Coast Posts
- A Newsletter From FEC
Monthly News Updates 4月信息速递
News from Future Earth Coasts International Project Office - China
Shanghai | East China Normal University
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- 第七届河口海岸国际研讨会-摘要征集已开放;
- 青年海洋研究人员国际会议-ICYMARE 2021 期待您的参与!
Call for abstracts: ICEC2021 7th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts;
- Join in The International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers - ICYMARE 2021!
- Call for abstracts: the Virtual WIOGEN Ocean Governance Conference.
Welcome to ICEC2021 7th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts!
1. 河口海岸多尺度水动力学过程与机制
2. 泥沙动力学与学科交叉研究
3. 动力沉积地貌过程、人类驱动机制与跨尺度模拟
4. 河口海岸生态过程与环境效应
5. 气候变化与极端事件影响研究与评估
6. 港口海岸及近海工程与应用
7. 室内外观测监测模拟技术与应用
8. 海岸带人地关系与可持续发展
Submit your abstracts now: Welcome to ICEC2021 7th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts: Anthropocene Coasts
河口海岸国际研讨会(International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts,简称ICEC)是国际泥沙研究培训中心发起并主办的系列学术会议,每三年一届,自2003年起,已经在中国杭州和广州、日本仙台、越南河内、阿曼马斯喀特和法国卡昂成功举办六届,国际影响日益扩大。第七届河口海岸国际研讨会:人类驱动的河口海岸带可持续发展 将于 2021年10月18至21日 在中国上海举行。会议由国际泥沙研究培训中心主办,华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室承办。
- 河口海岸多尺度水动力学过程与机制
- 泥沙动力学与学科交叉研究
- 动力沉积地貌过程、人类驱动机制与跨尺度模拟
- 河口海岸生态过程与环境效应
- 气候变化与极端事件影响研究与评估
- 港口海岸及近海工程与应用
- 室内外观测监测模拟技术与应用
- 海岸带人地关系与可持续发展
The International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC) is a triennial event initiated by the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES). Six such conferences have been held in Hangzhou and Guangzhou, China; Sendai, Japan; Hanoi, Vietnam; Muscat, Oman, and Caen, France in 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018, respectively. With support from different international associations and projects, and with the participation of experts and scholars worldwide, the ICEC has attracted wide attention and has become an important and popular event. The 7th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts: Anthropocene Coasts will be held in Shanghai during October 18-21, 2021. The conference is hosted by the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation, and organized by the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University.
- Hydrodynamics in estuaries and coasts;
- Sediment transport dynamics;
- Multi-scale morphodynamic;
- Coastal management;
- Estuarine and coastal modeling;
- Filed monitoring and technology;
- Coastal ecosystem development;
- Anthropocene Coasts.
Deadline:May 31st, 2021
青年海洋研究人员国际会议-ICYMARE 2021 期待您的参与!
Call for Abstracts, Workshops and Photos: The International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers - ICYMARE 2021
青年海洋研究人员国际会议-ICYMARE(是志愿者自下而上的一项倡议,它具有强大而富有启发性的国际格局,以提供绝佳的人脉机会和一些首次会议经验。 ICYMARE是由“不来梅自然科学协会”组织并为年轻海洋研究人员服务的年度会议和每月在线论坛。
ICYMARE 2021 BERLIN将于2021年9月21日至24日在线举行,我们将开始征集摘要、小组会议和照片(针对ICYMARE摄影比赛)。如有疑问,请联系我们:。
The International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers - ICYMARE ( is a bottom-up initiative by volunteers and offers a powerful and inspiring international set-up for an excellent network opportunity and some first conference experience. ICYMARE, the annual conference, and monthly Online Forum, are organized by and for young marine researchers based at the “Bremen Society for Natural Sciences”.
ICYMARE 2021 BERLIN will take place from 21 to 24 September 2021 ONLINE and we are starting our Call for Abstracts, Call for Workshops, and Call for Photos (for the ICYMARE Photo competition). Please find those attached and contact us in case of questions:
Call for abstracts: the virtual WIOGEN Ocean Governance Conference
- 可持续渔业和水产养殖
- 海洋空间规划与沿海综合管理
- 生物多样性保护,污染和生境丧失
- 海洋会计
- 可持续发展目标(SDG)和海洋治理
- 共同设计,跨学科研究,利益相关者参与
- 深海研究
- 海洋治理的法律和体制分析
The virtual WIOGEN Ocean Governance Conference will take place online from the 27 - 29 October 2021. The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and policy makers to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Ocean Governance in the Western Indian Ocean.
The 8 themes that all fall under the umbrella theme Ocean Governance:
- Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Marine Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Management
- Biodiversity conservation, Pollution and Habitat loss
- Oceans Accounting
- Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and Ocean Governance
- Co-Design, transdisciplinary research, stakeholder engagement
- Deep Sea Research
- Legal and institutional analysis of marine governance
线上早期职业海洋专业人员日(V.ECOP Day) - 2021年6月1日
作为联合国海洋十年官方活动,V.ECOP Day是一个全球性的24小时直播活动。由来自世界各地各个学科的海洋职业早期专业人员主持并提供服务。这些未来的领导人和专家将介绍他们在联合国海洋十年中的工作、活动和贡献,并探讨这个动态领域的下一步发展。
As an official UN Ocean Decade Activity, V.ECOP Day is a 24-hour livestream event following the sun around the globe. Hosted by and for international Early Career Ocean Professionals from a wide variety of disciplines, these future leaders and experts will present their work, activities, and contributions to the UN Ocean Decade and explore what's next in this dynamic field.
We currently have open calls for:
Presenters: For more information about the tasks and application process please go to the official website.
Exhibitors: Want to showcase your organization or activities at our virtual booth for FREE? Space is limited so contact us soon at for details.
2021 International Science of Team Science Conference
Virginia Tech is hosting the 12th Annual International Science of Team Science Conference (SciTS 2021) to be held entirely .
The conference seeks to advance understanding of collaborative initiatives that address multidimensional and complex societal problems, and provide a platform to investigate contributions that team science research can make to addressing urgent contemporary challenges.
June 7th-11th, 2021 | Online
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021
The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) is the world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – it will be a space of fierce advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration and action.
June 12th-15th, 2021 | virtual and onsite in Brisbane, Australia.
2021 IASC Land Commons Virtual Conference
We are pleased to announce the call for individual presentations, special sessions, and webinar panel discussions on land commons, broadly conceived. The conference will include live and pre-recorded talks as well as other types of contributions.
The deadline for abstracts is 1 July, 2021.
13 - 17 September, 2021| Online
27th The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Conference
The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) is pleased to announce its 27th annual conference to be held on the July 13 – 15, 2021, hosted by the Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Mid Sweden University, Sweden.
Conference special topic: Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis.
《世界大河及三角洲 由源到汇 线上系列每周讲座》
"2020-2021 World Large River and Delta Systems Source-to-Sink Online Talk Series"
All 35 lectures in 2020 can be fully accessed online!
Please feel free to use as the teaching materials.
Coast Posts-FEC信息速递的订阅者主要为亚太地区从事海洋海岸研究的科研人员,如果您有相关的招聘需求希望在此发布,或者有相关的最新研究报道想与我们分享,均可发送邮件至,我们期待着您的来信。
Most of our subscribers are coasts-related researchers in the Asia-Pacific region. If you would like to put some recruitment information or share some latest news about coastal research in FEC monthly newsletter, please feel free to contact us through
Editor | Huizi Yang
from FEC IPO-China
FEC 国际项目办公室(中国)| 华东师范大学(河口海岸学国家重点实验室)
东川路500号 上海 | 200241
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Contact details:
FEC IPO (China) |
East China Normal University (State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research)
No.500, Dong Chuan Rd. Shanghai | 200241
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