Coast Posts
- A Newsletter From FEC
May, 2021 NO.5
Monthly News Updates 5月信息速递
News from Future Earth Coasts International Project Office - China
Shanghai | East China Normal University
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  • 第七届河口海岸国际研讨会-摘要截止日期延期至2021年6月30日
  • 确定加速适应气候变化的解决空间
  • 由谁以及如何管理撤退?确定和界定治理模式
  • ICEC2021: Deadline for Abstract submission has been extended to 30 June, 2021
  • Defining the solution space to accelerate climate change adaptation
  • Managed retreats by whom and how? Identifying and delineating governance modalities
ICEC2021: Deadline for Abstract submission has been extended to 30 June, 2021!
1.    河口海岸多尺度水动力学过程与机制
2.    泥沙动力学与学科交叉研究
3.    动力沉积地貌过程、人类驱动机制与跨尺度模拟
4.    河口海岸生态过程与环境效应
5.    气候变化与极端事件影响研究与评估
6.    港口海岸及近海工程与应用
7.    室内外观测监测模拟技术与应用
8.    海岸带人地关系与可持续发展
What have we been up to
ICEC2021: Abstract Submission has been extended until 30 June, 2021
河口海岸国际研讨会(International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts,简称ICEC)是国际泥沙研究培训中心发起并主办的系列学术会议,每三年一届,自2003年起,已经在中国杭州和广州、日本仙台、越南河内、阿曼马斯喀特和法国卡昂成功举办六届,国际影响日益扩大。第七届河口海岸国际研讨会:人类驱动的河口海岸带可持续发展 将于 2021年10月18至21日 在中国上海举行。会议由国际泥沙研究培训中心主办,华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室承办。

  1. 河口海岸多尺度水动力学过程与机制
  2. 泥沙动力学与学科交叉研究
  3. 动力沉积地貌过程、人类驱动机制与跨尺度模拟
  4. 河口海岸生态过程与环境效应
  5. 气候变化与极端事件影响研究与评估
  6. 港口海岸及近海工程与应用
  7. 室内外观测监测模拟技术与应用
  8. 海岸带人地关系与可持续发展


The International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC) is a triennial event initiated by the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES). Six such conferences have been held in Hangzhou and Guangzhou, China; Sendai, Japan; Hanoi, Vietnam; Muscat, Oman, and Caen, France in 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018, respectively. With support from different international associations and projects, and with the participation of experts and scholars worldwide, the ICEC has attracted wide attention and has become an important and popular event. The 7th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts: Anthropocene Coasts will be held in Shanghai during October 18-21, 2021. The conference is hosted by the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation, and organized by the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University.

  1. Hydrodynamics in estuaries and coasts;
  2. Sediment transport dynamics;
  3. Multi-scale morphodynamics;
  4. Coastal management;
  5. Estuarine and coastal modeling;
  6. Filed monitoring and technology;
  7. Coastal ecosystem development;
  8. Anthropocene Coasts.

Official website:

Abstract Submission Deadline:30 June, 2021

Defining the solution space to accelerate climate change adaptation
*Note of figure: Conceptualisation of the solution space (grey area), possible shaping actions, changes and shocks (arrows), and alternative adaptation pathways in the solution space (coloured lines). A changing solution space can indicate that adaptation options and pathways become available, thus opening up the solution space (full colour), or becoming unavailable/not possible to implement and thus closing down the solution space (transparent).
决策者需要对解决方案有更好的见解,以加快适应性工作的展开。 定义解决空间的概念并揭示影响该空间的力量和策略,将有助于决策者确定适应行动的途径。
作者将解决空间定义为机会和约束条件决定为什么、如何、何时以及由谁来适应气候风险。 解决空间是在给定的时间点上由生物物理、文化、社会经济和政治制度维度决定的。在这些维度内,存在“硬”限制(不可逾越的)和“软”限制(可逾越的)。 作者认为,需要考虑解决空间的四个关键特征,以加快适应气候变化。

Decision makers need better insights about solutions to accelerate adaptation efforts. Defining the concept of solution space and revealing the forces and strategies that influence this space will enable decision makers to define pathways for adaptation action.
The authors define the solution space as the space within which opportunities and constraints determine why, how, when, and who adapts to climate risks. The solution space is shaped by biophysical, cultural, socio-economic, and political-institutional dimensions at a given moment in time. Within these dimensions, there are ‘hard’ (unsurpassable) limits and ‘soft’ (surpassable) limits. The authors argue that there are four key characteristics of the solution space that need to be considered to accelerate climate change adaptation.

Managed retreats by whom and how? Identifying and delineating governance modalities
*Note of figure: Retreat governance framework.


Managed retreat has become a compelling policy imperative as climate change exacerbates socio-natural hazard risks and imminent harm looms for exposed communities. Retreats may be initiated over different times and scales using various instruments by actors, from the state to the private sector and civil society. However, in the absence of a coherent strategic vision, guiding frameworks, and capacity to manage retreats, at-risk communities, their elected representatives, policy makers, and planners are compelled to embark on retreat governance experiments. Consequently, retreat is perceived as a ‘high regrets’ policy imperative with potentially adverse impacts for community wellbeing, as well as political and professional risks. To help translate managed retreat rhetoric into reality, this paper presents a governance framework that acknowledges the multiplicity of ‘managed retreats.’ Using examples from Aotearoa-New Zealand, we identify and delineate retreat modalities and clarify terminology, converging our framework with the international mobility literature to harness the valuable lessons from decades of human mobility practice.

Coastal Radar

ISC opportunity: Contribute expertise to the COVID-19 Scenarios Project

邀请您为ISC的COVID-19前景项目贡献您的专业知识。该项目正在蓬勃发展,召集了世界各地的自然科学以及社会科学专家,将提供概述中长期前景的报告。 该项目的目标是在世卫组织和UNDRR的支持下,帮助我们了解实现乐观和公正结束这一流行病的各种选择。

You are invited to contribute your expertise to the ISC’s COVID-19 Scenarios project. The project is gaining momentum, convening world-renowned experts in a range of natural and social sciences that will inform a report outlining a range of scenarios over the mid-and long-term. The aim of the project, supported by the WHO and the UNDRR, is to assist our understanding of the options for achieving an optimistic and fair end to the pandemic.

Visit the project webpage:

Upcoming Events
2021 International Science of Team Science Conference

Virginia Tech is hosting the 12th Annual International Science of Team Science Conference (SciTS 2021) to be held entirely .
The conference seeks to advance understanding of collaborative initiatives that address multidimensional and complex societal problems, and provide a platform to investigate contributions that team science research can make to addressing urgent contemporary challenges.

June 7th-11th, 2021 | Online
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021

The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) is the world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – it will be a space of fierce advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration and action.

June 12th-15th, 2021 | virtual and onsite in Brisbane, Australia.
2021 IASC Land Commons Virtual Conference

We are pleased to announce the call for individual presentations, special sessions, and webinar panel discussions on land commons, broadly conceived. The conference will include live and pre-recorded talks as well as other types of contributions.
The deadline for abstracts is 1 July, 2021.

13 - 17 September, 2021| Online
27th The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Conference

The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) is pleased to announce its 27th annual conference to be held on the July 13 – 15, 2021, hosted by the Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Mid Sweden University, Sweden.
Conference special topic: Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis.

Online Resources
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