Coast Posts
- A Newsletter From FEC
February, 2021 NO.2
Monthly News Updates 2月信息速递
News from Future Earth Coasts International Project Office - China
Shanghai | East China Normal University
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  • 应用随机森林分类器模型预测印度沿海地区霍乱风险;
  • 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室彭忠教授课题组招聘博士后研究员.
  • Using Random Forest Classifier Model to predict cholera risk in coastal India;
  • Postdoctoral Research Position on interaction of wave, vegetation and structures in coastal areas.
Happy Lunar New Year!!!
感谢您一直以来对Future Earth Coasts的支持,FEC IPO的全体工作人员祝您新春快乐,牛年大吉!希望您在2021年平安健康,工作顺利,阖家欢乐。

如果您有任何资讯想与我们分享,请发送邮件至[email protected]。我们期待您的来信!
What have we been up to
Cholera Risk: A Machine Learning Approach Applied to Essential Climate Variables
Figure: Performance metrics’ results of the random forest model when applied to unseen test data for individual districts in coastal India that reported cholera outbreaks: (a) Percent false negatives, (b) Percent false positives, and (c) Accuracy score. In all panels, coastal districts with no cholera outbreaks reported in the study period and/or non-coastal districts are shown in grey colour.

Oceanic and coastal ecosystems have undergone complex environmental changes in recent years, amid a context of climate change. These changes are also reflected in the dynamics of water-borne diseases as some of the causative agents of these illnesses are ubiquitous in the aquatic environment and their survival rates are impacted by changes in climatic conditions. Previous studies have established strong relationships between essential climate variables and the coastal distribution and seasonal dynamics of the bacteria Vibrio cholerae, pathogenic types of which are responsible for human cholera disease. In this study we provide a novel exploration of the potential of a machine learning approach to forecast environmental cholera risk in coastal India, home to more than 200 million inhabitants, utilising atmospheric, terrestrial and oceanic satellite-derived essential climate variables. A Random Forest classifier model is developed, trained and tested on a cholera outbreak dataset over the period 2010–2018 for districts along coastal India. The random forest classifier model has an Accuracy of 0.99, an F1 Score of 0.942 and a Sensitivity score of 0.895, meaning that 89.5% of outbreaks are correctly identified.

Coastal Radar
Postdoctoral Research Position on interaction of wave, vegetation and structures in coastal areas
华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室彭忠教授及其团队,近年来主要从事波浪动力学、水沙动力学及其在海岸工程中的应用等研究:结合数值模拟、模型实验和大数据分析等手段,开展了波浪-结构相互作用等基础研究,以及海岸洪水风险、海洋可再生能源、海况极限值分析、波浪水动力预报系统和后报数据库开发等应用研究。因研究工作需要,诚邀海内外海岸工程、海洋工程、河流动力学、河口海岸学、生态学、流体力学、物理海洋、应用数学等领域博士后研究员加盟,重点开展 基于生态系统海岸防护中波浪-植被-结构相互作用 等前沿研究。截止日期:2021年3月22日。
Applications are invited for a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant position to work in the project “understanding WAve-VEgetation-Structure interaction for developing Ecosystem-based coastal defence” (WAVES), which aims to provide fundamental theory and methods for developing Ecosystem-based Coastal Engineering in practice. This post is full time, fixed term appointment for 3 years. Closing date: 22 March 2021.

SPC's CFP招聘社会科学家
Open position for a Social Scientist within SPC's CFP
太平洋地区主要的科学和技术组织The Pacific Community (SPC) 正在寻找沿海渔业社会科学家。主要工作包括在规划和实施的价值链活动中向政府、利益相关者和私营部门提供关于社会和人口方面的科学建议与技术支持,重点将放在社会和社区方面以及对开展民生活动的意义。截止日期:2021年3月21日。
The Pacific Community (SPC), the principal scientific and technical organization in the Pacific region, is looking for a Coastal Fisheries Social Scientist. The successful candidate is expected to provide social and demographic scientific and technical support and advice to governments, stakeholders and the private sector in planning and implementing value-chain activities, focusing on the social and community aspects and implications in developing livelihood activities.Closing date: 21 March 2021.

Newcastle University is hiring for a Lecturer in Marine Social Science

The position consists of conducting research and research-led teaching in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences (SNES). Among other responsibilities, the successful candidate is expected to support and develop social science research around areas such as fisheries, biodiversity, communities, tourism, recreation, marine renewable energy, and related Blue Growth industries, maintaining a focus on good stewardship and governance of North East of England’s marine environment. Closing date: 26 March 2021.

Upcoming Events
2021 International Science of Team Science Conference

Virginia Tech is hosting the 12th Annual International Science of Team Science Conference (SciTS 2021) to be held entirely .
The conference seeks to advance understanding of collaborative initiatives that address multidimensional and complex societal problems, and provide a platform to investigate contributions that team science research can make to addressing urgent contemporary challenges.

June 7th-11th, 2021 | Online
I live by the Sea Youth Photo and Film Contest 2021

We want young people from all over the world to share with us their perception about the seas and coasts where they live!
Children and teenagers from all over the world are invited to submit a story of “their sea” using any type of visual arts. We also invite parents, teachers and educators to publicise the contest around their families, friends and colleagues. The deadline is 31st March 2021.

Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021

The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) is the world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – it will be a space of fierce advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration and action.

June 12th-15th, 2021 | virtual and onsite in Brisbane, Australia.
World Ocean Summit Virtual Week
Accelerating a sustainable ocean economy

This yearly event held by The Economist gathers leaders in business, finance, government, and civil society to debate the greatest challenges facing the seas, share bold strategies to help tackle them, and form partnerships that will mobilise the action needed to build a sustainable ocean economy. The event is free but requires previous registration.

March 1st–5th, 2021 | virtual
MeerWissen/WIOGEN webinar on social and cultural aspects in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)

Interested in learning more about the socio-cultural values in Marine Spatial Planning and approaches for including these values in MSP? Join the MeerWissen project West Indian Ocean Governance & Exchange Network on 3rd March and register.

3rd March, 2021 | virtual
MSP Symposium

This interactive workshop is being organised by Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Nelson Mandela University, and Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans (LISCO).
It will bring together authorities, researchers and practitioners covering the themes of:
  • Geospatial technologies
  • Relationships between marine planning, marine protected areas and Ecosystem-based Management
  • Multi-disciplinary and cross institutional collaboration

March 9th–10th, 2021 | virtual
Online Resources
Coast Posts-FEC信息速递的订阅者主要为亚太地区从事海洋海岸研究的科研人员,如果您有相关的招聘需求希望在此发布,或者有相关的最新研究报道想与我们分享,均可发送邮件至[email protected]我们期待着您的来信。

Most of our subscribers are coasts-related researchers in the Asia-Pacific region. If you would like to put some recruitment information or share some latest news about coastal research in FEC monthly newsletter, please feel free to contact us through [email protected].
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