"Root! Root! Root!” For the Client
“Did you see what my Rockies did last night?”

“How do your Broncos look this season?”

“My Nuggets are one Lebron James shy of a championship.”

Why do we refer to our local sports teams as our private possession?

Why do our spirits rise when our favorite teams win, and why do we feel down when our teams lose?

Perhaps, as Eric Simons observed in his book, “The Secret Lives of Sports Fans,” a sports team is an expansion of a fan’s sense of self. As observed by Mr. Simons, a sports fan tends to mirror the feelings and actions of the players, and one’s self-esteem rides on the outcome of the game.

The same is true for lawyers. We tend to mirror the feelings and motivations of our clients. For some of us, our self-esteem is uniquely tied to the outcome of our client’s cases. Like professional athletes, trial lawyers tend to be a highly competitive sort. We don’t like to lose – period. Not in a hearing; not at trial; not playing monopoly with our kids.

To be a good trial lawyer, the attorney must take ownership of his or her clients’ claims in much the same way as a sports fan takes ownership of his or her favorite team. The lawyer must be compassionate and empathetic; he or she must be able to identify with her or his client and understand and internalize why it is that the case is so important to the client. And the attorney must do all of this while maintaining objectivity.

FGMC recently represented a woman who suffered significant injuries and damages after she was struck by a car while walking across the street.  The driver denied liability and contested her damages. The FGMC attorneys took up their client’s cause as if it were their own, fighting to ensure the client’s voice was heard. Ultimately, on the eve of trial, the parties were able to reach an amicable resolution, ensuring the client was properly compensated for her injuries, damages and losses.

We, the lawyers at FGMC, become our client’s biggest fan. Our clients’ cases become our cases. Our clients’ victories become our sweet victories. Our clients’ losses sting as if the defeat were our own.

Of course, there is one glaring difference between the relationship of the sports fan and his or her team, on the one hand, and the lawyer and his or her client, on the other: it matters not how many fingers are crossed, or mis-matched socks are worn, the sports fan cannot change the outcome of a game. The FGMC lawyer, on the other hand, is in the trenches, side-by-side with the client, fighting hard to ensure the client brings home a victory on game day – a victory that is owned and celebrated by both the client and the attorney.


Scenario #1 – During preparation for demolition of an industrial building, the owner discovers the property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Scenario #2 – In response to a permit application to demolish a single-family home converted to a commercial use, the owner is informed the home is a contributing structure in a designated historic district.


With summer approaching and the days growing warmer and longer parties are on the horizon! However - to put a rain cloud over the fun and celebration - it’s also a good time to think about legal liability related to alcohol consumption at your party. 

Let’s say you have a Memorial Day party at your home, which is attended by Carlos (45 years old) and his son Lucas (18 years old). You give alcohol to both Carlos and Lucas (or you see Lucas getting beer from the fridge). When they leave, they are the drivers of two separate vehicles, and both cause car accidents. Can you be held liable for injuries caused to a third party by Carlos and Lucas?


I have often said that the internet has done more to divide and enrage us as a society than most people probably anticipated when Al Gore created it. The power of social media can be great when we get constant feeds of kittens playing with giant balls of twine, but usually it’s just people screaming about guns, Trump, the police and how cruise ships are filled with dangerous viruses.   Honestly can anyone tell me that we are truly better off with the internet than we were before it?...

FGMC Attorneys Rank in Chambers and Partners
Chambers USA has released its 2018 list of law firm and attorney rankings in the United States. This year, two FGMC attorneys were ranked – Gary Lozow  and  John Chanin . Chambers USA ranks America’s leading attorneys identified as the best in their field by their peers and clients.

The Aspen Times Reports: FGMC Advances High- Profile Appeal

The Appellate team filed a brief in the Colorado Court of Appeals last week, championing the rights of residents in affordable housing complexes to safe, sanitary, and affordable housing. The appeal marks a watershed development in the longstanding battle between affordable housing residents and the local government in Aspen/Pitkin County. Spearheading the appeal: attorneys  John Chanin Chip Schoneberger , and   Melanie MacWilliams-Brooks .

Keirstin Beck and Colorado’s Property Assessed Clean Energy Program 

Check out the article on Colorado’s Property Assessed Clean Energy (Co-PACE) program that includes comments from FGMC Special Counsel, Keirstin Beck , who is extremely active in this expanding industry. Co-PACE is an innovative financing tool that incentivizes commercial property owners to incorporate energy efficient, renewable energy and water conservations measures into their properties. Co-PACE permits a special assessment to be placed on the property as the mechanism to repay the long-term, Co-PACE financing. As a result, the property owner sees many economic benefits including improved LOI and an ability to address pending capital needs.

FGMC Participates in Jodi's Race
On June 9th FGMC was happy to participate in Jodi’s Race to raise money for ovarian cancer. Jodi was the firm’s client's wife. She passed away from ovarian cancer and this race is part of her legacy.
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