Coast Posts
- A Newsletter From FEC
January, 2022 NO.1
Special Issue for the New Year 2022 新年特刊
News from Future Earth Coasts International Project Office
Shanghai | East China Normal University
Get FEC Newsletter monthly for free!
  • FEC 国际项目办公室开启新篇章!
  • 卫星监测风暴后的海滩恢复 - 澳大利亚黄金海岸;
  • 第14期WIOMSA杂志《人与环境》出炉了!
  • A new era of FEC International Project Office!
  • Satellite Monitoring for Post-storm Beach Recovery - Gold Coast, Australia;
  • Issue 14 of the WIOMSA Magazine: People and the Environment is Out!
Wish You a Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for your kind support for Future Earth Coasts. We wish you good health and a happy new year in 2022.

感谢您一直以来对Future Earth Coasts的支持,FEC IPO的全体工作人员祝您新年快乐!希望您在2022年身体健康,工作顺利。
如果您有任何资讯想与我们分享,请发送邮件至 [email protected]。我们期待您的来信!
What have we been up to
FEC 国际项目办公室开启新篇章!
A new era of FEC International Project Office!
FEC的首席国际项目办公室现由IPO-中国(华东师范大学河口海岸科学国家重点实验室, SKLEC-ECNU 和中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, YIC-CAS)和IPO-澳大利亚(南十字星大学,SCU)共同主持。感谢莱布尼茨热带海洋研究中心(ZMT)在过去三年的领导,我们期待着与他们继续合作!
令人惋惜的是弗吉尼亚理工大学(VT)于2021年12月底退出了未来地球海岸国际项目办公室(FEC-IPO)。不过, 好消息是,马里兰大学环境中心(UMCES)会继续,与此同时我们的分布式IPO将加入两个新单位,即阿根廷海洋研究所(IADO-CONICET-UNS)和加纳海岸角大学的海岸管理中心-非洲海岸复原力卓越中心(CCM-ACECoR)。

Now, Future Earth Coasts’ head office is co-hosted by IPO-China (State Key Laboratory of Estuarine Coastal Science, East China Normal University, SKLEC-ECNU & Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, YIC-CAS) and IPO-Australia (Southern Cross University, SCU). We thank Leibniz Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung (ZMT) for their leadership over the past three years and look forward to a continued connection.
We are so sorry to tell that Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VT) have exited from the FEC at the end of December 2021. However, fortunately, Integration and Application Network (IAN) at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) will continue and our distributed IPOs will be joined by two new units, the Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO-CONICET-UNS) in Argentina and the Centre for Coastal Management - Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (ACECoR), University of Cape Coast in Ghana.
Thanks ZMT and VT for their dedication, and welcome CCM-ACECoR and IADO-CONICET-UNS! We believe that under the joint leadership of SKLEC & YIC and SCU, FEC will become better and better!
Our host institutions:
State Key Laboratory of Esturine and Coastal Research,
East China Normal University (SKLEC, ECNU)
The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University (SKLEC, ECNU) in Shanghai, China is one of the two institutes that jointly host the IPO branch in China. In January 2022, IPO-China started to co-host the head office of FEC with IPO-Australia.
Presently, SKLEC employs more than 100 fulltime faculty and staff members. There are three main research streams of SKLEC: Estuarine Evolution and Estuarine Sediment Dynamics; Coastal Dynamic Geomorphology and Sediment Process; Estuarine and Coastal Ecology and Environment. Achievements of the laboratory were used to solve problems encountered in coastal development of China, especially many large engineering projects, such as national survey on coastal resources, construction for harbors and ports, navigation channel regulations projection of coastal wetlands and engineering structures. SKLEC has become a national site for high level research on estuarine and coastal environment and a high level training base in China.

The Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (YIC-CAS) is one of the two institutes that jointly host the IPO branch in China. In January 2022, IPO-China started to co-host the head office of FEC with IPO-Australia.
The institute was founded in 2006 and was officially established on December 1, 2009. It is the only national research institution specializing in comprehensive research on coastal zones, which is located in the beautiful coastal city of Yantai in Shandong Province. It was jointly established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shandong Province and Yantai City.

Our IPO in Australia is hosted by Southern Cross University (SCU), located on Australia’s east coast. In early January 2022, IPO-Australia started to co-host the head office of FEC with IPO-China.
Southern Cross University is a multi-campus university on Australia’s east coast. We are proud of our reputation as a progressive institution, engaging with the regions we serve to create change that has impact around the world. Our identity is defined by our vision to be Australia’s Engaged University – with a proud Indigenous and international heritage that embraces the wider world and has an unwavering commitment to justice: social, environmental and Indigenous.

“Harnessing the power of science to transform the way society understands and manages the environment” – A globally eminent research and graduate institution focused on advancing scientific knowledge of the environment, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science provides sound advice to help state and national leaders manage the environment and prepares future scientists to meet the global challenges of the 21st century.

海岸管理中心 - 非洲海岸复原力卓越中心,海岸角大学,加纳
Centre for Coastal Management – Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (CCM-ACECoR),
The Centre for Coastal Management is Africa's Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience as recognized by the World Bank in 2019. As a Center of Excellence, we strive to be an exemplary and unique institution, providing demand driven capacity building, applied research and extension services to the coastal communities. We have designed professional courses to build capacities of coastal resource users and managers for the greater benefit of the coastal environment. Through our research and partnerships, we are contributing to the global knowledge base of best practices in Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). The Centre seeks to continually contribute to global efforts to safeguard healthy coastal ecosystems for sustained provision of goods and services.

阿根廷海洋研究所 - 阿根廷国家科学与技术研究理事会 - 国立南方大学,阿根廷
Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO-CONICET-UNS)
Our IPO in Argentina is hosted by the Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (IADO-CONICET-UNS).
Founded in 1969, IADO is the oldest and largest civil oceanographic institution in Argentina, known, since its inception, for having all disciplines related to marine science but with significant inter- and transdisciplinary capability for work in marine and coastal socioecological systems. Although research on the continental shelf and slope are being done at IADO, its strength has always been in estuarine, coastal wetlands and beaches. However, in the last 20 years, it has developed a solid program to study the geomorphology and dynamics of lakes and rivers. All these studies integrate interactions with local and regional stakeholders and decision-makers. Both the research groups and departments are primarily for organisational reasons. Most of the research is being done across areas and groups. 

卫星监测风暴后的海滩恢复 - 澳大利亚黄金海岸
Satellite Monitoring for Post-storm Beach Recovery - Gold Coast, Australia

Investigating patterns of post-storm beach recovery in the Gold Coast, Australia between 2015 and 2020 through development of an automated methodology for waterline extraction that utilises Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery and tidal state data to investigate net accretion or erosion, subject to whether waterlines move shoreward (erosion) or offshore (accretion). The project investigates annual trends of waterline change and waterline response to specific storm events along the Gold Coast during the study period to understand which parts of the coastline are affected.
Inclusion of the project in the Space Climate Observatory (following successful SCO certification):

Fig. 1 Study Areas
Issue 14 of the WIOMSA Magazine: People and the Environment is Out!
第14期的特别报道是关于Kisite Mpunguti海洋公园的故事,该公园由肯尼亚野生动物管理局(KWS)管理,刚刚获得了黄金级别的蓝色公园奖,成为东非有史以来第一个蓝色公园! 今天凌晨,海洋保护研究所宣布了该奖项。 "我们很高兴看到新的蓝色公园,加速了对我们海洋中最重要地方的保护。Kisite Mpunguti是一个完美的例子,它是一个重要的、具有丰富生物多样性的地方,在保护的同时也为当地社区提供了食物",海洋保护研究所主席Lance Morgan博士说。 WIOMSA对KWS获得这一历史性的奖项表示祝贺!
The special feature of Issue 14 is a story on Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park, managed by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), which has just received a gold level Blue Park Award; becoming East Africa’s first ever Blue Park! The announcement of the award by the Marine Conservation Institute was done early this morning.  “We are excited to see new Blue Park designations accelerating the protection of the most important places in our oceans. Kisite-Mpunguti is a perfect example of an important and richly biodiverse place to protect while at the same time providing local communities with food,” said Dr. Lance Morgan, the President of Marine Conservation Institute.  WIOMSA congratulates KWS on this historic award!

Coastal Radar
Source to Sink (S2S) talks is looking for contributions
2021 World River and Delta Systems Webinar Series. All the previous talk are on their Youtube channel. This webinar series is co-sponsored by NSF, North Carolina State University, Louisiana State University, East China Normal University, Utrecht University. if you, your students, postdocs or colleagues are interested in contributing a talk to this series, please contact us, we will do our best to arrange it.
see current arrangement here.
For more information please see our YouTube Channel.
Job opportunity: Assistant or Associate Professor in Coastal Geology at the School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware
The School of Marine Science and Policy (SMSP) seeks to hire a coastal geologist with research interests in geological processes occurring within tidal wetlands, beaches, barrier islands, estuaries, and shallow marine environments. Additional areas of interest include coastal resiliency, geohazards, geospatial and deep learning analytics. SMSP offers graduate programs in Marine Biosciences, Marine Policy, Oceanography, and Physical Ocean Science & Engineering and an undergraduate major in Marine Science. SMSP is situated on the main campus in Newark and the coastal campus in Lewes, which together offer convenient access to a variety of coastal and estuarine environments in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Fully funded PhD opportunity, based at Newcastle University (UK)
The context of the Anthropocene presents a new set of challenges where the interconnections between people and the environment become ever more dynamic and significant (Folke et al 2021). Social-ecological resilience, defined as ‘the capacity to adapt or transform in the face of change…in ways that continue to support human well-being (Biggs et al. 2015), is a highly interdisciplinary framework that has been widely applied to study peopleenvironment interactions across a diversity of contexts. Nurturing resilience is also a significant public policy goal: achieving a ‘resilient and increasingly viable fishing sector in the UK’ is a strategic priority for the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) who are partnered in this research project. This project applies a social-ecological resilience framework to understand how climate change will impact the UK fisheries sector and to assess the capacities of different fishing sectors to adapt to change. The project will utilise publicly available data such as the CEFAS Data Archives (FIshDAC) and MEDIN network. Primary data on adaptive capacity will be collected as part of a North-East fisheries case study. Staff at the MMO and Newcastle University will help connect the student to existing citizen science initiatives, including ‘citizen observatories’ and assist in piloting techniques with fisheries stakeholders in the north-east.

New FEC Publications

Rölfer, L., Liconti, A., Prinz, N., & Klöcker, C. A. (2021). Integrated Research for Integrated Ocean Management. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1094.
Upcoming Events
2022 Particlaes in the Americas (PiA) Conference

The abstract submission deadline for the 2022 Particlaes in the Americas (PiA) Conference is February 4, 2022.
We welcome abstracts related (but not limited to) to the following topics: 
  • Methods for Sediment Monitoring, Measurements and Characterization 
  • Sediment Processes Assessment and Modeling 
  • Reservoir Sedimentation Management and Control 
  • Sediment in Coastal and Marine Environments 
  • Sediment Habitats, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 
  • Stream/River, Wetland and Coastal Restoration 
  • Assessment, Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Influenced Soils 
  • Sediment Management Policy and Implementation 

More information can be found in the PiA website.
FEC Official Journal
Anthropocene Coasts special column

Anthropocene Coasts, an open access journal indexed in ESCI and Scopus, is looking for submissions for its upcoming collection: Challenge and Resolution to the Threatened Anthropocene Coast.

详情咨询,请发送邮件至: [email protected]

Anthropocene Coasts is waiving article processing charges for this Special Issue.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]

Online Resources


"World Large River and Delta Systems Source-to-Sink Online Talk Series" continue to update!
Coast Posts-FEC信息速递的订阅者主要为亚太地区从事海洋海岸研究的科研人员,如果您有相关的招聘需求希望在此发布,或者有相关的最新研究报道想与我们分享,均可发送邮件至[email protected]我们期待着您的来信。

Most of our subscribers are coasts-related researchers in the Asia-Pacific region. If you would like to put some recruitment information or share some latest news about coastal research in FEC monthly newsletter, please feel free to contact us through [email protected].
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