Coast Posts
- A Newsletter From FEC
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News from Future Earth Coasts International Project Office
Shanghai | East China Normal University
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- FEC Workshop on Assessing the Sustainability of Coastal Lagoons (Poland, 22 June)
- Future Earth Coasts - PACPATH Open Day Activity at SRI 2023 (Panama, 28 June)
- Future Earth Coasts - IES Joint Webinar on 30 June
Anthropocene Coasts, FEC Official Journal, Soars in CiteScore 2022 Rankings
- Fishing Closed Season in Ghana
- FEC Dialogue with Academy Members: Prof. Shu Gao
- FEC Dialogue with Female Scientists: Prof. Lin Yuan
- FEC Academician's Pick: Prof. Alice Newton
Marine Ecosystem Services and Integrated Management: “There's a crack, a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in”!
- Updates from FEC Affiliated Projects: Novara One Planet, Resilient Lagoon Network
Updates from FEC Supported Networks: Ocean Acidification Africa
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Future Earth Coasts Playlist
Future Earth has created a new playlist for FEC on its Youtube channel.
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FEC Workshop on Assessing the Sustainability of Coastal Lagoons (Gdynia, Poland, 22 June) | |
The Future Earth Coasts (FEC) Workshop on the Assessment of Coastal Lagoons and Their Sustainability took place on Thursday, June 22nd, at the Eurolag10 conference held in Gdynia, Poland. With participation from 20 experts representing Europe, Latin America, and Africa, the workshop aimed to enhance our understanding of the sustainability of social-ecological coastal lagoon systems.
Coastal lagoons are intricate, social-ecological systems that offer a wide range of ecosystem services crucial for human welfare and well-being. Their sustainability hinges upon several key factors, including achieving good environmental and ecological status, ensuring responsible economic exploitation with minimal negative externalities, promoting social equity and community-based management of natural resources, and implementing effective governance practices spanning from local to transnational scales.
The FEC workshop at Eurolag10 provided a valuable platform for collaboration, learning, and knowledge exchange, underscoring the significance of interdisciplinary cooperation in addressing the complex sustainability issues faced by coastal lagoon systems.
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For more background information: Circles of Coastal Sustainability: A Framework for Coastal Management,
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FEC-PACPATH Open Day Activity at SRI 2023 Promotes Collaboration for Sustainable Basin Health | |
Future Earth Coasts (FEC) and PACPATH (Pacific Ocean Pathways in Support of Sustainable Development: an Integrated Approach) project have successfully launched their collaborative open day activity 'Get the Grade,' at the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2023 (SRI 2023) on June 28 in Panama.
'Get the Grade' at SRI 2023 provided participants with a unique opportunity to explore the complexities of natural resources and water management, fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders. Through role-playing, negotiations, and partnership formation, the teams aimed to improve their report card grades for a fictitious basin. These grades were based on six fundamental river basin values, including ecological factors, water quality and quantity, social and cultural aspects, health and nutrition considerations, management and governance practices, and economic dimensions.
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Joint Webinar by FEC and IES on Coastal Wetland Restoration took place on 30th June | |
Future Earth Coasts (FEC) and the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) joined forces to organize a webinar on coastal wetland restoration. The webinar, held on June 30th, featured expert speakers from China and Australia who shared their research and case studies.
Professor Chen Xuechu from East China Normal University presented a case study on Chinese coastal wetland restoration and carbon sequestration. His findings revealed that restored wetlands act as larger carbon sinks compared to natural marshes. This restoration not only helps combat climate change but also provides vital habitats for diverse wildlife. Dr. James Sippo, a Research Fellow at Southern Cross University, discussed the Australian Blue Carbon Method, which offers carbon credits for coastal wetland restoration. He explained the carbon cycling in mangrove ecosystems and highlighted the potential for using blue carbon sequestration as a natural mitigation strategy for climate change. After the presentations, a Q & A session allowed the audience to engage with the speakers and further explore the topics discussed.
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The joint webinar served as an informative platform, emphasizing the need for concerted efforts in coastal wetland restoration to combat climate change and safeguard biodiversity. The insights shared by Prof. Chen Xuechu and Dr. James Sippo shed light on the importance of restoring and protecting these vital ecosystems for a sustainable future. | |
Anthropocene Coasts, FEC Official Journal, Shows Impressive Growth in CiteScore 2022 Rankings
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Recently, the official release of CiteScore 2022, an important indicator of academic journal impact, has hightlighted the impressive performance of Anthropocene Coasts, the official journal of FEC. This year Anthropocene Coasts achieved a remarkable CiteScore of 4.9, demonstrating significant progress compared to its previous score of 3.9 in 2021.
According to the CiteScore 2022 ranking, Anthropocene Coasts has advanced from the top 28% to the top 23% among journals in environmental science – nature and landscape conservation, securing its position in the highly regarded Q1 journal category.
Anthropocene Coasts has not only excelled in the field of environmental science but has also made notable strides in ocean engineering. It has climbed from the 32nd position to the 28th position, placing it in the top 28% and maintaining its standing in the Q2 category. Similarly, in the field of oceanography, it has improved from the 53rd position to the 40th position, ranking within the top 30% and continuing to be recognized in the Q2 category.
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What About the Fishing Closed Season? | |
The ocean is filled with numerous resources, ranging from food to energy. As such, countries sharing boundaries with seas boast of a vibrant blue economy. In this light, all these countries together with others not bound by the sea rely on these resources to boost their economies, with one of the most exploited resources being fish.
However, many countries are experiencing a drastic decline in fisheries, and Ghana, which shares a boundary with the Gulf of Guinea is no different, with fishermen reporting reduced fish catch. In finding solutions to mitigate depleted fish stocks, Ghana found the need to adopt the closed fishing season in 2016 based on scientific recommendations, aimed at fish stock recovery. This was indicated as a way of protecting fish stock and increasing fish population with the objectives of curbing overfishing, reducing fishing pressure, restoring overexploited fish stocks, and replenishing dwindling fish populations.
The closed season also known as the biological rest period or no harvesting period is when fishing activities are put on pause during the spawning or reproduction period of fish.
During this period the fish spawn (lay their eggs) in the hope that these eggs will mature into fish to replenish the depleted or reduced stock. This is some sort of rejuvenation of the lost population in the case of afforestation in plants.
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FEC Dialogue Interview Series | |
FEC Dialogue with Academy members | |
This interview series ‘FEC Dialogue with Academy Members’ celebrates careers and life accomplishments of FEC Academy Members. They have been generously passing on knowledge and experience to the next generation of young coastal scientists to empower them with not only professional development opportunities but also life advice on ways to succeed despite challenges and difficulties. By featuring these dedicated and remarkable scholars in coastal sciences, we want to inspire young scientists to enter science careers, and recognize role models of successful researchers.
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Future Earth Coasts celebrate these days by launching the interview series ‘FEC Dialogue with Female Scientists’. We invited female scientists at different career stages around the globe to share their stories and reflect on challenges and opportunities they encountered in their career paths. Stories from the interviewees are a snapshot of the current situation. We learnt not only their passion and dedication to coastal research, but also realized existing barriers in promoting gender equity and the necessary to make women’s voices heard in the world.
Their scientific work paved the way for young girls who want to engage in STEM to build a fairer and more equal future. We want to inspire young women to bravely pursue their professional career paths.
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Prof. Dr. Shu Gao
Professor at
Nanjing University | China
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Q: As a scientist, what do you enjoy most?
A: Regarding the pleasure of scientific research, Feynman’s views are profound. He said, there are three values of scientific research: scientific knowledge enables us to open a new door to enter the unknown world, research brings with it the fun called intellectual enjoyment, and science tells us that any scientific result has its uncertainties. Over the years, the members of my research group and myself have been practicing these principles and have deeply felt their impact. In the past, we followed our teachers to work on applied projects, or projects funded directly by non-governmental entities, using our knowledge of geomorphology to provide solutions to the various problems. At that time, the significance of Feynman’s ideas was not apparent to us. It was only after entering the field of basic research that we gained new insights.
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FEC Dialogue with Female Scientists | |
Lin Yuan, Professor at State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, visiting scholar at Duke University in the United States.
Her main research focuses on the structure, function, ecological restoration, and responses to global change in coastal wetland ecosystems. She has led over 30 national and provincial-level projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research and Development Program, and major projects of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. She has also been involved as a key participant in more than 10 national key research and development programs and major projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
She has conducted long-term research on the control of invasive species-Spartina alterniflora, restoration of native vegetation, and enhancement of coastal resilience.
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Maintain a positive mindset. Even when encountering setbacks and difficulties, it is important to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, seek solutions to problems, and avoid getting trapped in negative emotions.
—Prof. Lin Yuan
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Dr Alice Newton is a Professor in the Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences (DCTMA), Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT) of the University of Algarve (UAlg) Portugal).
She is a member of Portugal’s Institute of Marine Research (IMAR); the Marine and Environmental Research Center (CIMA); a Council member of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA); the European Engagement Partner of Future Earth Coasts.
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Circles of Coastal Sustainability: A Framework for Coastal Management | | |
Natália M. P. de Alencar, Martin Le Tissier, Shona K. Paterson, Alice Newton
The coastal zone is a space where many social, economic, and political activities intersect with natural processes. In this paper, we present an adaptation of the method of ‘Circles of Sustainability’, used to provide a visual assessment of indicators that define sustainability profiles for cities. It is used as a basis for a ‘Circles of Coastal Sustainability’ (CCS) framework that can be used at multiple spatial scales to assess indicators of critical processes that facilitate/constrain sustainability of the world’s coastal zones. The development of such a framework can support management by identifying key features that influence environmental sustainability and human well-being. CCS presents a holistic assessment of four interdependent boundary domains: Environment and Ecology, Social and Cultural, Economics, and Governance and Policy. This approach improves its utility and usability for decision-makers and researchers. CCS adds to existing assessment frameworks that are often focused on particular themes and/or domains that confine their utility to the context of sustainable development and the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which demand an inherently holistic and integrated evaluation. CCS is a holistic framework designed to assess the boundaries to sustainability for socio-ecological systems at multiple scales for the world’s coasts.
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Marine Ecosystem Services and Integrated Management: “There's a crack, a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in”!
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There have been many recent developments and discussions regarding marine science for policy, governance and management in the pages of Marine Pollution Bulletin and elsewhere and especially the movement towards systems analysis to cope with the complexity of marine natural and human systems (for example, Elliott et al., 2017, Elliott et al., 2020a, Elliott et al., 2020b; Cormier et al., 2022, and references therein). It is emphasised that the marine system has to be viewed through both eco-centric and anthropocentric lenses but both aspects are needed to consider the whole ecosystem. Because of this, it is now especially appropriate to reappraise an integrative model linking the natural and social sciences, governance and management. If such a model can be agreed then it would enable a recipe for assessing and managing human activities in the sea. Such a model would need to merge the natural and social sciences, not least to include concepts regarding the ecosystem services and societal goods and benefits provided by our oceans. Despite this, and perhaps as expected, there continues to be discussion and even argument relating to the meaning, interpretation and use of the relevant terms, especially regarding the concepts relating to ecosystem services. This article attempts to clarify the ecosystem services concept while also proposing such an integrative model.
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Updates from FEC Affiliated Projects | |
Mapping for a resilient community |
People have been making maps for centuries, and in this case, a Greenmap is a visual, fun and inclusive way of knowing what is in any community.
I asked if Greenmaps would someday give google maps a run for its money – but Hannah says this is a different concept; Google maps is based on commercially-led ideas of what is in place, but Greenmaps aim is to create a visual picture of a community from the perspective of those who live in it.
‘In Dunoon we have created a map that is useful, practical and informs people’, says Hannah. It also can facilitate a discussion and share information and perspectives across different shareholders.
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Climate action community engagement |
Novara launched its climate action engagement work with its first workshop and meetings in Campbeltown, Scotland.
The Novara team worked with local community groups to arrange a series of meetings to discuss climate change adaptation in Campbeltown. Main events were a short talk at the Campbeltown Sailing Club and an event organised by Scotland Climate Action Network (SCAN) and hosted by South Kintyre Development Trust (SKDT).
We had a dedicated turn out for climate adaptation workshop including a community counsellor, Bob Shepton our Patron and a recorded presentation from Prof Bruce Glavovic, one of our Advisors. The conversation ranged over Novara’s mission, climate adaptation and Novara’s previous adventures in the Antarctic.
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Resilient Lagoon Network (RLN) | | |
The Resilient Lagoon Network had a presence at the Eurolag conference, held in Gydnia, Poland June 19th-23rd. The RLN presented their framework for the sustainable management of lagoons in West Africa and contributed to the workshop on assessing the sustainability of lagoons.
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Updates from FEC Suported Networks | |
Ocean Acidification Africa (OA Africa) | | |
New Regional Sub-Hub for Ocean Acidification to be Launched in the Gulf of Guinea! | | |
A new sub-hub dedicated to addressing ocean acidification in the Gulf of Guinea will be launched in September 2023 in Monrovia, Liberia.
Its primary objective is to prepare and inform West Africa about the potential threats of ocean acidification and strategies for mitigation and adaptation. Working closely with the steering committee of OA Africa, the sub-hub will establish a network of scientists to provide valuable information and guidance to stakeholders and policymakers. This collaborative effort aims to build a sustainable future for the Gulf of Guinea, ensuring the effective management of ocean acidification impacts on marine ecosystems and communities.
Please reach out to Sheck ( or Sarah ( if you would like to be involved in the hub or know of anyone who may be interested in joining.
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Elliott M. (2023). Marine Ecosystem Services and Integrated Management: "There's a crack, a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in"!. Marine pollution bulletin, 193, 115177. Advance online publication.
Bezerra, Moisés & Goyanna, Felipe & Lacerda, Luiz. (2023). Risk assessment of human Hg exposure through consumption of fishery products in Ceará state, northeastern Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 189. 114713. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114713.
Celliers, Louis & Manez Costa, Maria & Rölfer, Lena & Aswani Canela, Shankar & Ferse, Sebastian. (2023). Social innovation that connects people to coasts in the Anthropocene. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures. 1. 1-22. 10.1017/cft.2023.12.
Pauli, Natasha & Clifton, Julian & Elrick-Barr, Carmen. (2023). Evaluating marine areas in Fiji. Nature Sustainability. 10.1038/s41893-023-01136-2.
Gallo Velez, David & Restrepo, Juan & Newton, Alice. (2023). Assessment of the Magdalena River delta socio-ecological system through the Circles of Coastal Sustainability framework. Frontiers in Earth Science. 11. 10.3389/feart.2023.1058122.
Chen, Y., Deng, B., Zhang, G., Zhang, W., & Gao, S. (2023). Response of Shallow Gas‐Charged Holocene Deposits in the Yangtze Delta to Meter‐Scale Erosion Induced by Diminished Sediment Supply: Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(1), e2022JF006631.
Day, J. W., Twilley, R. R., Freeman, A., Couvillion, B., Quirk, T., Jafari, N., ... & Meselhe, E. (2023). The Concept of Land Bridge Marshes in the Mississippi River Delta and Implications for Coastal Restoration. Nature-Based Solutions, 100061.
Lange, M., Cabana, D., Ebeling, A., Ebinghaus, R., Joerss, H., Rölfer, L., & Celliers, L. (2023). Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, E23.
Pickering K, Pearce T, Manuel L, Doran B & Smith T, 2023, ‘Socio-ecological challenges and food security in the ‘salad bowl’ of Fiji, Sigatoka Valley’. Regional Environmental Change, 23, 61.
Harvey N & Smith TF, 2023, ‘Key lessons from new perspectives on Australian coastal management’, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 239, 15 May 2023, 106581
Sengupta, D., Choi, Y. R., Tian, B., Brown, S., Meadows, M., Hackney, C. R., ... & Zhou, Y. (2023). Mapping 21st century global coastal land reclamation. Earth's Future, 11(2), e2022EF002927.
Elrick-Barr CE, Clifton J, Cuttler M, Perry C & Rogers AA (2023). Understanding coastal social values through citizen science: The example of Coastsnap in Western Australia. Ocean & Coastal Management, 238, 106563.
Lange, M., Cabana, D., Ebeling, A., Ebinghaus, R., Joerss, H., Rölfer, L., & Celliers, L. (2023). Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1-20.
Alice Newton, Michele Mistri, Angel Pérez-Ruzafa and Sofia Reizopoulou. (2023). Editorial: Ecosystem services, biodiversity, and water quality in transitional ecosystems, Front. Ecol. Evol., Volume 11.
Huddleston, P., Smith, T. F., White, I., & Elrick-Barr, C. (2023). What influences the adaptive capacity of coastal critical infrastructure providers?. Urban Climate, 48, 101416.
Elegbede, I., Lawal-Are, A., Favour, O., Jolaosho, T., & Goussanou, A. (2023). Chemical compositions of bivalves shells: Anadara senilis, Crassostrea gasar, and Mytilus edulis and their potential for a sustainable circular economy. SN Applied Sciences, 5(1), 44.
Wolff M, Ferse SCA, Govan H (eds) (2023) Challenges in Tropical Coastal Zone Management - Experiences and Lessons Learned. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland.
Datta, Satabdi, Roy Joyashree (2022) Exploring Adaptive Capacity: Observations from the vulnerable human coastal environmental system of the Bay of Bengal in India. Frontiers in Climate. Vol 4.
Smith, T., Elrick-Barr, C., Thomsen, D., Celliers, L., & Le Tissier, M. (2023). Impacts of tourism on coastal areas. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1, E5.
Laubenstein T, Smith TF, Hobday AJ, Pecl GT, Evans K, Fulton EA & O’Donnell T, 2023, ‘Threats to Australia's oceans and coasts: a systematic review’, Ocean & Coastal Management, 231 (published online 29 Oct 2022)
Li, Y., Robinson, S.V.J., Nguyen, L.H., Liu, J., 2023. Satellite prediction of coastal hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Remote Sensing of Environment 284, 113346.
Pereira, C.I.; Botero, C.M.; Ricaurte-Villota, C.; Coca, O.; Morales, D.; Cuker, B.; Milanes, C.B. Grounding the SHIELD Model for Tropical Coastal Environments. Sustainability 2022, 14, 12317.
Mabon L and Kawabe M (2022) 'Bring Voices from the Coast into the Fukushima Treated Water Debate' PNAS 119 (45) e2205431119.
Rölfer, L., Abson, D. J., Costa, M. M., Rosendo, S., Smith, T. F., & Celliers, L. (2022). Leveraging governance performance to enhance climate resilience. Earth's Future, 10.
AM Foley, S Moncada, M Mycoo, P Nunn, V Tandrayen‐Ragoobur, ...Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (3), e769
Peng, Y., Sengupta, D., Duan, Y., Chen, C., & Tian, B. (2022). Accurate mapping of Chinese coastal aquaculture ponds using biophysical parameters based on Sentinel-2 time series images. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 181, 113901.
Rölfer, L., Celliers, L., & Abson, D. J. (2022). Resilience and coastal governance: knowledge and navigation between stability and transformation. Ecology and Society, 27(2), 40.
Brendel, A.S., Ferrelli, F., Piccolo, M.C., Perillo, G.M.E., 2022. Procesamiento de datos satelitales ópticos y de radar para la detección de cambios morfométricos: el caso de la desembocadura del río Sauce Grande (Argentina). Caminhos de Geografia 23:85-94. DOI 10.14393/RCG238658189. ISSN 1678-6343.
Castiglioni, E., Gaucher, C., Perillo, G.M.E., Sial, A.N., 2022. Marine deposits of the Chuy Formation (Late Pleistocene) and isostatic readjustments in the area of Laguna de Rocha (Uruguay). Agrociencias 26:e799. doi:10.31285/AGRO.26.799.
FERREIRA, Alexander Cesar; LACERDA, Luiz Drude de. Mangrove restoration in ne brazil: a unified contribution to adapting to global climate change. Arquivo de Ciências do Mar, Fortaleza, v. 55, p. 219-230, 2022. Especial Labomar 60 anos.
Ferreira, A. C., Borges, R., & de Lacerda, L. D. (2022). Can Sustainable Development Save Mangroves?. Sustainability, 14(3), 1263.
Rölfer, L., Elias Ilosvay, X. E., Ferse, S., Jung, J., Karcher, D. B., Kriegl, M., ... & Walker, E. Z. (2022). Disentangling Obstacles to Knowledge Co-Production for Early-Career Researchers in the Marine Sciences. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.
de Lacerda, L. D., Ward, R. D., Borges, R., & Ferreira, A. C. (2022). Mangrove Trace Metal Biogeochemistry Response to Global Climate Change. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 47.
Raikes, J., Smith, T. F., Baldwin, C., & Henstra, D. (2022). Disaster risk reduction and climate policy implementation challenges in Canada and Australia. Climate Policy, 1-15.
Elrick-Barr, C. E., & Smith, T. F. (2022). Current Information Provision Rarely Helps Coastal Households Adapt to Climate Change. Sustainability, 14(5), 2904.
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Anthropocene Coasts
special column
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Anthropocene Coasts, the official journal supported by Future Earth Coasts, is archived by 17 databases, such as Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Catalogue of Chinese High-Quality Sci-Tech Journals (Geosciences), CLOCKSS, CNKI, Wanfang, CNPIEC, Dimensions, EBSCO Discovery Service, Naver, EBSCO Discovery Service, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, Portico, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, TD Net Discovery Service.
Official Website:
Submission system:
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Special Issue: Coastal hazard risk in the Anthropocene | |
Bruce Glavovic, Massey University, New Zealand
Robert J. Nicholls, University of East Anglia, UK
For this Special Issue, Anthropocene Coasts invites manuscripts that focus on coastal hazard risk in the Anthropocene, including ecological, cultural, social, economic, and governance (including political, administrative, policy and legal) considerations.
- Dec. 1st 2022: Open call for abstracts Opens
- Jun. 30th 2023: Open call for abstracts closes; submit MS for 2x independent review
- Dec. 30th 2023: Manuscript submission deadline
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Special Issue: Material transport and eco-environmental dynamics across the river-estuary-coast shelf continuum under changing climate and human activities | |
Aijun Wang, Third Institute of Oceanography, China
Bong Chui Wei, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SM Sharifuzzaman, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh
Cherdvong Saengsupavanich, Kasetsart University, Chonburi, Thailan
For this Special Issue, Anthropocene Coasts invites manuscripts that focus on material transport across the river-estuary-coastal shelf continuum under changing climate and human activities from a range of disciplines (e.g., biology, ecology, geomorphology, hydrology, oceanography, sedimentology, coastal zone management, and multidisciplinary topic).
- Nov.10th 2022: Decision to proceed / not proceed with SI
- Dec. 1st 2022: Open call for abstracts Opens
- Jun. 30th 2023: Open call for abstracts closes; submit MS for 2x independent review
- Oct. 30th 2023: Manuscript submission deadline
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"World Large River and Delta Systems Source-to-Sink Online Talk Series" continue to update! | |
Most of our subscribers are coasts-related researchers. If you would like to put some recruitment information or share some latest news about coastal research in FEC monthly newsletter, please feel free to contact us through | | | | |