January 1, 2023 | Issue 16
"Come See Our Awesome Schools Together"
Superintendent's Message
Dear FJUHSD Community,

Happy New Year, and welcome back to the second semester. I want to thank everyone for a fantastic first semester and everyone’s work for a successful beginning to the second semester!

This month, our focused theme is “Come See Our Awesome Schools Together” where we will be promoting our upcoming Open Houses with brand new marketing videos for each school and important open enrollment information. Each of our schools are unique with many programs to choose from. Please be sure to watch our videos and visit our schools during January.

We hope you enjoy our videos and the useful resources provided to you in our newsletter. See you at our Open Houses!

Steve McLaughlin, Ed.D.

This month the Board of Trustees recognized Fall Athletic teams that reached CIF. BPHS Boys’ Water Polo; FUHS Girls’ Cross Country; SOHS Boys’ Cross Country; SHHS Girls’ Golf; SHHS Girls’ Tennis, and TRHS Girls’ Tennis. In addition, TRHS Commander Allen Stubblefield was recognized for receiving the 2022 Presidential Cybersecurity Education Award! Congratulations to all who were recognized.
Annual Organizational Meeting
At our December Annual Organizational meeting, Joanne Fawley was appointed Board President; Chester Cheng was appointed Board Clerk; and Marilyn Buchi, Chester Jeng, and Lauren Klatzker took the Oath of Office for being re-elected as Board Members. In addition, Mark Miller was introduced as our new Director of Human Resources!
Open Houses begin this month! Our last Open House will end on February 15! All Open Houses begin at 6pm.
Click on the videos below to learn more about each school and the programs they offer. Please visit each school's website for important information for each day.
Wednesday, Janaury 25
Wednesday, January 11
Thursday, January 19
Wednesday, February 15
Thursday, January 12
Tuesday, January 24
Wednesday, January 18
We hope you enjoyed these videos!
Please see the Education/Assessment Services section below
regarding more information on Open Enrollment.

Click on the image below to view a tutorial video
The FJUHSD Technology Department is here to help. Visit our
Technology Page for helpful information and technology support.
Shout Out!
National Special Education Day
National Special Education Day was December 2. Thank you to ALL our FJUHSD Special Education Teachers and support staff who educate and provide support to every student.

District Arts

Each month a district school brings up artwork to be displayed in our Boardroom. This month La Habra High School's artwork is displayed. Click on the image to the left to enjoy a video of all the wonderful artwork. Thank you La Habra High School for allowing us to enjoy your artwork!
Together We Learn
Open Houses and Honors Testing Information
Opioid Forum
We are partnering with OC Health Care Agency and holding an Opioid Crisis Community Forum on Thursday, January 26, 2023 at FUHS. Click on the flyer below to reserve your seat.
Sonora High School - Pool
Facilities & Construction Updates
We are quickly approaching the completion of the demolition of the Sonora High School pool. We will reach that milestone over the Winter break and start the building process ten feet underground. We're hoping that any significant rain will hold off just a couple of more weeks.
EC Holiday Luncheon
Business Services would like to give a huge shout-out to the students and Chef Mario from Fullerton Union High School for providing the delicious food for our Holiday Luncheon. We were so glad that David Montoya and the Ukulele Band at La Habra High School were able to provide festive entertainment.
For the 2022-23 school year, FJUHSD was approved to implement Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) at Buena Park, Fullerton Union, La Habra, and La Vista High Schools. Parents with students who attend these schools will not be required to complete a lunch application form. Conversely, FJUHSD was not approved for CEP for Sunny Hills, Sonora, and Troy High Schools. While meals will continue to be served to students at no cost at non-CEP schools, the District will be encouraging parents who may qualify for free and reduced meals to complete a 2022-23 lunch application. The District Food Services team is here to support. Please contact us for questions or assistance at (714) 870-2820 or by email at foodservices@fjuhsd.org.
Excellence Among Us
The Fullerton Joint Union High School District is fortunate to be served by many outstanding classified, certificated, supervisory, confidential, management and administrative staff members. Each month, Human Resources has the honor of showcasing a staff member or members who contribute to the support, development and success of our students and who help to make this District exceptional.
This month, Human Resources is proud to recognize District Mail and Utility Worker, Alan Tan.
Perhaps better than any other employee of the District, Alan Tan embodies this January’s newsletter theme of “Come See Our Awesome Schools Together.” This is true because each and every day Alan visits every school site, and the Education Center twice, to pick up and deliver the District’s mail. Through traffic, rain, extreme heat and COVID-19, Alan faithfully ensures that we all have the documents, packages and information that we need to perform our jobs well and to support our students, parents, staff and community to the fullest extent possible. As an added bonus, deliveries from Alan are always accompanied by a warm smile and a friendly greeting. Without this daily service, our abilities to perform our duties in an efficient and timely manner would be immediately and significantly limited, something we likely do not consider and take for granted each time Alan stops by to drop off or pick up our mail.  
Thank you Mr. Tan for your exceptional service to our staff, students, parents, community and District! You truly represent the excellence among us.

The Great Kindness Challenge
"Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return but because of who you are."

-Harold S. Kushner

Take the Great Kindness Challenge from January 23rd through January 27th, 2023. How many of the Kind Acts below can you check off? We challenge you!
To stay up to date with all things Human Resources, follow our new Instagram page @fjuhsd_humanresources and stay connected!
Suicide Prevention Lifeline

988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by dialing 988, this dialing code will be available to everyone across the United States starting on July 16, 2022. 

When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary.
We hope you find this newsletter a helpful resource. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, please have them visit our website to view the newsletter or click the “subscribe” button below to make sure they never miss a newsletter.