Coast Posts
- A Newsletter From FEC
February, 2021 NO.3
Monthly News Updates 3月信息速递
News from Future Earth Coasts International Project Office - China
Shanghai | East China Normal University
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  • 2021年度华东师范大学青年科学家(学者) 在线国际论坛(海洋科学分论坛)拟于4月9-11日举办;
  • FEC将与L4L一起在ECSA 58 – EMECS 13上举办特别会议;
  • FEC前主席、FEC Academy成员Bruce Glavovic,与Christina Hanna以及Iain White共同撰写了一篇有关“管理撤退”的文章。
  • ECNU Annual International Forum for Young Scientists (Scholars) -Marine Sciences sub-forum will be held during April 9-11;
  • Special session by L4L/FEC at ECSA 58 – EMECS 13;
  • FEC former co-chair & FEC Academy member Bruce Glavovic co-authored an article on 'managed retreats' with Christina Hanna and Iain White.
ECNU Annual International Forum for Young Scientists (Scholars)

如果您有任何资讯想与我们分享,请发送邮件至[email protected]。我们期待您的来信!
What have we been up to
FEC将与L4L一起在ECSA 58 – EMECS 13上举办特别会议
Submit your abstracts now: Special session by L4L/FEC at ECSA 58 – EMECS 13
Future Earth Coasts和Lagoons for Life邀请您参加本次跨学科会议,期待全球沿海和过渡水域的研究人员和管理从业人员聚集一堂。由于认识到基于证据的解决方案需要集成各类的信息,包括原位数据、建模和地球观测,因此本次会议旨在展示成功案例,并讨论用于沿海地区管理的多源数据集成中的创新做法。本届会议涵盖了传统野外活动,非原生境保护,公民科学,机器学习和最先进的遥感技术等主题,着重介绍将这些复杂信息和(大)数据结合起来以改善沿海和过渡水域整体管理的方法。我们鼓励科学家和研究人员(例如,生态学家,保护主义者,建模研究者和遥感科学家)做出贡献,并旨在激发跨学科讨论以及与政策制定者和管理者的讨论。

Future Earth Coasts and Lagoons for Life invite contributions to this multidisciplinary session aiming to bring together researchers and management practitioners in the global coastal and transitional waters zone. Having recognised that evidence-based solutions require integration of information from a variety of sources, including in-situ data, modelling and Earth Observation, this session aims to showcase success stories and discuss innovative practices in multi-source data integration for coastal zone management. Covering themes from traditional field campaigns, to ex situ conservation, citizen science, machine-learning and state-of-the-art remote sensing techniques, this session will highlight ways to combine this wide range of complex information and (Big) data for improved and holistic management of coastal and transitional waters. We encourage contributions from a range of scientists and researchers (e.g. ecologists, conservationists, modellers and remote sensing scientists) and aim to stimulate discussions across disciplines as well as with policy makers and managers.
Abstract submission deadline extended to: 22 May 2020.

When climate change and other emergencies threaten where we live, how will we manage our retreat?
尽管生活在动态环境中,并且由于气候变化而面临不确定的未来,但新西兰人普遍希望他们的土地和财产权能够无限期地存在。但是这几乎是不可能的。 正如上周的海上地震和海啸警报提醒我们的那样,我们的海岸和附近的人们容易受到一系列灾害的伤害。 这种风险只会随着气候变化导致的海平面上升而增加。
政府已宣布将由三部新法律取代《资源管理法》,包括《管理撤退和气候变化适应法》。 法案中提到:规划者和社区需要为变革做准备。对于生活在高暴露地区的人们来说,有必要进行有管理的撤退以挽救生命并确保公共安全。

Despite living in dynamic environments and facing an uncertain future due to climate change, New Zealanders generally expect their land and property rights will endure indefinitely. But little stays the same. As last week’s offshore earthquakes and tsunami alerts reminded us, our coasts and the people who live near them are vulnerable to a range of hazards. Such risks will only increase as sea level rises due to climate change.
The government has announced that the Resource Management Act will be replaced by three new laws, including a Managed Retreat and Climate Change Adaptation Act. The writing is on the wall: planners and communities need to prepare for change. For those living in highly exposed places, managed retreat may be necessary to save lives and secure public safety.

Coastlines, Coastal Cities, and Climate Change: A Perspective on Urgent Research Needs in the United States

This paper builds upon Friedman and other reviews and statements but provides an explicit focus on research needed to improve the resilience and survivability of coastal communities as they face existential threats from climate change. It does not attempt a prescriptive analysis of potential research emphases, but instead recommends some key research areas that we believe will help provide a solid foundation for community adaptation. Our perspective is based on our experiences over a combined nearly 95 years of work in research, management, and policy, much of it related to coastal environments and their communities, rather than expert deliberation within a large group or a systematic review. We present a list of 25 research priorities binned into 12 categories and targeted to leaders of coastal communities, interested researchers, funders, students, and the public. These priorities are intended to help start more discussion of research needs with and within communities, and help focus attention of researchers on actions that have potential to identify critical decision points and make positive differences for communities. We conclude that priority research should be undertaken with urgency and a much greater level of trans- and interdisciplinarity and community-participatory approaches than yet seen.

Coastal Radar
Blue Champions Award: Call for applications
蓝色解决方案倡议组织(Blue Solutions Initiative)计划为全球杰出从业者颁发蓝色冠军奖。他们正在寻找在海洋和沿海保护方面采取行动、希望分享知识并向同行学习的从业者。
我们鼓励您填写以下申请表并在2021年4月24日之前将其发送至[email protected],以申请蓝色冠军奖。

The Blue Solutions Initiative has launched the Blue Champions Award for outstanding practitioners all over the world. They are looking for practitioners who take action in marine and coastal conservation and want to share their knowledge and learn from peers.
The award aims to rewards those who believe that exchanging knowledge and good practices are key to accelerate the changes needed for healthy oceans and coasts. 
If you have a solution for the PANORAMA platform and know how to upscale it – apply to this award! If you want to upscale a solution you have seen on PANORAMA to overcome your own challenges – this award is for you. 
Finally, five award winners will receive a financial grant of up to 10,000 Euros for their project of change, coupled with an invitation to the awards ceremony as well as increased promotion and visibility of their solutions. 
We encourage you to apply to the blue champions award by filling out these application forms and sending them to [email protected]by April 24th, 2021. 

POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowship: Call for applications

The scheme is designed to promote training and capacity development, leading towards a global observation scheme for the oceans, and is aimed at scientists, technicians, graduate students (preferably PhD) and post-doctoral fellows involved in oceanographic work at centres in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
Priority is given to applicants in the early stages of their career development. The fellowship offers the opportunity to visit other oceanographic centres for a short period (1 to 3 months) for training on aspects of oceanographic observations, analyses, and interpretation. It provides financial support to cover the return airfare from the fellow's home country to the host institution, and a contribution towards accommodation and subsistence for the period of the visit.
The deadline for applications is 30 April 2021.

Upcoming Events
2021 International Science of Team Science Conference

Virginia Tech is hosting the 12th Annual International Science of Team Science Conference (SciTS 2021) to be held entirely .
The conference seeks to advance understanding of collaborative initiatives that address multidimensional and complex societal problems, and provide a platform to investigate contributions that team science research can make to addressing urgent contemporary challenges.

June 7th-11th, 2021 | Online
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021

The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) is the world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – it will be a space of fierce advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration and action.

June 12th-15th, 2021 | virtual and onsite in Brisbane, Australia.
German Sustainability Science Summit 2021

On 8 & 9 July 2021 the German Sustainability Science Summit 2021 will take place as an interactive virtual event. The summit continues the series of the German Future Earth Summits organised by the German Committee Future Earth.
The deadline for submission of session proposals is 15 March 2021.

27th The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Conference

The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) is pleased to announce its 27th annual conference to be held on the July 13 – 15, 2021, hosted by the Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Mid Sweden University, Sweden.
Conference special topic: Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis.

Online Resources
Coast Posts-FEC信息速递的订阅者主要为亚太地区从事海洋海岸研究的科研人员,如果您有相关的招聘需求希望在此发布,或者有相关的最新研究报道想与我们分享,均可发送邮件至[email protected]我们期待着您的来信。

Most of our subscribers are coasts-related researchers in the Asia-Pacific region. If you would like to put some recruitment information or share some latest news about coastal research in FEC monthly newsletter, please feel free to contact us through [email protected].
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