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea” (p. 63), and (2) “Sailing for global ocean sustainability: An international science & policy workshop aboard the Statsraad Lehmkuhl” (p. 66).

Click here to read more

Join the ECOP Asia Team in Bangkok, Thailand from April 22-25, 2024

During the 2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference & 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference, members of the ECOP Asia network, including from the working group on ocean literacy, will convene two Decade Action workshops:

  • "Ocean Literacy with all: Dialogue with ECOPs" (W9)
  • "ECOP: UN Decade actions and multidisciplinary practices addressing ECOP challenges" (W10).

Click here to read more

New FEC Publications

○ Alarcón Borges, R. Y., Pérez Montero, O., Tejera, R. G., Silveira, M. T. D., Montoya, J. C., Hernández Mestre, D., ... & Milanes, C. B. (2023). Legal Risk in the Management of Forest Cover in a River Basin San Juan, Cuba. Land, 12(4), 842.

○  Alice Newton, Michele Mistri, Angel Pérez-Ruzafa and Sofia Reizopoulou. (2023). Editorial: Ecosystem services, biodiversity, and water quality in transitional ecosystems, Front. Ecol. Evol., Volume 11.

○  Baumann, L., Riechers, M., Celliers, L., & Ferse, S. C. (2023). Anticipating and transforming futures: a literature review on transdisciplinary coastal research in the Global South. Ecosystems and People19(1), 2288957.

○  Bezerra, Moisés & Goyanna, Felipe & Lacerda, Luiz. (2023). Risk assessment of human Hg exposure through consumption of fishery products in Ceará state, northeastern Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 189. 114713. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114713

○  Botero, C. M., Palacios, M. A., Souza Filho, J. R., & Milanes, C. B. (2023). Beach litter in three South American countries: A baseline for restarting monitoring and cleaning after COVID-19 closure. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 191, 114915.

○  Brempong, E. K., Almar, R., Angnuureng, D. B., Mattah, P. A. D., Jayson-Quashigah, P.-N., Antwi-Agyakwa, K. T., & Charuka, B. (2023). Coastal Flooding Caused by Extreme Coastal Water Level at the World Heritage Historic Keta City (Ghana, West Africa). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(6), 1144. MDPI AG.

○ Brendel, Andrea & Ferrelli, Federico & Echeverria, María & Piccolo, Maria & Perillo, Gerardo. (2022). PROCESAMIENTO DE DATOS SATELITALES ÓPTICOS Y DE RADAR PARA LA DETECCIÓN DE CAMBIOS MORFOMÉTRICOS: EL CASO DE LA DESEMBOCADURA DEL RÍO SAUCE GRANDE (ARGENTINA). Caminhos de Geografia. 23. 85-94. 

○ Carmen E. Elrick-Barr, Julian Clifton, Michael Cuttler, Craig Perry, Abbie A. Rogers, Understanding coastal social values through citizen science: The example of Coastsnap in Western Australia, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 238, 2023, 106563, ISSN 0964-5691,

○  Castiglioni, Eduardo & Gaucher, Claudio & Perillo, Gerardo & Sial, Alcides. (2022). Marine deposits of the Chuy Formation (Late Pleistocene) and isostatic readjustments in the area of Laguna de Rocha (Uruguay). Agrociencia Uruguay. 26.

○  Celliers, Louis & Manez Costa, Maria & Rölfer, Lena & Aswani Canela, Shankar & Ferse, Sebastian. (2023). Social innovation that connects people to coasts in the Anthropocene. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures. 1. 1-22. 10.1017/cft.2023.12.

○  Charuka, B., Angnuureng, D. B., Brempong, E. K., Agblorti, S. K., & Agyakwa, K. T. A. (2023). Assessment of the integrated coastal vulnerability index of Ghana toward future coastal infrastructure investment plans. Ocean & Coastal Management, 244, 106804.

○  Chen, Y., Deng, B., Zhang, G., Zhang, W., & Gao, S. (2023). Response of Shallow Gas‐Charged Holocene Deposits in the Yangtze Delta to Meter‐Scale Erosion Induced by Diminished Sediment Supply: Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(1), e2022JF006631.

○  Cunha, J., Cabecinha, E., Villasante, S., Balbi, S., Elliott, M., Ramos, S., (2023) Defining hotspots and coldspots of regulating and maintenance ecosystem services is key to effective marine management – an assessment of a coastal-open sea gradient, Portugal. Ocean & Coastal Management, 245: 106876;

○  Datta, Satabdi & Roy, Joyashree. (2022). Exploring adaptive capacity: Observations from the vulnerable human-coastal environmental system of the Bay of Bengal in India. Frontiers in Climate. 4. 1007780. 

○  Davranche, A., Arzel, C., Pouzet, P., Carrasco, A. R., Lefebvre, G., Lague, D., ... & Poulin, B. (2023). A multi-sensor approach to monitor the ongoing restoration of edaphic conditions for salt marsh species facing sea level rise: An adaptive management case study in Camargue, France. Science of the Total Environment, 168289.

○  Day, J. W., Hall, C. A., Klitgaard, K., Gunn, J. D., Ko, J. Y., & Burger, J. R. (2023). The coming perfect storm: Diminishing sustainability of coastal human-natural systems in the Anthropocene. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, e35.

○  de Oliveira, E.B., Newton, A. & Botero, C.M. Development of a management-based ranking of beaches. Anthropocene Coasts 7, 6 (2024).

○  Elegbede, I. O., Lawal-Are, A., Oloyede, R., Sanni, R. O., Jolaosho, T. L., Goussanou, A., & Ngo-Massou, V. M. (2023). Proximate, minerals, carotenoid and trypsin inhibitor composition in the exoskeletons of seafood gastropods and their potentials for sustainable circular utilisation. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 13064.

○  Elegbede, I., Lawal-Are, A., Favour, O. et al. Chemical compositions of bivalves shells: Anadara senilis, Crassostrea gasar, and Mytilus edulis and their potential for a sustainable circular economy. SN Appl. Sci. 5, 44 (2023).

○  Elegbede, I., Zurba, M., Hameed, A., & Campbell, C. (2023). Gaps and Challenges in Harnessing the Benefits and Opportunities of Indigenous Certification for a Sustainable Communal Commercial Lobster Fishery. Environmental Management, 1-20.

○  Elliott M. (2023). Marine Ecosystem Services and Integrated Management: "There's a crack, a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in"!. Marine pollution bulletin, 193, 115177. Advance online publication.

○  Elliott, M., Borja, Á., & Cormier, R. (2023). Managing marine resources sustainably–Ecological, societal and governance connectivity, coherence and equivalence in complex marine transboundary regions. Ocean & Coastal Management, 245, 106875.

○  Elliott, M., Wither, A., (Eds.) (2024). Environmental Consequences and Management of Coastal Industries: Terms and Concepts. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Paperback ISBN: 9780443137525, eBook ISBN: 9780443137532, pp 371.

○  Elrick-Barr CE, Clifton J, Cuttler M, Perry C & Rogers AA (2023). Understanding coastal social values through citizen science: The example of Coastsnap in Western Australia. Ocean & Coastal Management, 238, 106563.

○  Elrick-Barr, C. E., Smith, T. F., & Thomsen, D. C. (2024). Is ‘hope’helpful or a hinderance? Implications for coastal governance. Ocean & Coastal Management248, 106953.

○  Feng, Y., Tu, C., Li, R., Wu, D., Yang, J., Xia, Y., ... & Luo, Y. (2023). A systematic review of the impacts of exposure to micro-and nano-plastics on human tissue accumulation and health. Eco-Environment & Health.

○  Ferreira, A.C.; LACERDA LD, Rodrigues, J.V.; Bezerra, L.E.A. 2023. New contributions to mangrove restoration/rehabilitation protocols and practices. Forest Ecology & Management Journal 31, 89-114.

○  Foley, Aideen & Moncada, Stefano & Mycoo, Michelle & Nunn, Patrick & Tandrayen-Ragoobur, Verena & Evans, Christopher. (2022). Small Island Developing States in a post‐pandemic world: Challenges and opportunities for climate action. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. 13. 

○  Forero-López, A. D., Toniolo, M. A., Colombo, C. V., Rimondino, G. N., Cuadrado, D., Perillo, G. M. E., & Malanca, F. E. (2023). Marine microdebris pollution in sediments from three environmental coastal areas in the southwestern Argentine Atlantic. Science of The Total Environment, 169677.

○  Fragoso, C.; Gatts, P.V.; Di Benedittoa, A.P.; Martinelli, L.A.; LACERDA, L.D. & Rezende, C.E. 2023. Stable isotopes and Mercury as tools to depict aquatic food webs. Quimica Nova 46 (11)

○  Fu, C., Li, Y., Tu, C., Hu, J., Zeng, L., Qian, L., ... & Luo, Y. (2023). Dynamics of trace element enrichment in blue carbon ecosystems in relation to anthropogenic activities. Environment International, 180, 108232.

○  Fu, C., Li, Y., Zeng, L., Tu, C., Wang, X., Ma, H., ... & Luo, Y. (2024). Climate and mineral accretion as drivers of mineralassociated and particulate organic matter accumulation in tidal wetland soils. Global Change Biology30(1), e17070.

○  Gallo Velez, David & Restrepo, Juan & Newton, Alice. (2023). Assessment of the Magdalena River delta socio-ecological system through the Circles of Coastal Sustainability framework. Frontiers in Earth Science. 11. 10.3389/feart.2023.1058122.

○  Goyanna, F., Silva, G., Bezerra, M.F., LACERDA, L.D. 2023. Mercury in oceanic upper trophic level sharks and bony fishes - A systematic review. Environmental Pollution 318, 120821

○  Guzmán, D. H., Mier, R. L., Vergara, A., & Milanes, C. B. (2023). Marine protected areas in Colombia: A historical review of legal marine protection since the late 1960 s to 2023. Marine Policy, 155, 105726.

○  Harvey N & Smith TF, 2023, 'Key lessons from new perspectives on Australian coastal management', Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 239, 15 May 2023, 106581

○  Hawkins, S. J., Todd, P. A., Russell, B. D., Lemasson, A. J., Allcock, A. L., Byrne, M., ... & Swearer, S. E. (2023). Review of the Central and South Atlantic Shelf and Deep-Sea Benthos: Science, Policy, and Management. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An annual review. Volume 61, 61, 127-218.

○  Huddleston, P., Smith, T. F., White, I., & Elrick-Barr, C. (2023). What influences the adaptive capacity of coastal critical infrastructure providers?. Urban Climate, 48, 101416.

○  Inguaggiato, S., Meng, Q., Mondal, E., Chen, Y.-X., LACERDA, L. D., eds. (2024). Reviews in geochemistry: 2022. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.

○  LACERDA LD, Godoy, JMO, Gonçalves, R.A., Rocha, M.F. & Dutra, B.F. 2023. Metais em sedimentos de talude da Bacia Potiguar em área de exploração de petróleo e gás natural offshore, NE Brasil. Química Nova 46 (6), 54-560.

○ Lange, M., Cabana, D., Ebeling, A., Ebinghaus, R., Joerss, H., Rölfer, L., & Celliers, L. (2023). Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, E23.

○  Laubenstein T, Smith TF, Hobday AJ, Pecl GT, Evans K, Fulton EA & O'Donnell T, 2023, 'Threats to Australia's oceans and coasts: a systematic review', Ocean & Coastal Management, 231 (published online 29 Oct 2022).

○  Lehuen, A., & Orvain, F. (2024). A cockle-induced bioturbation model and its impact on sediment erodibility: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment912, 168936.

○  Li, Y., Fu, C., Hu, J., Zeng, L., Tu, C., & Luo, Y. (2023). Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Stoichiometry and Fractions in Blue Carbon Ecosystems: Implications for Carbon Accumulation in Allochthonous-Dominated Habitats. Environmental Science & Technology57(14), 5913-5923.

○  Li, Y., Fu, C., Wang, W., Zeng, L., Tu, C., & Luo, Y. (2023). An overlooked soil carbon pool in vegetated coastal ecosystems: National-scale assessment of soil organic carbon stocks in coastal shelter forests of China. Science of The Total Environment876, 162823.

○  Li, Yingjie & Robinson, Samuel & Nguyen, Lan & Liu, Jianguo. (2023). Satellite prediction of coastal hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Remote Sensing of Environment. 284. 113346. 

○  International Science Council, 2023. Global Sea-level Rise: ISC Policy Brief. Coordination: Seag, M., Contributors: Lebbe, T.B., Church, J., Colleoni, F., Elliott, M., Hinkel, J., Jacot des Combes, H., Mycoo, M., Naish, T., Post, J., Scobie, A., Stevance, A.S., Thomas, A., van de Wal, R., Webster, D.G. ISC Liaison to the UN System, International Science Council, 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75116, Paris, France. 

○  Mabon L and Kawabe M (2022) 'Bring Voices from the Coast into the Fukushima Treated Water Debate' PNAS 119 (45) e2205431119.

○  Madhanagopal, D. (2023). Local Adaptation to Climate Change in South India: Challenges and the Future in the Tsunami-hit Coastal Regions. Taylor & Francis.

○  Mestanza-Ramón, C., Monar-Nuñez, J., Guala-Alulema, P., Montenegro-Zambrano, Y., Herrera-Chávez, R., Milanes, C. B., ... & Toledo-Villacís, M. (2023). A Review to Update the Protected Areas in Ecuador and an Analysis of Their Main Impacts and Conservation Strategies. Environments, 10(5), 79.

○  Moura, V.L. & LACERDA, L.D. 2022. Mercury sources, emissions, distribution and bioavailability along an estuarine gradient under semiarid conditions in NE Brazil. International Journal of Pollution Research and Public Health 19, 17092

○  Mycoo, M. A., & Roopnarine, R. R. (2024). Water resource sustainability: Challenges, opportunities and research gaps in the English-speaking Caribbean Small Island Developing States. PLOS Water3(1), e0000222.

○  Newton A, Mistri M, Pérez-Ruzafa A and Reizopoulou S (2023) Editorial: Ecosystem services, biodiversity, and water quality in transitional ecosystems. Front. Ecol. Evol. 11:1136750.

○  Ollivier, M. E. L., Newton, A., & Kelsey, H. (2023). Social-Ecological analysis of the eutrophication in Chesapeake Bay, United States of America. Frontiers in Marine Science.

○  Pauli, Natasha & Clifton, Julian & Elrick-Barr, Carmen. (2023). Evaluating marine areas in Fiji. Nature Sustainability. 10.1038/s41893-023-01136-2.

○  Peng, Ya & Sengupta, Dhritiraj & Yuanqiang, Duan & Chunpeng, Chen & Tian, Bo. (2022). Accurate mapping of Chinese coastal aquaculture ponds using biophysical parameters based on Sentinel-2 time series images. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 181. 113901. 

○  Pereira CI, Botero CM, Ricaurte-Villota C, Coca O, Morales D, Cuker B, Milanes CB. Grounding the SHIELD Model for Tropical Coastal Environments. Sustainability. 2022; 14(19):12317.

○  Perillo, G. M., Zilio, M. I., Tohme, F., & Piccolo, M. C. (2024). The free energy of an ecosystem: towards a measure of its inner value. Anthropocene Coasts7(1), 4.

○  Pickering K, Pearce T, Manuel L, Doran B & Smith T, 2023, 'Socio-ecological challenges and food security in the 'salad bowl' of Fiji, Sigatoka Valley'. Regional Environmental Change, 23, 61.

○  Rodriguez CAB, LACERDA LD, Bezerra, MF. 2023. Pilot study of mercury distribution in the carapace of four species of sea turtles from Northeastern Brazil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 110, 99 (2023).

○  Rölfer, L., Abson, D. J., Costa, M. M., Rosendo, S., Smith, T. F., & Celliers, L. (2022). Leveraging governance performance to enhance climate resilience. Earth's Future, 10.

○  Rölfer, Lena & Celliers, Louis & Abson, David. (2022). Resilience and coastal governance: knowledge and navigation between stability and transformation. ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY. 27. 

○  Sengupta, D., Choi, Y. R., Tian, B., Brown, S., Meadows, M., Hackney, C. R., ... & Zhou, Y. (2023). Mapping 21st century global coastal land reclamation. Earth's Future, 11(2), e2022EF002927.

○  Smith, T., Elrick-Barr, C., Thomsen, D., Celliers, L., & Le Tissier, M. (2023). Impacts of tourism on coastal areas. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, E5.

○  Taryn Laubenstein, Timothy F. Smith, Alistair J. Hobday, Gretta T. Pecl, Karen Evans, Elizabeth A. Fulton, Tayanah O'Donnell, Threats to Australia's oceans and coasts: A systematic review, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 231, 2023, 106331, ISSN 0964-5691.

○  Thomsen, D. C., Smith, T. F., & Elrick‐Barr, C. E. (2023). The Anthropocene Obscene: Poetic inquiry and evocative evidence of inequality. The Geographical Journal.

○  Valenzuela, V. P. B., Esteban, M., & Onuki, M. (2023). Middle-class risk perception of disasters and land reclamation in Metro Manila, Philippines. Anthropocene Coasts, 6(1), 13.

○  van Onselen, V., Bayrak, M. M., & Lin, T. Y. (2023). Assessment of Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in Coastal Environments of Taiwan. Journal of Disaster Research18(7), 700-707. https://doi: 10.20965/jdr.2023.p0700

○  Vargas, S. M., Vitale, A. J., Genchi, S. A., Nogueira, S. F., Arias, A. H., Perillo, G. M., ... & Delrieux, C. A. (2023). Monitoring multiple parameters in complex water scenarios using a low-cost open-source data acquisition platform. HardwareX16, e00492.

○  Verzele, P., Rodriguez, C.A.B., Bezerra, M.F. & LACERDA, L.D. 2023. Regional differences in Hg contents in liver and muscle of Chelonia mydas from three foraging grounds in Northeast Brazil. Environmental Science & Pollution Research

○  Ward, R.D., LACERDA, L.D., Cerqueira, A.C., Hugo, V., Hernandez, O.C. 2023, Impacts of sea level rise on mangroves in northeast Brazil. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 108382.

○  Wolff M, Ferse SCA, Govan H (eds) (2023) Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management - Experiences and Lessons Learned. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland.

○  Yang, H., Li, X., Elliott, M. (2023). An Integrated Quantitative Evaluation Framework of Sustainable Development – the complex case of the Yangtze River Delta. Ocean & Coastal Management, 232: 106426,

○  Yingjie Li, Samuel V.J. Robinson, Lan H. Nguyen, Jianguo Liu, Satellite prediction of coastal hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 284, 2023, 113346, ISSN 0034-4257.

FEC Official Journal

Anthropocene Coasts

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Anthropocene Coasts, the official journal supported by Future Earth Coasts, is archived by 17 databases, such as Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Catalogue of Chinese High-Quality Sci-Tech Journals (Geosciences), CLOCKSS, CNKI, Wanfang, CNPIEC, Dimensions, EBSCO Discovery Service, Naver, EBSCO Discovery Service, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, Portico, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, TD Net Discovery Service.

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FEC Official Journal

Call for Papers:

Special Collection on Coastal Blue Carbon - Tang Jianwu Memorial Special Collection


  • Jan. 1st 2024: Call for Paper Opens; submit manuscripts for 2x independent review
  • Jul. 1st 2024: Manuscript submission deadline

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Special Collection on Mega deltas - seeking solutions to the problem of sustainability


  • Oct. 30th 2023: Call for Paper Opens; submit manuscripts for 2x independent review
  • May. 31st 2024: Manuscript submission deadline

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Material transport and eco-environmental dynamics across the river-estuary-coast shelf continuum under changing climate and human activities


  • Dec 1st 2022: Open call for papers; submit Manuscripts for 2x independent review
  • Jun 30th 2024: Manuscript submission deadline

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Special Collection: Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Changjiang Delta


Maotian LiEast China Normal University, China

Hualong LuanChangjiang River Scientific Research Institute, China

Ling Ding, Shanghai Investigation, Design & Research Institute, China

Lou Fei, CCCC-Shanghai Waterway Engineering Design and Consulting Co., Ltd, China

The Changjiang Delta is China's most economically active region, having extensive international links and a history of rapid innovation and development. However, this sustained high-intensity development has led to the degradation of the region's resources, environment, and ecology and now threatens the continued growth and development of the region. Understanding the interaction of human activities with the natural environment is central to being able address these problems and move forward in a more sustainable way. To support this endeavor, we are organizing a Special Collection entitled "Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Changjiang Delta". For this special collection we are interested in papers that address emerging issues behind the conservation and restoration of the Changjiang Delta, alongside the continued use and development of the region. We envisage that this collection will inform the debate on the sustainable development of the Changjiang Delta region, as well as providing insights that are relevant to the sustainable development of deltas around the world.


The submissions should address any of the following aspect of the river-estuarine-coastal system.

1. Eco-geomorphological response and disasters to multiple stresses.

2. Resource allocation to deliver a balanced approach to protection, development and utilisation.

3. Measures to support ecological protection and restoration.

4. Engineering and planning for sustainable development within the delta.

5. Observations, monitoring and early warning systems to support sustainable development.

6. Modelling (physical and numerical) and forecasting for delta regions.

7. Management, assessment and policy analysis to promote sustainable development.

8. Use of artificial intelligence / machine learning to support any of the above needs.


Keywords: estuarine coast; resource environment; ecological protection; disaster prevention and mitigation; engineering and planning; observation and early warning; simulation and prediction; assessment and management.


Manuscript Submission Option: Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Changjiang Delta


Anthropocene Coasts is especially interested in studies that bridge basic theoretical research and management sciences. We encourage submissions from all over the world. The page charges for this Special Collection are covered by East China Normal University.



  • Oct. 7th 2023: Call for Paper Opens; submit manuscripts for 2x independent review
  • Mar. 31th 2024: Manuscript submission deadline

Click here to read more

Special Issue: Coastal hazard risk in the Anthropocene



Bruce Glavovic, Massey University, New Zealand

Robert J. Nicholls, University of East Anglia, UK

For this Special Issue, Anthropocene Coasts invites manuscripts that focus on coastal hazard risk in the Anthropocene, including ecological, cultural, social, economic, and governance (including political, administrative, policy and legal) considerations.


  • Jan. 31st 2024: Open call for abstracts closes; submit MS for 2x independent review
  • June 30th 2024: Manuscript submission deadline

Click here to read more

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