在新年的开始,我们Future Earth Coasts (FEC)的前主席们正式完成了工作交接,为他们在FEC任职主席期间的工作画下了完美的句号。
他们三人加入FEC已有多年,在他们的领导下FEC取得了许多重要发展。例如,制定了“我们的海岸未来战略”以及2019年对FEC进行了大规模重组,实施了分布式国际项目办公室并建立了FEC Academy。我们感谢Valerie Cummins,Bruce Glavovic和Donald Forbes在过去几年中出色的领导以及为FEC作出的所有贡献。
This year, the start of the New Year saw the formal end of an era in Future Earth Coasts. With a tear in one eye and a smile in the other our former chairs and vice chair officially passed the baton to the chairs and vice chair elect, now acting chairs and vice chair of Future Earth Coasts.
All three of them have been involved with Future Earth Coasts for many years, not limited to their terms as (vice-) chairs, and under their leadership important developments such as the development of the Our Coastal Futures strategy and the extensive restructuring of Future Earth Coasts in 2019, with the implementation of a distributed International Project Office and establishment of the FEC Academy, took place. We thank Valerie Cummins, Bruce Glavovic and Donald Forbes for all their dedication, great leadership and guidance that they provided us with over the past years.
Due to the ongoing pandemic we were not able to meet in person last year, which is why we had to somewhat impersonally say “goodbye” for now. We are very happy though that the three of them will stay part of the FEC Family, as they are involved in a number of ongoing projects.
On behalf of the new acting (vice-) chairs and the entire Executive Committee, we wish them all the best for their future endeavors!