December 2023/January 2024
We may finally have an opportunity to clean our fingernails and keep them that way for more than a day! Our dahlia tubers, canna rhizomes and gladiola corms have been dug, dried and stored away waiting for the right time to plant in the spring. It’s the time of year we’re anxious for the seed catalogs to arrive in our mailboxes.
Seven prospective flower show judges attended Flower Show School 4 at the beginning of October. Carmelina Villani will be giving the new student judges an opportunity to hone their skills at “Bursting into Spring” at the end of February. It is time to check out the Flower Show Schedule on our website. The classes fill up quickly so don’t hesitate. The discount ticket form was emailed to all the presidents.
350 Connecticut garden club members joined us at the Annual Awards Meeting on October 25! Vonice Carr, Karen Grava and Judy Sirois planned and executed an amazing opportunity to share in the successes of our clubs. As always, the food was great and the retail therapy options were great. The New England Garden Club Director, Sue Miner, as well as several state presidents joined us and were impressed with all that has been accomplished in our state.
I am pleased to report that we now have a full FGCCT Board of Directors! Carole Fromer, a member of Evergreen Country Gardeners of Glastonbury has agreed to chair the Scholarship committee. Donations to the Scholarship Fund may be sent to the FGCCT PO Box 902 in Wallingford, CT 06492. Nancy LaBianca, The Garden Club of Woodbridge, will now chair Historic, Memorial and Public Gardens.
Visiting clubs is a favorite part of my responsibilities. The Old Saybrook Garden Club installed a Blue Star Memorial on October 14, 2023. It was a moving ceremony and my first opportunity to be part of the observance. Krista Swanson-Fiorini, our Blue Star Chair, works with clubs to help with the process of securing a Memorial. Please contact her if your club is interested. The Garden Club of Brookfield invited me to help with the installation of their new officers on October 19. The ride through the hills of northwestern Connecticut was spectacular. I visited the Olde Ripton Garden Club on October 6, 2023 to present an award. Their “pocket gardens” throughout town were such a treat.
The Presidents’ Reports are a great help to us and will be emailed in January. Please take the time to answer the questions and make suggestions. We read them all! Our virtual treasurers’ presentation was in response to a need identified in the Presidents’ reports. Seventy-four clubs attended on November 8th. For those unable to attend, the online Treasurer's Workshop will be repeated on December 7th at 6:00 PM. Click here to register. For those who were unable to log in or attend, it is on our website along with the speaker notes. John Davis and MaryAnn Lynn are both willing to answer any questions you might still have after viewing the slides. Look for the registration on the website for an opportunity to demystify the Awards application process. Vonice Carr will guide us through the Awards Manual on January 24, 2024.
Take time to relax and enjoy your family and friends during the holiday season!
Our President’s Project is ongoing and I am happy to let you know that your club can participate by donating $68.00 to the National Garden Club “Penny Pines” project.
I would like to thank everyone who has notified me about their club's contributions to the Penny Pines Project. The following clubs have sent in their donations to NGC.
- Daytime Gardeners of North Haven
- Leete’s Island Garden Club
- Green Bay Tree Garden Club of West Hartford (In addition, the Green Bay Tree Club is donating a woodland-themed tree to the Wadsworth Atheneum Festival of Trees.)
- Thames River Garden Club
- Wallingford Garden Club
- West Hartford Garden Club
The Old Saybrook Garden Club offered Spider plants at their initial meeting to encourage members to support Care For Your Air - Grace Your Home With Houseplants.
"Bursting into Spring"
February 22-25, 2024
CT Convention Center, Hartford, CT
The 2024 Flower Show is quickly approaching and there are a number of opportunities still available in Design, Artistic Crafts and Photography. We have increased the number of classes in Photography because of the increased interest. So, I encourage you to check out the website to see if there is something you might be interested in.
You might not be aware, but you do not need to be a garden club member to participate in horticulture. If you have a friend with a great plant or a wonderful specimen in their yard, please encourage them to participate.
We have implemented a new procedure for both cut specimens and design entries. If you do not wish to come back on Sunday to pick up your entry card, ribbon (or design), you can now just bring a stamped, addressed envelope when you bring in your specimen or design entry and we will discard the specimen (or vessel from your design) and send you the ribbon and entry card after the show!
February is coming fast, so please check out the website for opportunities to participate in the Flower Show as an exhibitor, volunteer hostess, or just to take advantage of the reduced ticket price. Come and enjoy the scents of spring in the air, and the creativity of your fellow garden club members.
— Lynda Brown, Flower Show Chair
Flower Show Hostesses Needed!
This year we are using the Sign Up Genius platform to sign up for hostess slots. Each person must provide their name, email and phone number — 5 people per club per shift. Click on the time slot you wish to sign up for. You will then see a red tab that says "Save & Continue" — click on that. Fill in your information and then click on "Sign Up Now." We will only have name tags for those who sign up through Sign Up Genius and you cannot swap with another person. If you contact me, I can cancel your slot. Hostesses will be stationed on the floor of the Flower Show monitoring the exhibits. Thank you!— Kathy Lindroth
Treasury Notes
Virtual Workshop for Club Treasurers to be Repeated on December 7!
The Treasurer's Workshop will be repeated on December 7th at 6:00 PM, covering the information Garden Club Treasurers and Presidents should know about finances, insurance and taxes. Our apologies to those who weren't able to sign into our session on November 8!
— John Davis, Treasurer, MaryAnn Lynn, Assistant Treasurer
Awards Committee Offers Zoom Information Session
The Awards Committee will offer a virtual Awards Information Session on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 2 pm on Zoom. We recommend clubs consider holding "watch parties" as the Zoom session is limited to 100 attendees. Check the website in January for signup details.
Tribute Awards 2024
With the recent Awards meeting fresh in our memories, please take a moment to think about Tribute Awards for next year. Is there an individual who has made a real impact on your club, The Federation, and/or the community, in any of the following categories?
- Civic Development
- Communications
- Conservation
- Floral Design
- Garden Therapy
- Horticulture
- Landscape Design
- Photography
- Youth
- All-Around Excellence
Anyone can nominate a club member for a Tribute Award. Recipients will be honored with a Tribute Pin and a Certificate at The Federation’s 95th Annual Awards Meeting in October 2024.
The deadline for submitting nominations for Tribute Awards is May 31, 2024, so start thinking about the special club member who may deserve an acknowledgment of their unique contributions to your club. Simply submit a letter, describing the candidate and their contributions that make them worthy of this distinction. Photos are encouraged!
94th Annual Awards Meeting
Profuse thanks to our new Meetings Chair, Karen Grava (Wallingford Garden Club), and her able Co-Chair, Judy Sirois (Wallingford Garden Club), who produced a redesigned space for our 94th Annual Awards Meeting and Luncheon at the Aqua Turf Club on October 25, 2023. Close to 350 members from over 57 clubs attended.
Vonice Carr, Awards Chair (The Thames River Garden Club), orchestrated the Awards presentations to move both personably yet steadily. After the initial presentations of National Garden Clubs, Inc., Awards by Vera Bowen, NEGC Awards Chair, and New England Garden Clubs Awards by Susan Miner, Director, NEGC, our Federation’s President, Karin Pyskaty (Wallinford Garden Club), presented awards to recipients as their names were announced. A total of 185 Award Certificates were presented to 55 member clubs including a National Garden Club Certificate of Merit to Garden Club of Madison, a National Garden Club first place Youth Poetry Award, and 10 Tribute Awards.
The recipient of the Federation’s highest award, the Bronze Medal, was noted landscape architect Channing Harris, PLA, ASLA. (See below.)
The recipient of The Federation’s Lillian Rathbun Award, the highest given to an individual, was Lana Ho (Garden Club of Orange.)
The recipient of The Federation’s Lucille Schavoir Award, the highest given to a club, was the Garden Club of Madison.
The wonderfully long list of individuals and clubs recognized at the Awards Meeting will be available soon on our website at Thanks to all FGCCT clubs for all they contribute to their communities!
Karin Pyskaty reminded Club Presidents at the start of the meeting… your responses to the Presidents Report and Committee Chairs’ reports most often form the basis for an award nomination. Send them in!!!
Channing Harris, PLA ASLA, received the Bronze Medal, The Federation’s highest award at The Federation’s 94th Annual Awards Meeting on October 25, 2023. Harris has used his landscape architect skills to successfully design with nature to create memorable places for people. He has worked closely with architects and institutions to artfully integrate new spaces and buildings into the landscape context of both urban and pastoral campuses, health care facilities and community centers. A graduate of Hampshire College and the Harvard Graduate School of Design, he also served as president of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). He is a member of the Board of New Haven Preservation Trust and the New Haven Trust for Historic Preservation. He freely provides his expertise to architectural preservation and cemetery horticulture and is a strong supporter of Landscape Design School.
Awards Reminder: Deadline for Public Relations, Yearbook
Please Note: The deadline for submitting your garden club’s publications for consideration of an award is approaching. You need to submit your entries for this year’s Public Relations Awards for 2023 by January 1, 2024 for items published from January to December 2023.
January 1, 2024 is the deadline for:
Digital Media Presentations (Videos or Digital Media of 3 to 5 minutes promoting an NGC objective)
- Promotion of National Garden Week
Publications (one issue of Newsletters, Magazines or Bulletins published 3 times per year, Manuals or other publications supporting NGC objectives)
Publications to Increase Membership (Brochures, Rack Cards)
Social Media (Facebook page, Instagram)
Websites (under Social Media)
February 1, 2024 is the deadline for:
Yearbooks (only 3 print copies submitted)
Your submissions will be judged and may be forwarded to National Garden Clubs for consideration of a National award.
Digital (or electronic) applications are found on The Federation website under Awards by Category.
All submissions must be sent electronically to:
Please mail a duplicate paper copy (if possible; i.e., newsletters, bulletins, brochures, rack cards) to:
Linda Kaplan at 14 Norman Hill Road, Woodstock, CT 06281
More 2024 Tours:
January 13-23, 2024 ~ Galapagos and Equador (SOLD OUT)
June 23-July 7, 2024 ~ Scotland with Yorkshire Extension
July 21-23 ~ Cape Ann
August 10-17 ~ Glacier National Park
October 24-November 3 ~ Sicily
Keep checking the website for new tours!
From NGC: Plant America with an Espoma Organic Grant
NEGC Offers a Gift Tote for the Holidays
Horticulture: Pignuts & Kin
By Renee Marsh, FGCCT Horticulture Chair
I am embarrassed to say I have somehow missed a plant, a tree nonetheless, in my study of Connecticut natives. I was sitting on a bench on the edge of a walking trail looking at a pile of nuts at my feet and realized I did not know what they were. I kind of suspected, but great plants woman that I am (not), I had to go look it up. Sure enough, pignut. Now, so ignoble a name should not have gone unnoticed by me after living thirteen years in Connecticut. Pignut hickory is not rare and in fact, according to the Connecticut Tree Protective Association, it makes up three percent of our forests and sits in the top ten. Just for fun, at the end of this article is a list of the ten most common native trees in Connecticut — hey, no looking ahead!
So, pignut hickory, Carya glabra, is in the walnut family (Juglandaceae), which includes many commercially important nut-producing trees like walnut (Juglans), pecan (Carya illinoinensis), and of course, hickory (Carya). The genus Carya has around 18 species. Twelve are native to the United States, and four are native to Connecticut including pignut hickory, shagbark hickory, mockernut hickory, and bitternut hickory.
The pignut hickory inhabits most of the eastern United States, and is most abundant in dry, upland hardwood forests where it likes hanging out with white and northern red oaks. As with most hickories, pignut is a strong, 80-foot tree with a straight trunk. Its bark is tight and the leaves are compound with 5-7 leaflets. The nut is bitter and enclosed in a thin, tight husk. Pignut is adaptable to sandy or clay well-drained soils and prefers full sun in the north. It is drought tolerant once established and has a deep taproot, which makes it difficult to transplant. It also makes it hard to find for sale commercially. A shame because it makes a handsome shade tree in large yards or parks and has spectacular orangey-yellow fall foliage.
By comparison, shagbark hickory is easily recognized by its loose, peeling bark that gives the trunk a shaggy appearance. It is a bit taller, up to 100 feet tall, and the compound leaves have only five leaflets. Its sweet, edible nut is enclosed in a thick green husk that splits open when ripe. This tree prefers moist soil and is found growing in rich woods and bottomlands. By the way, all hickories produce juglone, the allelochemical that can stunt or even kill neighboring plants, but at nowhere near the concentration that black walnut does. Still, best to keep sensitive plants at a good distance.
Pignut Nut
Hickories provide food in the form of nuts, flowers and bark for many kinds of wildlife. The nuts are relished by chipmunks and squirrels and can provide 10 to 25 percent of their diet respectively. Wild turkey and several species of songbirds will eat the nuts and flowers; black bears, foxes, rabbits, and raccoons will eat all that and the bark. White-tailed deer occasionally eat the nuts but because of the hard shell, prefer other nuts like acorns. Hogs find the nuts quite tasty, giving the species its common name. Hickory is also food for the larvae of many moths, including the hickory tussock moth, the regal moth and the incredible luna moth. These are some awesome, dazzling and huge moths with equally impressive caterpillars. The luna moth can have a wingspan exceeding seven inches, making it of one of the larger moths in North America. The regal moth comes close to that with a six-inch wingspan and has an equally large caterpillar known as the hickory horn-devil. Sadly, the regal moth is believed extirpated in Connecticut. “Extirpated” you might ask? Extirpation, also known as ‘local extinction,’ means a species no longer exists within a certain geographical location but, unlike extinction, still persists in other areas and in this case, that is the Deep South.
Lastly, for us humans, pignut wood is valued for its strength and was used for yokes, wheels, tool handles, ladders and furniture. The wood was often used for broomsticks, giving it another common name, broom hickory. It is also an excellent firewood and a popular cooking wood, giving a rich, pungent flavor to smoked foods.
As promised, the ten most common native trees in Connecticut are listed below. I hope it encourages exploration and awe. It does for me.
Let's Make Some Noise — About Noise!
By Holly Kocet, Garden Club of Newtown & Co-Chair, FGCCT Conservation Committee
In days long past, our neighborhoods were quieter, especially on Sunday. Noisy leaf blowers were non-existent so people raked their leaves. Dads made piles for kids to jump in and leaves found their way to the compost pile eventually. There wasn’t the expectation that every leaf remnant needed to be swept away. It was understood that mulched leaves were free fertilizer.
Things sure have changed. There is no argument that these power tools have made our lives easier but at what cost? Before the advent of these noisy machines, you could hear birds chirping and bees buzzing. Now it’s just a constant din of high-powered mowers, leaf blowers, string trimmers and chain saws.
And these machines have gotten louder. My neighbor’s Xero Turn mower sounds like a Boeing 727 taking off. Most lawn care companies use these machines too because they are fast and easily maneuverable around obstacles like trees and gardens. Because these mowers turn on a dime, the operator can really fly, effectively tearing the turf in the process, leaving scars resembling crop circles.
Gasoline-powered leaf blowers also have serious downfalls, not least of which is noise pollution, which can lead to permanent hearing loss. Popular commercial blowers emit low frequency noise that exceeds 100 decibels. Low frequency noise carries over long distances and even permeates structures. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), hearing loss occurs with prolonged exposure to 85 decibels.
High-power blowers and mowers also can cause respiratory harm when they stir up clouds of dust that contain pollen, mold, animal feces, heavy metals and chemicals from pesticides. And when gasoline and oil are mixed in these devices, they emit carbon monoxide and cancer-causing particulate matter inhaled by the operator and others in close proximity.
Environmental Harm. A recent study showed that operating a two-stroke gasoline blower for 30 minutes emits as many hydrocarbons as a Ford F-150 driving from Texas to Alaska. And while automobiles are regulated for carbon emissions, there are no regulations for any of these small off-road engines.
Blowing Leaves Kills Beneficial Insects. “The fallen leaf layer is actually really important wildlife habitat,” according to David Mizejewski, a naturalist with the National Wildlife Federation. “All sorts of creatures rely on [leaf cover] for their survival as a place where they can find food and cover, and in many cases even complete their life cycle.” This is true for native bees, butterflies, moths, fireflies and other beneficial insects that overwinter as adults, larvae or eggs. For example, a bumble bee queen overwinters all alone in a very shallow burrow, so leaf cover is critical for her survival. Moths and their caterpillars need protection because they are a hugely important food source for birds and other wildlife species. Wonder why firefly numbers aren’t what they used to be? In addition to loss of habitat and pesticides, we’re also blowing firefly larvae to smithereens!
It also makes good sense to leave the leaves in beds and gardens over winter to protect plant roots. Blowing leaves out of gardens is not recommended. Leaf cover protects plants from desiccation that occurs over winter when moisture is lacking as well as from the freezing and thawing that occurs in late winter. Leaves are also rich in nutrients, not treated with dyes as are commercial mulches, and they’re free!
Providing “soft landings” around trees is something people are catching onto for protecting beneficial insects. As E.O. Wilson put it, they are “the little things that run the world.” Planting under trees with perennials, ground covers and ferns and allowing leaves to fall where they may is ideal. Not only is this cover helpful to beneficial critters but the planted area acts as a buffer, protecting tree trunks from the overzealous weed-whacking that could damage trees. No need for mulch. Leaves not only offer protection but add nutrients that ensure healthy and beautiful plants. And soft landing areas also save time (and money) when most of us would rather being doing just about anything else than cleaning up leaves this time of year.
“Leave the Leaves” has become a popular slogan. Not to say heavy layers of leaves must be left on lawn areas. But leaves are nutrient-rich so leaving some mulched leaves will benefit the lawn. Small leaves like maples will shrivel as they dry and are easily reduced by mower mulching. Of course, when leaves are heavier, a mower bagger makes sense. Bagged contents can then be added to plant beds for added protection or placed in a designated compost area to create rich garden soil. We want to avoid leaf blowers when we can.
These days, we are asked to rethink our garden practices, especially for large manicured lawns that require huge inputs of fertilizers, chemicals and water. These are dead zones for any kind of wildlife and significant polluters of our streams and aquifers. Lawn chemical manufacturers effectively lure landowners with their promise of a healthy green lawn. In truth, their products are neither healthy or “green.” Reducing lawn areas is a healthier solution. And hopefully this will reduce the use of deafening leaf blowers that contribute to polluting our air and spoiling our communities.
Kudos to the Town of Westport for their ordinance, approved in January, limiting the use of gas-powered backpack and handheld leaf blowers. The ordinance specifies hours during which both gas-powered and electric-powered leaf blowers can be used. It further prohibits the use of these gas-powered blowers on any state and federal holiday and even prohibits their use on Sundays! Also, beginning in May 2024, residents may not use gas-powered hand-held or backpack blowers during summer months (May 15 – Oct. 15). While Westport’s ordinance doesn’t cover the large blower machines or restrict fall cleanup activity, it is certainly a step in the right direction and the only town thus far to address leaf blowers as a serious health concern.
There is no question we would be far better off without the disturbance caused by these high-powered machines. Our songbirds and other wildlife would not be subjected to noise that disturbs and frightens them. We would preserve overwintering beneficial insects. Even our pets, frightened by loud noises, would be happier. And our neighborhoods would be quieter, more peaceful and healthier places to live.
SPOTLIGHT on our FGCCT Affiliates!
The Palmer Arboretum, our newest Affiliate, is a small, peaceful, one-hundred-year-old arboretum with interesting trees, shrubs, plants and a native shade garden. A treasure tucked out of sight behind the Palmer Memorial building on historic Woodstock Hill in Woodstock, CT, the arboretum was founded by Minnie Palmer Dean, a generous philanthropist, in 1914-15. Minnie busied herself with the arboretum and Palmer Memorial Hall, built as a small, exquisite concert hall. Minnie left both to Woodstock in her 1925 will. To this day Woodstock retains ownership. Memorial Hall became Town Hall for 50 years and over the years, the arboretum was abandoned, and all but forgotten.
Rediscovered by Margot Cassedy, Arthur Manthorne, Ruth Kimball and Mary Seney (founder of the Woodstock Area Garden Club, that became The Quiet Corner Garden Club) during the bicentennial, a recovery effort began. The park had reverted to nature, becoming so overgrown that trails had to be blazed. The original plant list was found in town hall records, enabling many of the nearly century-old specimens to be identified and salvaged.
To this day, volunteers are an integral component in reclaiming this laudable landmark. These interested parties include local schools, churches and members of the Quiet Corner Garden Club. Professional arborists are also lending a hand and Hull Forest Products has donated many yards of wood chip mulch. Students of UConn Landscape Architecture Professor Kristen Schwab provided designs that are still being implemented as upgrades proceed.
This worthy gem offers a pleasant and serene walk through a diverse collection of trees, shrubs and perennials beautifully placed in naturalistic designs that intelligently accentuate the terrain. Visitors to the arboretum can pack a light lunch and enjoy the scenery in any season. The park is open every day from dawn to dusk and is a wonderful reminder of the benefits of FGCCT President Karin Pyskaty’s “Care For Your Air” project in sustaining our national and urban forests.
"Club Corner" is a place where clubs can showcase recently completed club achievements and activities. Has your club done something unique (or uniquely successful?) that you'd like to share? Visit "Club Corner" on the FGCCT website for more of the latest news from— and for—our member clubs! (Please note that this area is not for upcoming events—you can post those on the FGCCT Club Calendar.)
Send photos, along with a writeup (200 words or less) and photo captions, to to be considered for inclusion. Please ensure you have appropriate permissions for all photos. We reserve the right to edit copy and select photos for inclusion.
Goshen Garden Club
The Goshen Garden Club has been celebrating their 90th Anniversary throughout 2023 with a slew of wonderful events. Their dedication to sharing their knowledge of gardening, conservation, ecology, and wildlife habitat has inspired the planned year of events in every way, in addition to the projects that are a part of their regular club activities. From monthly flowers at the Goshen Library to the maintenance of the Camp Cochipiannee Gardens & Beautification and the Public Works Building War Memorial at Town Hall.
The “medium-sized club” of 50 members attended the recent 94th Annual FGCCT Awards Meeting luncheon to collect several awards, an Individual Citation for Civic Achievement for the float designed for the Goshen Memorial Day Parade by members Kerwin Mayers and Louise Krozek and member Gina Cain was recognized with a Certificate of Individual Achievement in Therapy Gardens for her work with art students to decorate cans that are used as vases in the club’s therapy program at four nursing homes in Torrington. On November 11, the club held its Fall Fundraiser- a Fashion Show and Brunch titled “Red Hot & Fabulous.”
It has been quite a year for the Goshen Garden Club with much to celebrate!
In New Milford: Is it possible to reimagine an established 50-year-old garden?
That’s just what the Garden Club of New Milford is doing with a garden on the Grounds of the New Milford Historical Society.
The conversation began as a new project to create a pollinator garden that very quickly became a Wildlife Garden project incorporating aspects of more than just pollinators.
The goal is to create a year-round habitat for urban wildlife and a year-round outdoor classroom for urban visitors. Why are native plants, shrubs, trees, and grasses important to all creatures? Why is the use of pesticides and herbicides detrimental to all creatures? Why should we be thinking differently about what we plant? There are usually much better native alternatives than the annuals and non-natives and so called "nativars" that the big-box stores sell. How can having all the creatures in harmony make an urban setting a better place for all?
The Wildlife Garden is in its first season. All the new plantings are native, and we are beginning to be able to layer the plantings to reduce maintenance. There are some non-native plantings including spring bulbs that are fine for now. Why remove established plants unless they are deemed invasive?
The Wildlife Garden is large enough that it has areas with everything from full sun to mostly shade, with fairly dry soil conditions depending on the season. These challenges keep it a lively and ongoing conversation for the club.
We have been in discussion with Bartlett Tree Experts about native shrubs for interest and refuge and forage for birds and others.
Educational signage is one of the next big tasks. Such signage is expensive and there is no room for error. This should be a good winter activity.
The "Reimagining" is well under way!
Donations by Garden Clubs to FGCCT's Scholarship, Garden Therapy and World Gardening Funds
We thank the following Garden Clubs for their recent donations to the FGCCT Scholarship Fund.* For almost 40 years, the Federation has awarded scholarships to college and university students who major in Agronomy, Botany, City Planning, Conservation, Environmental Studies, Floriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Land Management, Landscape Design, Plant Pathology, or allied subjects. We welcome donations of any size. Our appeal is ongoing to give all of our clubs the opportunity to make a contribution in the amount of their choosing.
Scholarship Donations since the last issue of CFNews
Connecticut Valley Garden Club
Please send all Scholarship Fund donation checks to the appropriate chair (see below). Make checks out to "FGCCT" with the appropriate Fund listed on the memo line.
*Please note that due to the deadline for articles and information for the CFNews, some donations may not be received and deposited in time to be included in the bi-monthly donation acknowledgement, but will be included in the next issue of our newsletter.
For World Gardening & Garden Therapy:
The Federated Garden Clubs of CT, Inc.
Attention: Rosemary Bonaguide
PO Box 902
Wallingford, CT 06492
For FGCCT Scholarship Fund:
The Federated Garden Clubs of CT, Inc.
Attention: Carole Fromer
PO Box 902
Wallingford, CT 06492
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
FGCCT is on Facebook and Instagram and we love to post your news and photos! Please send upcoming events, club activities, civic projects, milestones, and hort tips. Include photos and a brief writeup of the news your club would like to share. The best format is text in an email with jpg photos attached. Take active photos showing members at work or showcasing beautiful gardens, flowers, and plants (please name the flower if it is a hort only photo). Let’s follow each other! Send submissions to
Just a reminder …
Please send all correspondence to the new FGCCT office:
The Federated Garden Clubs of CT, Inc.
P.O. Box 902
Wallingford, CT 06492
Did you recently elect new officers? Email their names and contact information to us at so they will receive Federation correspondence. If you need assistance, please contact FGCCT Office Administrator Joan Lenart at or by phone at 203-488-5528 on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 10 am to 2 pm.
Deadline to submit articles/photos, ads and calendar events for the February/March 2024 issue of the CFNews is January 10, 2024. Please submit to:
Martha (Marty) Sherman
Reminder from NGC: The National Gardener is ONLINE (and free!)
The official publication of the National Garden Clubs, The National Gardener, appears quarterly, and features articles of interest to environmentalists, gardeners, landscapers, floral designers, educators and photographers. Subscribe here.
State, Regional &
National Events