Home of the Falcons! 
"We Engage, Challenge, and Support Every Student, Every Day"
Principal's Message                                                           Nov. 22, 2019

This week I would like to give an update on our social and emotional support initiative we have implemented this year. We now offer a program presented by Hospice of the Valley that provides students with grief support. T he FHHS Counseling Department has partnered with Hospice of the Valley's New Song organization to provide grief and loss support to our students who have experienced the death of a loved one. This partnership has allowed students to move through the grief process alongside peers at a developmentally appropriate level, reinforcing that health and happiness remain essential to a positive educational experience.

In addition, we offer various group sessions within our counseling department that focus on issues facing teens. We created a new "group room" that serves as the location for these efforts. With three counselors on staff, we are able to offer students various options.

Our partnership with the Fountain Hills Coalition and their efforts regarding the Above That 2 Club also give students guidance in regard to peer pressure and tough issues they face. The Coalition has also offered a multi-week curriculum on vaping that all PE classes have participated in. This wonderful partnership gives us additional opportunities to be proactive and help students avoid potential issues. 

The volleyball program partnered this year with Teen Lifeline in an effort to help teens become familiar with their peer mentorship program and with overall awareness. We created a great relationship with them this year and we were able to hand out 500 bracelets to students.

Finally, the addition of Frank, our therapy dog, has given our school another option to make a difference in the lives of our students. Frank, an English Bulldog, offers students who are struggling the opportunity to take a break and spend time with a loving companion. Frank makes a difference for the students he interacts with and he gives them another reason to smile. 

All these efforts combined make up our social and emotional well-being initiative for the 2019-20 school year. We are committed to making a difference in our students' lives, and we are committed to helping them find the help they need.


Special Announcements

See what is happening at our  schools

A Message From Mrs. Pinto:  Alternative School Discipline

Working with students regarding discipline matters in the high school has undergone a dramatic transformation this school year. Driving this change in dealing with discipline is the desire to keep students in school and improve overall school climate. Our new discipline practices focus on exposing the root causes of student misbehavior and working to mitigate those causing factors. We aim to build healthy and strong relationships with our students and as a result hope to improve their engagement in their learning. Traditional discipline focuses on violation of rules, while restorative practices consider how relationships have been damaged. Restorative practices are based on the positive relationships that students and adults have with one another. Simply said, it's harder for a student to act in a defiant and disrespectful way towards adults who clearly care about them and their future. Restorative practices and alternative discipline are forward thinking practices that require administrators to be creative in transforming discipline incidents into learning opportunities. 

One alternative to long term suspensions that this administration has used this year is alternative discipline assignments. Students who have had experience with these types of assignments have created reflective and thoughtful projects on subjects such as traffic laws, research on current reports about health issues and deaths caused by vaping, research on costs to repair damaged items and writing proposals for restitution, respecting our campus and those who work to keep it clean and safe, advice to underclassmen, and writing apology letters to stakeholders. 

We recently shared the TED Talk, "Every kid needs a Champion," with our staff where Rita Pierson eloquently affirms our philosophy in dealing with students at the high school. We crafted our restorative practices, alternative discipline assignments, supports and interventions around the belief that "teaching and learning should bring joy and every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be." Rita's powerful talk can be seen by clicking here

Like her, we strive to be a champion for our students on our Campus of Champions!

Yearbook News

It is time to start thinking about purchasing an ad for your graduating senior.  The ad will be placed in the 2020 yearbook. You can upload your images and create your ad at  www.jostens.com

Ad prices are as follows:

1/8 page $75
1/4 page $120
1/2 page $185
Full Page $295

Yearbooks are available for purchase at  www.jostens.com.  The yearbook price is currently $79.  Prices will increase after the new year. 

Kiwanis Pacesetters

Congratulations to Nate Ball, Cole Schulze, Gianna Barker, and Dani Meyers for being selected for this award. Each of these students has done an amazing job of representing FHHS and leading as champions!

Fountain Hills Art Festival


The Life Skills Program selling their tie-dye creations at the Fountain Hills Festival of Arts and Crafts! 

The Friendship Club on a field trip to the bowling alley. A day of bowling, games, food, friendships, and laughter. 

Looking Ahead
View upcoming events of the week ahead
11/21 & 11/22/2019 Dance Concert @ 7:00pm
11/26/2019 Girls & Boys Basketball 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 & 7:00pm
11/27 - 11/29/2019 No School - Thanksgiving Break
12/2/2019 Girls & Boys Basketball 5:30 & 7:00 
12/3/2019 Girls Soccer 4:00pm
12/5/2019 Girls & Boys Soccer 4:00 & 6:00pm

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