Greetings! Our typical last frost has come and gone. Our May markets and plant sales have passed so hopefully we have all gotten out into our gardens to start planting!
Now to my Presidential theme. I read a book review by Will Rolands in “The Connecticut Gardener.” The author claimed, if everyone planted a tree each year for the next 7 years, we could combat climate change. It made me think about the value we must place on the trees in our communities. Remember Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree and Doug Tallamy’s The Nature of Oaks? I thought long and hard and had suggestions and help from both friends and family. Nan Merolla put her thinking cap on and came up with a great idea. Care for OUR Air. I then expanded on the idea with “plant a tree” and “grace your homes with houseplants.”
We may not all be able to plant a tree a year over the next 7 years for many reasons. As individuals and clubs, I challenge you to participate in The National Garden Club program “Penny Pines” by donating $68.00 or any multiple of $68. “Penny Pines” began in California in 1941 as a statewide conservation program but has expanded to all 50 states. Early on, seedlings could be produced for one cent each and approximately 680 seedlings could be planted in a typical acre, with 10 acres of seedling costing $68. The amount has remained a minimum donation through the years. Today approximately 200 replacement seedlings can now be planted with a $68. donation. Since launching a partnership in 2004 with the United States Forest Service, National Garden Clubs and its affiliates across the nation have raised funds on the local and state levels. The “Penny Pines” project is dedicated to sustaining our national and urban forests across the United States. Visit or scan the QR code below to find the guideline for donations. State Project Chair Carmelina Villani ( and I look forward to hearing about your creative ideas for encouraging donations to “Penny Pines.” It can be a penny at a time! Please let Carmelina know when you donate so we can keep track of our participation.
Don't Forget! National Garden Week is June 4 – 10
Here are some ideas your club can consider doing for National Garden Week:
- Plan an activity with school students or youth group.
- Donate a floral arrangement or plant with a National Garden Week poster to a public facility.
- Plan a garden tour.
- Plan an educational program or workshop at a local library or garden center.
- Beautify or enhance an existing garden in your town.
Pollinator Week 2023
June 19-25
Pollinator Week is an annual celebration of the Pollinator Partnership’s support of pollinator health. Their mission is “to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research.”
This year the emphasis will be on “the connections between climate and pollinators.” We all know that pollinators are dying in record numbers due to increased diseases and rising temperatures, as well as natural disasters. We can help by conserving their habitats and supporting healthy ecosystems, which include growing pollinator plants and the conservation of clean air, water, and soil. Without pollinators, agricultural economies, our food supply, and surrounding landscapes would collapse. Monarch butterflies have “declined by 90% in the last 20 years,” and “25% of bumble bee species are thought to be in serious decline," according to research.
How We Can Help:
- Encourage pollinator-friendly plantings
- Reduce/eliminate the use of pesticides
- Practice conservation of all our resources
- Support our local beekeepers
The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC), a tri-national coalition dedicated to
promoting the health of all pollinators, partners with different organizations to perform research for improving the health of honey bees and reversing the threats they face. Join the Honey Bee Health Improvement Project, which focuses on ways to help Honey Bees and beekeepers.
— Linda Kaplan, FGCCT Public Relations Chair
FGCCT Welcomes New Office Administrator
The Federation has a new office at 5 North Main Street, Wallingford, CT. All Federation correspondence should be addressed to P.O. Box 902, Wallingford, CT 06492. The office phone number has not changed: 203-488-5528. The office has a small conference room that can accommodate meetings of up to 10 individuals. If you want to schedule a meeting at our office, contact
Welcome Joan Lenart, our new Office Administrator. Joan’s primary responsibility is the maintenance of all Federation databases, especially as they relate to communication with members of The Federation, Affiliate organizations, New England Garden Clubs, National Garden Clubs, and the public. Contact Joan at, if you or your Club needs assistance. She can connect you with the appropriate Federation Committee Chair.
Attention Flower Show Photographers!!!
Open your eyes to the possibilities…
For the first time ever, the Flower Show Committee is excited to announce that we are giving photographers clues about what to photograph over the summer. All categories might not be used, but the Flower Show Committee would like to have flexibility to decide the final classes. The overall theme of the Show will be “Bursting into Spring”and the Photography Division will be titled “Frame Your Masterpiece.”
We are considering the following subjects for the 2024 Photography Division Contest:
- A seaside landscape framed by foliage or gardens
- A flower or garden at night
- A landscape photo with the sun or sunburst
- Birds, butterflies, or moths in the garden
- A garden path or walkway
- A close-up of a bud about to burst into bloom
- Nature reflected in a pond, lake, or other water
- Interesting cloud formations in a landscape
- Interesting tree photos
We are also asking our members to submit suggestions or ideas for classes or subjects that they would like to have included in the Photography Division. Please contact Kathy Harris if you would like us to consider additional subjects.
To increase the number of garden club members who enter our Photography Division, we will be increasing the number of Photography Division classes from 6 to 8 and will be limiting the number of classes for which each photographer can initially submit photos. We will continue to allow 1 submission for each class but will limit the number of classes to 4. We plan to continue to accept 12 entries for each class. In prior shows, many of you submitted photos for all six categories. This change will allow more of our members to submit their photos. We anticipate having a waiting list for those that want to enter more than 4 photos. We look forward to next year’s flower show and hope that more of you will share your garden and nature Masterpieces with us next February as we “Burst into Spring.”
The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc, 2023 Annual Meeting
The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. celebrated their 94th Annual Meeting at AquaTurf Club in Plantsville, CT on Wednesday, April 19, 2023.
After President Polly Brooks opened the meeting, John Davis led the Pledge of Allegiance. Polly thanked board members who were stepping down from their positions, and acknowledged and thanked all the board members continuing to serve. Nan Merolla presented Polly with a beautiful vase designed by Francis Palmer from board members to thank her for her service.
The members of the new Executive Committee (pictured above left) were installed in a lovely ceremony led by New England Garden Clubs President Suzanne McCance: President - Karin Pyskaty; First Vice President - Nan Merolla; Second Vice President - Kelle Rudin; Treasurer - John Davis; Assistant Treasurer - Maryann Lynn, and Recording Secretary - Kathy Harris.
Following the ceremony, Gini Mita, Program Chair, introduced Massachusetts native and author Neal Sanders. Neal writes mystery novels using garden club members as characters in his books. During his entertaining speech, Neal talked about being a "garden husband" to his wife, Betty, an enthusiastic Master Gardener and landscape designer. He concluded by talking about how he wrote his first mystery novel, The Garden Club Gang.
Following the morning ceremonies, luncheon was served. Attendees were able to shop at a variety of vendors' tables. The beautiful table centerpieces were designed by the Wallingford Garden Club.
Congratulations to the new Executive Committee!
— Linda Kaplan, FGCCT Public Relations Chair
Treasury Notes
Reminder … It's Tax Time!
For Club Presidents and Treasurers – If your club’s fiscal year is the calendar year you should have already filed your Tax return! The deadline was May 15. The good news – there’s no penalty for late filing! If your club enjoys its Tax Exempt Status under the FGCCT umbrella, AND files the 990 N for organizations with less than $50,000 in total annual receipts, we’ll do it for you!
Please go to the Federation website, and navigate to the “Financial Management/Taxes” page under Club Corner / Tips for Clubs for more information.
Or, if you’d like to try it yourself, the IRS has a new way to set up an online account, called LOGIN.GOV, it’s much easier and much less intrusive than ID.Me, give it a try!
Another tip to avoid future trouble:
Does your club accept credit or debit cards at events? Or, use Paypal or other similar tools to accept payments on your website? Starting with this calendar year (2023), those processors (Square, Paypal, etc.) will report to the IRS the total payments processed when the annual amount exceeds $600 (it used to be $20,000.)
Please check to ensure that the tax ID number on your account with the processor is that of your club and NOT that of the Treasurer who opened the account with Square or one of the others. You should be able to check the Tax ID by logging on to your account and checking the information stored in your profile. This is a precautionary step – applications for this type of account typically require both the Tax ID of the club, AND the Social Security Number (SSN) of the person opening the account – and sometimes the SSN gets put in both places – please make sure that didn’t happen in your club’s case, otherwise your treasurer, or whomever opened the account may be getting a call from the IRS about their personal return being missing income!
Congratulations to FCCCT's NGC Youth Contest Winners!
The 2022-2023 NGC Youth Sculpture Contest theme was "Encouraging Youth to Keep Our Planet Green." And the winners are (click the project title to see or read more) …
The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. - First Place Winners
New England Garden Clubs - First Place Winners from Connecticut
National Garden Clubs - Winners from Connecticut
Grade 5: Honorable Mention - Underwater Scene by Alina Khokhar; Branford Garden Club
Grade 7: Honorable Mention - New England Bird by Adam Guertin; Danbury Garden Club
The 2022-2023 NGC Youth Poetry Contest theme was "Seeds, Trees and Bees... Oh My - Celebrating the Diversity of Nature."
The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. - First Place Winners
New England Garden Clubs - First Place Winners from Connecticut
National Garden Clubs - Winners from Connecticut
Grade 1: Third Place - "Bees" by Owen Cloherty; Westport Garden Club
Grade 2: First Place - "Bees, Bees, The Buzzing of Bees" by Sean Alleyne; The North Haven Garden Club
Grade 6: Honorable Mention - "Oak Tree" by Kaelyn Schmitt, Colchester Garden Club
2023-2024 Youth Poetry Contest Guidelines from NGC
Legislative Action
I have three issues that need your attention. Please tell your members to notify their legislators and especially the Environmental Committee about the issues:
The bill banning the release of balloons: they now want to remove the fine for releasing balloons. Please tell them we don’t want ANY balloon releases. This is the time of the year for graduations and weddings — celebrations where people tend to release balloons. If you know of any releases, please try to stop them. You can also call the police because there are laws on the books to prevent them.
Artificial lighting: Please tell your members about light pollution. It is the easiest pollution to fix. It confuses migrating birds. This bill would require the state of Connecticut to shut off the lights at all state office buildings between 11 pm and 6 am during spring and fall migrations. You can help also by dimming or shutting off your lights at night. Make sure lights are not pointed skyward. This is especially critical at this time of year.
And again, those little nip bottles: The 5-cent deposit that is being returned to the towns where the nips are purchased so they can use the money for cleanup is not working. Please ask your legislators to make them a returnable item and get them off our streets, parking lots, parks, etc. The current plan IS NOT working, just take a walk!!!
We have to keep up our efforts on these three issues. Please do your part.
— Gerri Giordano, FGCCT Legislation Chair
Exciting New Tours!!
Galapagos January 13-23, 2024. Click here t o join the wait list.
Summer Gardens in Scotland, with an optional golf pre-tour and an optional York and Yorkshire post-tour. Main tour is departure on June 23-July 3. Highlights of the main tour include Edinburgh for 5 nights, giving us time to explore the gardens in the area, the spectacular train journey from Glasgow up to Fort William. Then we will take a circular tour through the Highlands and back to Edinburgh while seeing Loch Ness and more spectacular gardens. We will sample the famous whiskey along Scotland’s backroads and beautiful scenery. Personally chosen hotels along with five convivial dinners will also be highlights of the tour. David Phillips, a favorite guide of many veteran UK travelers, will be touring us through Scotland. Be among the first to receive the full brochure! Click here to get on the interest list.
Glacier National Park and Banff August 10-18. Highlights include Calgary, Waterton Lakes National Park with Shoreline Cruise, Kalispell for 2 nights, Red Bus guided tour of Glacier National Park. Radium Hot Springs and a day in Banff & YUoho National Parks. Visit Emerald Lake and Lake Louise. Full brochure and pricing will be available soon. Click here to get on the interest list and be one of the first to register!
Other tours in progress will be a bus tour in the spring to Washington, DC, and Annapolis, a summer getaway to Cape Ann, the hot-air balloon festival in the Adirondacks in the early fall and a glorious experience in Sicily in October. Keep checking the FGCCT website for more information on all our tours.
Horticulture: Let the Games Begin!
By Renee Marsh, FGCCT Horticulture Chair
There is a Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) in my garden that was planted before my time. It is not a shrub I like because, in addition to reseeding itself prodigiously, it is favored by the dreaded Japanese beetles. After mating in the flowers, the pesky beetle couples head right over to my vegetable garden for their nuptial feast of green bean foliage. Grrr…. I am tolerant of most insects but give no quarter to non-native ones. Having recently conceded defeat to the red lily beetles by digging out all my Asiatic and Oriental lilies, I am not about to surrender to the Japanese beetle.
Actually Japanese beetles are just one of a number of non-native pesky beetles including Asiatic, Oriental and European chafer beetles. Here are their mugshots. They all have very similar lifecycles though Asiatic beetles are the sneakiest, hiding during the day and feeding on foliage at night. Unlike Japanese beetles which tend to skeletonize leaves, Asiatic beetles notch the edge of the foliage so keep an eye out for that damage with no apparent culprit around.
As bad as the adults are, the larvae can be worse. The developing grubs spend a year underground feeding on organic matter and roots. If you are a person who likes a pristine lawn, you get twice the fun. Not only will a large community of grubs create great swaths of dead grass; the moles, skunks and raccoons will aerate your lawn in search of a grub snack. So what is an organic, tree-hugging gardener to do? Well, kill them of course! The only question is when and how.
Plan A. The Ten Fingers of Death
Trying to spray the beetles with pesticides is a non-starter as the most effective insecticides are very toxic to insects I like. So, my summer mornings are spent handpicking the suckers off my plants and plopping them into soapy water (they don’t swim as long as the jumping worms). It is easier to handpick beetles in the morning when they are not quite as quick. If you suspect Asiatic beetles, sit outside at night with a light on, sip a glass of wine and wait till they come to the light. This, as you might suspect, is not real effective but you will feel relaxed and the mosquitos will be happy.
What about those traps you ask? Well there are two types of traps you can buy. One uses a bait that mimics the smell of virgin female beetles and of course attracts male beetles. The other bait has a yummy food smell and attracts both sexes. These traps will bring in hordes of horny and hungry beetles and kill a good number of them. Unfortunately, the ones that escape death will happily mate and increase the population in your garden. Sigh, this is the law of unintended consequences known as perverse results.
Plan B. The Mercenaries
The adult females you did not get in Plan A have now laid their eggs in the soil. Once the eggs develop into larvae, the wretched little pests will head toward the surface of the soil and start feeding. Time to bring in the enemies of our enemy which are bacteria and nematodes.
In the past, milky spore bacteria was the only game in town but it is not considered that effective in Connecticut and only kills the Japanese beetle grubs. The new darling bacteria is Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae (Btg), a strain that produces a toxin that affects both adults and larvae. When consumed the bacterium disrupts the gut lining, causing the pests to stop feeding and gradually die. Sorry but yeah! The most advanced products in this space are grubGONE! and beetleGONE! from Phyllom BioProducts.
Some earlier Bt products are only effective against 1st instar grubs (the grub immediately after hatching) but grubGONE! is also effective against the larger 2nd and 3rd instar (more mature grubs) which appear later in the season. So grubGONE! can be used as an early season curative or a late season preventative. Once the soil cools, the grubs move deeper into the soil and go dormant.
beetleGONE! is sprayed on the foliage that the beetles are eating and can also be mixed into the soil to control grubs. It is compliant with organic growing standards and in fact, treated vegetables, fruits and herbs can be eaten the day of application (nothing will happen to your gut). The chart below gives you an idea of timing.
Native Plants vs Native Cultivars – Plant Choice Matters
By Holly Kocet, Garden Club of Newtown & Co-Chair, FGCCT Conservation Committee
When choosing plants for the benefit of pollinators, birds and other wildlife, it is important to remember that a native plant lives and grows in a particular region without human intervention. “These plants are part of the balance of nature, developed over hundreds of thousands of years to a particular region.” - USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. True natives are referred to as straight species or wild-type natives because they have not been modified through selective breeding. True natives do not have fancy names like ‘double delight’ or ‘butterfly kisses,’ dead-giveaways that these are cultivated plants.
Native plants shrewdly evolved over time to develop flowers that attract specific pollinators with unique shapes, sizes and colors to ensure pollination and reproduction. The relationship between plants and pollinators is very complex. There are short-tongued and long-tongued bees, hummingbirds, flower flies, butterflies and moths, all seeking different flower shapes and sizes for obtaining nectar. Additionally, specialist bees are looking for pollen from specific plants to raise their young. These symbiotic relationships work rather well without human interference.
So, why do we insist on creating cultivars of native plants? - AKA native cultivars or nativars*. I think it’s our nature to want to control things… make something bigger and better. But what are we losing? A double flower, for example, while attractive to us, is totally inaccessible to pollinators. Some cultivars have no pollen or nectar at all. Nectar guides, the lines on flower petals meant to direct a bee to a flower’s nectary are not always visible to the human eye. However, a bee’s ability to see ultraviolet light gives him an advantage when seeking nectar. You can guess what happens if these guide lines are erased in the process of cultivation.
Annie White with the University of Vermont has done research on native flowering plants vs native cultivars. She concluded that when particular nativars varied significantly in color, bloom time, size, or shape from their wild-type, they provided less ecological service to pollinators. She also stressed the importance of avoiding double flowers when planting for pollinators. (Echinacea purpurea ‘Pink Double Delight’ pictured at left.)
White also did a study on cross-breeding Blue Lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica with Cardinal Flower, Lobelia cardinalis to create the cultivar, Lobelia x speciosa ‘Fan Scarlet.’ What she found was that this cultivar contained 20% less nectar than both straight-species. She reported that the quality of this nectar was not sufficient to support pollinators and other beneficial insects that might be attracted to this flower. And, she cautioned that this cultivar should be avoided when interested in attracting hummingbirds.
While it is true that pollinators are attracted to many kinds of flowers when seeking nectar, more research is needed to determine if the nectar and pollen of individual cultivars provide the same nutritional value to pollinators as the straight native species. Or, are they just providing a “Happy Meal.”
Doug Tallamy, professor at the University of Delaware, stresses the importance of providing plants that are hosts for caterpillars because they are an extremely important food source for most bird species. His study on woody plants at Mt. Cuba revealed that cultivars with purple leaves were avoided by caterpillars due to toxic anthocyanins. Tallamy also believes plant structure and density are hugely important for birds seeking shelter and when choosing nesting sites. Both White and Tallamy agree that we need to proceed cautiously with native cultivars when seeking to maximize benefit to wildlife.
One final thought concerning cultivating plants by cloning: clones are often created using plant cuttings rather than growing the plant from seed. This method is a much faster way of propagating a plant and each new plant is identical to the parent plant – a clone. This may sound like a good thing. Trouble is, if all you have are these cloned plants in your landscape, they are all subject to the same disease and pest problems. “It is a bad idea to load the landscape with cultivars that have no genetic variability,” Tallamy says. “I think the safest policy right now is to encourage the use of straight species.” Genetic diversity in nature is extremely important in fostering healthy ecosystems that support all life on earth. No doubt about it.
* Native cultivars/nativars can be hybrids or products of two or more plants intentionally selected by breeders and crossed to create desirable traits or are clonally-produced copies of a plant.
SPOTLIGHT on our FGCCT Affiliates!
The Connecticut Audubon Society
Founded in 1898, the Connecticut Audubon Society operates nature facilities in Fairfield, Milford, Pomfret, Hampton, Sherman, and Old Lyme, and an EcoTravel office in Essex.
Connecticut Audubon manages 22 wildlife sanctuaries encompassing more than 3,400 acres of open space in Connecticut, and educates over 100,000 children and adults annually. Connecticut Audubon is an independent organization, not affiliated with any national or governmental group.
To mark the organization’s 125th anniversary, Connecticut Audubon has become part of the Lights Out Connecticut coalition and asked for Connecticut citizens’ help by turning out lights that lure birds straight into windows and buildings resulting in over 1 billion bird deaths each year. The ask is to turn out your lights from 11 pm to 6 am during peak spring and fall bird migration: May 1 through May 31 and from August 15 through November 15.
There is a robust calendar of events and programs on the Connecticut Audubon website offering nature walks, guided bird walks, and educational programing for children and adults. To learn more about the important work being done or to explore the events coming up, visit:
"Club Corner" is designed to be a place where clubs can showcase recently completed club achievements and activities. Has your club done something unique (or uniquely successful?) that you'd like to share? Visit "Club Corner" on the FGCCT website for more of the latest news from— and for—our member clubs! (Please note that this area is not for upcoming events—you can post those on the FGCCT Club Calendar.)
Send photos, along with a brief writeup (200 words or less) and detailed photo captions, to to be considered for inclusion. Please ensure you have appropriate permissions for all photos. We reserve the right to edit copy and select photos for inclusion.
Garden Club of New Milford Marks 100 Years with Projects & Tributes
The Garden Club of New Milford is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2023 and they have embarked on several projects to celebrate.
The club has sponsored the “Poppy Project” — a tribute to all those that have given their lives in defense of their country. The dedication, held on Sunday, May 28th at the All-Wars Memorial on the New Milford Green, brought together area and state elected officials, members of the community, and veterans to view the 2,500 knit and crocheted poppies standing row by row on the Green. The club distributed patterns to knitters and crocheters, gaining wide support in the community. The club has also planned a Blue Star Memorial dedication for June 14 at the Town Hall on New Milford’s Green and a gardening fair called “Flower Power” on August 5.
These projects are in addition to the club’s civic work planning and maintaining five gardens and all of the planters in town including the New Milford Historical Society Garden public garden, currently being transformed into a “wildlife” garden. For more information visit:
These poppies were knitted or crocheted by groups in Australia, New Zealand and Canada for our project.
All 2500 of the poppies above were knitted or crocheted by club members and other civic organizations and knitting groups in and around New Milford.
Donations by Garden Clubs to FGCCT's Scholarship, Garden Therapy and World Gardening Funds
We thank the following Garden Clubs for their recent donations to the FGCCT Scholarship Fund.* For almost 40 years, the Federation has awarded scholarships to college and university students who major in Agronomy, Botany, City Planning, Conservation, Environmental Studies, Floriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Land Management, Landscape Design, Plant Pathology, or allied subjects. We welcome donations of any size. Our appeal is ongoing to give all of our clubs the opportunity to make a contribution in the amount of their choosing.
Scholarship Donations since the last issue of CFNews
Danbury Garden Club
Garden Club of Madison
Greens Farms Garden Club
Middletown Garden Club
Riverside Garden Club
$ 50.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
Garden Therapy Donations since the last issue of CFNews
World Gardening Donations since the last issue of CFNews
Please send all Scholarship Fund donation checks to the appropriate chair (see below). Make checks out to "FGCCT" with the appropriate Fund listed on the memo line.
*Please note that due to the deadline for articles and information for the CFNews, some donations may not be received and deposited in time to be included in the bi-monthly donation acknowledgement, but will be included in the next issue of our newsletter.
For World Gardening & Garden Therapy:
The Federated Garden Clubs of CT, Inc.
Attention: Rosemary Bonaguide
PO Box 902
Wallingford, CT 06492
For FGCCT Scholarship Fund:
The Federated Garden Clubs of CT, Inc.
Attention: Deborah Osborne
PO Box 902
Wallingford, CT 06492
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
FGCCT is on Facebook and Instagram and we love to post your news and photos! Please send upcoming events, club activities, civic projects, milestones, and hort tips. Include photos and a brief writeup of the news your club would like to share. The best format is text in an email with jpg photos attached. Take active photos showing members at work or showcasing beautiful gardens, flowers, and plants (please name the flower if it is a hort only photo). Let’s follow each other! Send submissions to
Deadline to submit articles/photos, ads and calendar events for the August/September 2023 issue of the CFNews is July 10, 2023. Please submit to:
Marty Sherman
Reminder from NGC: The National Gardener is ONLINE (and free!)
The official publication of the National Garden Clubs, The National Gardener appears quarterly, and highlights articles of interest to environmentalists, gardeners, landscapers, floral designers, educators and nature photographers. Subscribe here.
State, Regional &
National Events