At the time the Town Board contracted with ChoiceTel of Eagle River to install fiber optic cable to every property within the Town, there were no other players on the field. Since then, Charter/Spectrum has obtained federal grant funding to install fiber optic cable in portions of many northern WI towns, including St. Germain. And, in addition to the federal funding, Charter/Spectrum is contributing its own money to see that all properties within towns, not just those funded by the grants, have fiber optic access. In other words, when both companies are finished in St. Germain, every property will have the option of subscribing to either ChoiceTel or Charter/Spectrum. However, each company has its own installation schedule.

ChoiceTel, now in its 2nd construction season in St. Germain, started burying cable at the intersection of Highways 70 and 155 and travelled south along the east side of highway 70. As of early August 2022, the cable has reached South Bay road. It is hoped that by conclusion of the 2022 construction season, ChoiceTel will have made its high speed internet service available to the entire SE corner of St. Germain in addition to the east side of Highway 70 in the downtown area. If that goal is achieved, the spring of 2023 will find ChoiceTel working in other areas of the Town.

In the meantime, Charter/Spectrum began burying cable this spring and by the end of the 2022 construction season intends to have completed installations along Juve Road, Birchwood Drive, Four Corner Lane, Lost Lake Drive North, and Found Lake Road. Property owners who have not yet been contacted by Charter/Spectrum likely will be during this September.

The Town Board encourages everyone to determine the similarities and differences in service options and costs between the two companies and make their choice of which to subscribe to.

AUGUST 25, 7:00PM,

WI Statutes require town boards to obtain approval of electors before acquiring or disposing of real property, including buildings of any size.

The Town Non-motorized Trails Committee has sufficient funds from sources other than property taxes to purchase a small storage shed needed at the Fern Ridge Recreation Area for safe and organized keeping of a growing accumulation of trails maintenance tools and equipment. The Town Board needs approval of the majority of electors in attendance at a special electors meeting in order the purchase the shed.

The agenda for the regular second monthly meeting of the Town Board at 6:30PM, Thursday, August 25th will include interrupting that meeting at 7:00PM for a brief special electors meeting at which time the Board will ask approval of the electors in attendance to purchase the shed. Although the board meeting will be accessible virtually via Zoom, the vote concerning purchase of the shed will be limited to electors physically in attendance at the Community Center.

Anyone qualified to vote in St. Germain is encouraged to attend this meeting.
The St. Germain Town Board of Supervisors provided this message. If you wish to contact any of the Town's officers, please visit the "Elected and Appointed Officials" page of the TOWN WEBSITE.