Back-to-School Message From Dr. Nathan Hoven, FHSD Superintendent
The first day of school is right around the corner. We are excited to welcome students back on campuses beginning Monday. 

While we all hoped for a more typical school year, we continue to be impacted by COVID-19 and the Delta variant. Our number one job is to educate students and we know we can do that better if students do not experience interruptions to their learning due to avoidable quarantines. 

Here are some things you can do to help ensure your child(ren) stay healthy and remain in school.

  • Wear a mask
  • Vaccinate
  • Stay home when sick
FHMS Named Gold Star School
Francis Howell Middle School was named a 2021 Missouri Gold Star School by DESE.
High Schools Named PLTW Distinguished Schools
FHHS, FHC, and FHN have been named Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Distinguished Schools for 2020-2021.
Barnwell Middle School Awarded $12,000+ Grant
The school will receive training and supplies as part of the 2022 Technology and Engineering Grant Award from DESE.  
PROP S: District-wide improvements continue to take shape thanks to the $244 million bond issue passed by voters last summer to make our facilities safer for students and staff.

A number of projects were completed this summer, including:
  • FHN/Henderson’s entry drive was expanded to separate construction traffic from school traffic as part of the progress on the new Francis Howell North High School
  • FHC and Saeger’s parking lots were repaved
  • Track and parking lot replacement/renovations were completed at Bryan Middle
  • Major systems (HVAC, Boiler Loop, Electrical) were replaced at Becky-David, along with new paint, lighting and floors

While much progress has been made, Prop S work continues to be impacted by inflationary costs and manufacturing delays in the construction industry – both of which impact project budgets and timelines. As one example, security vestibule projects around the District have been impacted by COVID-related material delays in the steel and aluminum industries. Without the necessary interior and exterior doors required to complete the vestibules, some schools – including Bryan and Saeger middle schools – will start the school year with a temporary secure entrance.

The District Facilities Committee continues to monitor costs and material delays and make adjustments to Prop S plans where necessary. Stay informed about Prop S projects at
ESSER Funds Input - Thank you!
Thank you to those who responded to our recent survey and provided input on how the District should allocate its anticipated American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. Your feedback, combined with input from upcoming focus groups with stakeholders this fall, will help us identify priority areas and determine specific initiatives for using our ESSER funding. Our initial budget is due to the state on August 23 and will include preliminary funding allocations; these allocations will be modified based on input on the priority areas identified by our community through the survey and focus groups. Over the next few months, we will further define the individual projects in each funding category.
Read up on the District's Return to School Plan for the 2021-22 school year.
Still unclear on how quarantines will work this year? Check out our "Who needs to Quarantine" graphic.
Free meals for all students will continue this year. Learn more.
We're answering some commonly asked questions regarding COVID-19 protocols on our website.
The first Collaboration Wednesday - Early Release is set for Wednesday, Aug. 25, and applies to elementary families as well as middle and high school. K-12 schools dismiss one hour early on Collaboration Wednesdays.
Plan ahead. The 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic calendars are on the website now. You can also access this year's Bell Schedule here.
Warren Elementary School fifth-grader Salome Cummins earned two first-place awards at the National Braille Challenge this summer. Read more.
Dr. Suzy Zerr, Harvest Ridge Elementary School instructional coach, has advanced to become a semi-finalist for the state of Missouri's Teacher of the Year award. Congratulations, Dr. Zerr! Read more.
We locked in top-talent teachers this month as part of our new "Teacher Signing Day." Help us welcome them to the FHSD family!
This summer, the Board of Education recognized District custodial staff for their hard work that helped keep students healthy and in the classroom this past year. Thank them.
Virtual students who plan to return to in-person learning in the fall had fun getting back in the swing of things with our Summer Connection Program!
Lots of fun and learning happened at our STEM Summer Camp last month.
Students participated in a College Boot Camp as part of our college and career readiness efforts. Don't forget to take advantage of these awesome resources! Look for more information in future issues of the District Digest.
The Administration Building staff are gearing up for the 2021-22 school year. They collected countless school supplies and nearly $300 to purchase more as part of their Ice Cream Truck School Supply Drive.
In the News
Francis Howell Sixth-Grader Launches Her Astronaut Dream With Trip to Space Camp
Francis Howell Schools Will Offer Black History, Literature Courses
2021-22 New Administrative Hires
Dr. Holly Avis, assistant principal at Francis Howell High Read more
Megan Beckham, principal at Warren Elementary Read more
Dr. Bart Denbow, assistant principal of Francis Howell Central Read more
Morgan Eubank, administrative intern at Warren Elementary Read more
Jane Hepler, administrative assistant to the FHSD Superintendent and Board of Education Read more
Dr. Lucas Lammers, interim principal at Francis Howell North Read more
Michael Parker, assistant principal at Francis Howell High Read more
Amy Ridling, assistant principal at Francis Howell North Read more
Dr. Katie Robson, administrative intern at Saeger Middle Read more
Jon Schultz, associate principal at Francis Howell High Read more
Dr. Erin Steep, assistant principal at Francis Howell North Read more
Julie Vahle, administrative intern at John Weldon Elementary Read more
Become a District-Approved Volunteer
For the 2021-22 school year, the District may have opportunities for individuals to serve in a volunteer capacity within some of our school buildings. The need and opportunities for volunteers will be limited, especially at the start of the year, and are unique to the needs of each school building. Administrators may allow limited visitors such as guest speakers and volunteers for academic-related supports but will not let parents/visitors eat lunch with their kids at school. For information on the requirements and how to become a district-approved volunteer, click here. All visitors will be required to sign in and wear a mask.  
Join a Committee
Several District committees will be recruiting new members this fall. Keep an eye on your inbox for ways to get involved in curriculum and strategic plan work.
Upcoming Dates
AUG. 23
First Day of School, All
AUG. 25
Collaboration Wednesday - Early Release
All K-12 Schools
Collaboration Wednesday - Early Release
All K-12 Schools
No School, Offices Closed for Labor Day
All K-12 Schools
SEPT. 15
Collaboration Wednesday - Early Release
All K-12 Schools
SEPT. 16 | 6:30 p.m.
Board Meeting
Westwood Trail Academy