June 17, 2016

301 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
CALL US TODAY 702.384.6106
First Good Shepherd Family and Friends,
FGS' website now has a link to sign up to receive this newsletter.  You can use the "Forward this e-mail" button below.  Or you can visit http://www.fgsls.org/monthly-newsletter/  and click on the link to sign up.  You can also click here  to be taken to the sign up sheet. Share the Word; tell your friends!


"Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ." (Galatians 4:7)

Through Christ, we are heirs of heaven. This means we don't need to earn our way in - it is the free gift of God. If we try to earn our way in, then we make ourselves slaves again. Rejoice in the freedom that God gives us!

NEW Portals of Prayer...
...have arrived.  They are available in the narthex and in the pew racks. 
We still have some of the current quarter publications if you'd like as well.

LWML Quarterly....
...have also arrived.  Copies are in the Narthex.  

  Come join other women in Las Vegas on Saturday, September 24th as author and speaker Deb Burma shares about "Living a Chocolate Life" - based on her Bible study book with the same name.  This women's Bible study will be hosted at Faith Community Lutheran church in Las Vegas and is a joint venture of area Lutheran churches.  Please join us for a day of "savoring God's sweet grace" together!  Registration will open July 1 and the registration fee of $35.00 includes Deb's book.  Stay tuned for details!  Questions - please email [email protected]

Downtown Lutheran Churches.org

The Association of Downtown Lutheran Churches (ADLC) was founded in October, 1996.  The ADLC celebrates the mission of ministry of the Lord through congregations in downtown neighborhoods, sharing and developing ideas and programs by communication, networking and encouraging one another.  Check out their website at  

or sign up for their newsletter by sending an e-mail to  [email protected] 


Pastor Cluver has called FGS to specific prayer. If you are able to do so please join a prayer group that is meeting after each service at the rear of the church. See Lois Peters (Saturday), David Clark/Verla Niebuhr (8:15), or Sean Cunningham (11am).
If you are not able to join a Saturday/Sunday group, 
know that you are still being called to prayer  and please add to your  daily  prayers the specific prayer requested by Pastor Cluver, that "the hearts and minds of the members of FGS would be seeking God's guidance and wisdom during this period of transition."



We're talking about that little red book found in each pew usually by one of the aisle seats.  You know the one you write your name, address, etc. and then pass on to the next person.  Well, folks doing that is important.  You know why?  It is the record of your attendance at worship.  You see the Pastor is God's Shepherd keeping watch over your walk with the Lord.  Your being in attendance at worship says your on the right path.  Your not being in attendance for a few weeks in a row indicates that something could be amiss and the Pastor needs to be aware of this.  Your signing in helps since the Pastor does not know everyone who is a member.  Perhaps over time that might be the case as it was in many congregations I shepherded.  But at FGS that is not the case.  Thus I need your help if I am to be the pastor God has called me to be.   So please sign in during the offering time in our worship.  Thanks!!!
Pastor Steve 


Altar Guild
Sandy Scarberry & Nancy Stewart     
8:15 am-Peggy Mayes & Malinda Alsop
11:00am-Jean Bogner 

Officer of the Day 
5:00 pm-J.B. Langendorf
8:15 am-Ken Foster
11:00 am-Trustees

Serving Communion
5:00 pm-Pa stor Steve & J.B. Langendorf 
8:15 am-Pastor Steve, Gary Franzen & Andrew Youmans  
Scripture Readers 
Sat 5:00 pm-J.B. Langendorf
Sun 8:15 am-Rom Schroder
Sun 11:00 am-Jon Peterson

8:15 am-Cheryl Launer, Joy Holland & Jean Poteete
Children's Chat 
Vacation Bible School        

Kathy Macklberg, Ed Carroll, Praise Band

Coffee Hour  
Board of Directors

SUNDAY (19th)
8:15am & 11:00am Worship Services 
9:40amSunday School-Art Room
9:45am Adult and Youth Bible Classes
10:00am Praise Band Rehearsal
Happy Father's Day! 
Don't forget to return the First Choice Pregnancy baby bottles today! 
TUESDAY (21st)
─ 7:00pm Small Group
SATURDAY (25th) 
 ─ 5pm Worship Service
SUNDAY (26th) 
8:15am & 11:00am Worship Services
─ 9:40am Sunday School in the Art Room
─ 9:45am Adult & Youth Bible Classes
10:00am Praise Band Rehearsal    
Don't forget.......
Turn in your Baby Bottles THIS SUNDAY!

First Choice Pregnancy Services would appreciate your spare change.  Fill up a baby bottle with loose change or any donations you would like to give.  Please return the baby bottle to FGS by Father's Day.

First Choice Pregnancy Services is also in need of supplies that they hand out to expectant mothers.  A small reminder of the life they are carrying helps them hear God's calling for the child.

-0-3 month size outfits 
-colored onesies with matching beanies (no white, please) 
-receiving blankets 
-blankets (handmade or store bought) 
-small board books 
-booties or socks 
-hats or beanies 
-medium baby or colored gift bags (no large bags, please) 
-small baby toys (rattles, teething rings, etc.) 
-diapers (newborn size)
-gift cards

During the summer, many volunteers leave because of summer plans. First Choice is in need of volunteers.
They are in need of:
Client Advocates
Ultrasound Support
Front Office 
Data Entry
Admin Support
Special Event Planning

Training is provided for all areas. For more information, please call (702) 294-2273. They are currently open Monday-Friday, they are preparing to launch Saturday hours, therefore, we are looking for volunteers that would be willing to work on Saturdays as well.  

860 E. Sahara Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104 

Click Here  to go to the Policy Governance portion of FGS' website for updated information. 
Communicating with the congregation, both to answer questions and further educate members about Policy Governance, is the top priority of the Board of Directors and vital to the process of implementation of Policy Governance.
As always, feel free to contact any of the board member of the committee with any questions.  Contact e-mail addresses for all board members are in the weekly bulletin.   
Please continue to pray for our church and be involved with meetings as they become available. 
Stephen Ministry
We plan on starting a new Stephen Ministry training class in September 2016.
Please see David Clark or Kathi Anderson if you want to find out more about either receiving care or becoming a Stephen Minister.

Comfort Dog Ministry
Lois would like some helpers to attend events with her.  Contact the church office or visit Lois' Facebook page for more information and to sign up! 

Lois is a trained Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog at First Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School.  She interacts with people at churches, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, events and in disaster response situations.  Lois is a friend who brings a calming influence and allows people to open up their hearts and receive help for what is affecting them.  This in turn enables Lois' handler or others to share Jesus and what He can do for all life's struggles.  
FGS is the first church is all of Nevada to have a Comfort Dog.  Click the link below to check out Lois' Facebook page. 

Contact the church office if you wish to schedule a visit.  

First Tuesday is a community meeting.  The community discusses safety, what's happening around in our neighborhood and future events that will bring the community together. 

All are welcome to attend.  Join the community to learn about how we can make our community a great place to live and worship.
Tuesday July 5, 2016
7:00p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Click Here to view information on PBS' Summer Family Workshops.

Visit Metro's Website for more information and the current location of the First Tuesday meetings.  You can also click here to read a sheet of information regarding safety at church.

July Book Club

We meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month. We will meet on July 13th at 6:30 at the home of Peggy Mayes.  July's book is entitled "This is a Soul" by Rick Hodes.   Here is a short description of our book:
Dr. Rick Hodes arrived in Africa more than two decades ago to help the victims of a famine, but he never expected to call this extremely poor continent his home. Twenty-eight years later, he is still there.
This Is a Soul tells the remarkable story of Rick Hodes's journey from suburban America to Mother Teresa's clinic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. As a boy, Rick was devoted to helping those in need, and eventually he determined that becoming a doctor would allow him to do the most good. When he heard about famine in Africa, that's where he went, and when genocide convulsed Rwanda, he went into the refugee camps to minister to the victims. When he was told that Ethiopia was allowing its Jews to emigrate to Israel, he went to help. While there, he was drawn to Mother Teresa's mission in Addis Ababa. It was there that Rick found his calling when he began caring for the sickest children in one of the world's poorest countries.
This Is a Soul is not just a story of the savior and the saved, it is a celebration of love and wisdom, and an exploration of how charity and devotion can actually change lives in an overcrowded, unjust, and often harsh world.
Please contact Peggy Mayes for directions to her house.  If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Book Club you can see me or call 702-889-6243.
God's Blessings
Cheryl Launer

Upcoming books:
August Movie Night "Paradise Road" at the home of Jo & Rom Schroder.
Sept. "Leonardo & The Last Supper" by Ross King
October "Three From Galilee" by Marjorie Holmes
November "Imperium " by Robert Harris

Attention Guys!!  Men's Bible Study -
Time for that long overdue UPDATE! We finished up the Psalms study and have moved on to "Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School" led by Bruce Werdeman. This study is a closer look at  This new thing called "Church." With 14 individual sessions you can get in or out anytime you want. We are meeting for the summer in the Music Room and we start at 10:00 after the prayer group meets. No books are required, except the Bible, of course. Grab a cup o'coffee and a snack after the 8:15 service and join us any Sunday this summer.
State Healthcare Insurance Assistance Program.

Are you interested in learning Medicare to counsel Medicare beneficiaries as a SHIP Volunteer?  SHIP was established in 1993 funded through a federal grant from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  SHIP is actively recruiting people who demonstrate initiative, a desire to learn Medicare, are computer-savvy and have an interest to serve others.  
*       Complete a one hour on-line introduction course to Medicare  
*       Complete 18 hours of classroom training and 6-12 hours of shadowing
*       Serve a minimum of 8 hours a month with 16 hours highly suggested
*       Commit to serve at least one year
*       Pass an assessment for certification
*       Input data into automated system on a monthly basis
*       Complete an extensive  background investigation

Please contact Millie Thomas, Statewide Volunteer Coordinator
Aging and Disability Services Division
1820 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite #205
Las Vegas, NV  89104
Office: 702-486-2439
Fax:  702-486-3236
"The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others!"
DeAnn Hollis


Have you seen the wooden house in the narthex?  You can donate food to Lutheran Social Services of Nevada by dropping off a donation in that house.  Pick up an extra can of food whenever you're at the grocery store.

Lutheran Hour Ministries  
Job Posting

Associate Director, Principal Gifts.

Click Here for a copy of the job posting or click here for listing of all current job postings.  Questions may be sent to [email protected].

Message From Pastor Steve
Life in the Holy Spirit
Pastor's Corner
Last week Deacon Steve shared with us the calling and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The call is irrevocable meaning God does not take it back and the gifts are given to us to be used For God's Service (FGS). Deacon Steve shared about Stephen's call as we see it in Acts 6:1-7.  This week Pastor Steve will pick up on the life of Stephen as we see it in Acts 6:8-7:60. The theme for this week as we continue in the series "Life in the Spirit" is "The High Cost of Living by the Holy Spirit". Stephen is a great example of this and there are lessons for us as we live in the world but not of the world.  I look forward to seeing and joining with you in worship.

Worship This Summer
During these summer months I am asking and encouraging all members to sit in the two center sections.  I know we all have our favorite places to sit and I know that's where we are most comfortable.  But folks, when we sit more together the singing is better and the appearance of a closer fellowship is more evident then when we are scattered.   Bottom line is when visitors join us in worship they will have a better impression of us and more apt to come back.  We are in the people business and we want to do all we can, directly and indirectly, to encourage visitors to return a second and third time. Thanks for taking this seriously and acting accordingly.

Elected to the Board of Directors
Last Sunday in our Congregational Voters Meeting the following were elected to the Board of Directors:
One Year Term
Mark Cheney
David Clark
Kim Youmans

Two Year Term
Kim DeLeon
Rick Schroder
Rom Schroder

Three Year Term
Andrew Coates
Len Higgins
Rick Pollock

From now on we will elect three annually to a three year term.  Thanks to all who consented to be a candidate.  God is at work at FGS as we go forward in our "new beginning".  Whether elected or not we all as members of First Good are For God's Service". With eyes on Jesus and hearts tuned to him we say "Here am I, use me, use me".

Ministry Teams
In the coming weeks Pastor Steve will be putting the core Ministry Teams together so that plans can begin to be put together for our ministry beginning this fall with the start of school.  Please keep this important step in your prayers.

  Prayer Request
We received a letter from one of our missionaries and his wife requesting prayers for five children at Mango Creek, Independent Village Stann Creek District, Belize Central American.  These five children are Jamie Tracy age 14, Susie Westby age 13, Whitney Garbutt age 12, Denzel Garbutt age 10, and Stephanie Logan age 3.  Although they have many, many more children here at the Mission, these are the children who need special prayer right now.  These small children have very immediate, urgent needs that only God can help with.

Thanks for your positive comments about our outside worship in May and the meal afterwards.  It was great!  We are planning something similar in October. We'll either call it "Fall Round-Up" or in good German Tradition, "Oktoberfest". Either way it should be great and you can start looking forward to it.

God Bless,
Pastor Steve

First Good Shepherd Lutheran
Church Statistics

Worship Attendance:   

Weekly Educational Events Attendance
Sunday School (preK-6th Grade)
Jr/Sr High
Adult Bible Study
Men's Bible Study
Tuesday Small Group
All are welcome to join any of these groups.  
Click here to contact the church office if you would like information.  Invite a friend!
Members with Pastoral Ministry Emergencies can contact:

Pastor Steve @ 702-371-2167
Deacon Steve @ 702-239-7771
Youth Happenings


Please click here to visit the youth page of the church website for details.  You can click on any of the links below to take you to the youth page as well.

Summer Bible Study.  We meet in the Youth Room at 9:45am Sunday mornings. During the summer, we're going to study how we live In Christ Alone. It's the theme for the National Youth Gathering. All junior high and high school youth are welcome, even if you're not going to the NYG.  

If any youth have a requested topic you would like to study, please let Jon know. 

Valley Wide Lutheran
Talent Show!!! 
All are welcome. 
The youth are putting together a night of entertainment June 18th.  Tickets are $10/person.  The show will be in the FGS Parish Hall.  Doors open at 6pm. 
Don't forget to pick up your "BBQ Dinner To Go", provided by The Roed to Good Cooking.  Dinners will be available for pick up before the show.  Feel free to stay for the show as well.

Raffle!!!    Buy a ticket; win a prize; help the youth!  
During the Talent Show, we're going to raffle off prizes. Click here for a list of the prizes.  (Also available in the narthex.) 
Tickets are available all the way up to the time we pull the winning ticket.  There are discounts for purchasing multiple tickets.  You don't have to be present at the talent show to win.  But love to have you attend!  Contact Jon if you aren't able to attend the talent show, but would like a (or many) raffle ticket(s).

The 4th of July is right around the corner. 
One of my favorite memories is getting together with family for a picnic, fireworks and pie on the 4th of July. 
The youth will be selling pies for the 4th of July.  Deadline to order your pie is June 26th.  Pies will be available for pickup the weekend before the 4th.    Click here for a list of pies and costs.  (There's even pumpkin for those who can't wait until Thanksgiving!)

The youth will also be selling fireworks at the corner of Sahara and Maryland Pkwy from June 28th through the 4th.  Stop by and help the youth raise money to get to the National Youth Gathering!  You can pre-order fireworks, by THIS SUNDAY, June 19th for a 10% discount as well.

  THANK YOU for supporting the National Youth Gathering fundraisers.  Please continue to pray for the youth and chaperones.

Thank you.

Jon Peterson
First Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Youth
253-293-9875 cell
[email protected]

Christian College Fair at Faith Lutheran October 27th 6-8pm

Would you be willing to lead a session or two of Sunday School? 
We're in need of Sunday School leaders for the summer.  All the materials are provided.  Please contact Rebecca Cheney or Jon Peterson if you would like to help bring children closer to Jesus.
Matthew 19:14 
Thank you for your generous offerings each week! We continue to collect offerings for Food for the Poor.

Summer Sunday School Schedule
Throughout the summer, we will have one combined class in the art room.   
Vacation Bible School 
We had a great time at Vacation Bible School this week.  We'll have a slide show in the worship services this weekend.  Click here to view the slide show (it will be uploaded after Sunday).

Don't let the fun stop.  Keep singing the VBS songs all summer long.  CD/DVD combos with the VBS songs and videos are available. 

Thank you to all the volunteers.  VBS week couldn't have happened without you.  
Rebecca Cheney
First Good Shepherd
Lutheran Preschool
(click above to visit our website)

TRUST IN GOD with all your heart, all your mind, and let Him lead you. Don't look at the things of this world. Look at God. Watch Him. He is perfect in every way and He is always there when you need Him.
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:1
 As part of summer camp, we've been having a great time at Vacation Bible School this week!  There is still time to sign up for summer camp.

Enroll Now!

As you know, our fall registration is now available.  Did you know that by registering for our Pre-K Guppies class you are guaranteed a spot in our kindergarten?  It's true!  Your child will be ready for the quality academic excellence and loving Christian environment that First Good Shepherd has been known for over 50 years!  In the past, we have been able to fill our kindergarten class close to capacity with our preschool.

                                       In His Service,   
                                           "Miss" Pam 
Let's raise children who won't have to recover from their childhoods. 
Pam Leo

Dear FGS families and friends, 
We've been having a great time at Summer camp and Vacation Bible School.  It's not too late to sign up.  Registration forms for camp can be found at the front desk or in the FAST room.  

New Playground Cover
Thanks to Faith Lutheran Jr./Sr. High School we have new playground cover.  It actually is their football field which they have donated to us.  It has a thick rubber under layer which will be great for our use.  A landscape company picked it up from Faith and brought it to us and put it down. Yes in the process the tree was taken out.  While we really did not want to do that, it was best as the root system causes the area around the tree to be uneven and not good for play area for the kids.
Make sure you visit the School Website to stay up to date with all the great things happening in our school!  
In His service, 
Terri Humphrey
Celebrity City Chorus

Celebrity City Chorus is a group of ladies who are part of Sweet Adalines International.  They rehearse at FGS in the Parish Hall each Tuesday from 6:00-10:00 p.m.  If you are interested in joining the choir, please visit their website for more information or show up to a rehearsal.

Let's keep their usage of the Parish Hall in mind as we schedule activities and praise God for bringing us this blessing.

Camp Lutherwood 
Save the Date!   
July 22 - 24, 2016

All are welcome to a fun weekend of camping, activities, food and fellowship, July 22 - 24, 2016.  Please contact Autumn Youmans at [email protected] or 702-785-4531 if you are interested in attending.  Requested menu items and suggestions for activities are welcome too!

Check out Camp Lutherwood's webpage or  Facebook page for more information about the facilities.
  Germany - Reformation 2017

The year 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  Martin Luther was a supporter of music - 
"Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world".  Join
 us for a 9-day journey June 13 - 21, 2017 to Berlin for the 
Luther 2017 Choral Festival.  Following the festival, the trip would include travel to Wittenberg, Eisenach, and Leipzig.   

We are looking for singers and any others travelers who are interested in celebrating the 500 th anniversary of the Reformation.
Contact Sandra Youmans for more information.

Martin's Mart Thrift Shop

Martin's Mart is a thrift shop run completely by volunteers since 1971.  All profits go right back to the community.  Stop by to do a little shopping, donate or just enjoy a friendly visit.  The thrift shop is open Monday through Saturday, 10am to 2pm.  All are welcome!
1219 S. Main St.
Las Vegas, NV 89104
to a Lutheran exchange student from Germany

for the coming 2016-2017 school year 
Volunteer host families (with or without children) are needed to provide food, a bed and a loving home for the coming school year, one or two semesters, starting in August or January.
For more information on Educational Merit Foundation students, please call Marie-Claude Dijoud at 1-800-467-8363 or visit their website. emfusa.org

Do you shop at Smith's and have a Rewards Card?
If so, you can enroll your card in the Community Rewards Program to help earn money for FGS.  Scan your card every time you shop at Smith's, then Smith's will make a donation to FGS based on the amount of shopping done by our congregation.  It doesn't cost anything.  You get to keep all your points and discounts.  The donation comes from Smith's. 

Go to smithsfoodanddrug.com, sign-in to your account, go to your "Account Summary" page,  scroll down to the bottom under "Community Rewards", click "Enroll" and follow the instructions.  Be sure to enter FGS' code 29833.  When you're done, FGS should appear at the bottom of your "Account Summary" page.  Contact the church office if you have any problems signing up. 
Amazon Smile
When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to First Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.  Click here here to support FGS every time you shop.
LAW AND GOSPEL on your Lutheran Radio Station Worldwide KFUO.org. Learn about two completely different Biblical teachings on your Lutheran Radio Station Worldwide KFUO.org. Law and Gospel uses the theological distinctions between Law and Gospel not only to apply the Bible, but also to understand our relationship to God's entire plan of salvation in Christ.Archived at KFUO.org. Follow on Facebook.com/KFUOradio. 
Diana Schneck
June 19
Alex Morris
June 22
Terry Humphrey
June 22
Brenda Bradbury
June 24
James Krafft
June 22

Wayne & Carolyn Dibos
June 2
Jim & Angelina Papanek
June 19
Len & Sonya Higgins
June 5
Gary & Jeanette Coates
June 22
John & Ilse Phillips
June 7
Vince & Yvette Wells
June 24
Mark & Rebecca Cheney
June 12
Clarence & Patricia Jones
June 25
Adam & Kim Gradisher
June 12
Jim & Ora May Krafft
June 25
Ron & Doris Tolzman
June 15
David & Terri Humphrey
June 30
Kim & Sandra Youmans
June 16

We thank God for all of you! 
If we missed a birthday or anniversary, please let the office know!
Shop with SCRIP

SCRIP is a fancy word for gift cards. Use them just like cash.  FGS Youth Ministry gets a portion of the purchase price.  The donation is made by the company. 
You get the full value of the gift card.

Everyday use?  Vons, Albertsons, Walmart

Vacation? Disney, Royal Caribbean, Hotels.com, Delta Airlines

Family dinner or date night?  Fandango, AMC, Olive Garden

Home repair?  Home Depot, Lowe's

Clothes, house hold supplies, seasonal?  Kohl's, Macy's, Target

Curious if your favorite store is available with SCRIP?  Search https://www.shopwithscrip.com/  
Thank you for supporting FGS Youth Ministry!