UUCGT Flash 
September 14, 2017
Vol. 11, Issue 499
In This Issue
Sunday Service
Lifespan Experience for Children, Youth & Families
What's Going on at UUCGT?
End Note

Congregational Vision

UU Logo
We are a Congregation creating a better world by nurturing the heart and expanding the mind.
We provide a safe, caring community where all can freely explore diverse religious thought. We work for justice and equality with the power of compassion and compassionate power.
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UUCGT Beacon

If you are not receiving our monthly newsletter, the Beacon, and would like to, please contact the office .


"If you want to build a ship,
don't herd people together to collect wood and 
don't assign them tasks and work, 
but rather teach them to long for the
endless immensity of the sea." 

- Antoine de Saint - Exupéry

Dear friends - 
I am so excited about this coming Sunday!  Our 10:30 AM service will be a delight!  
Please reserve a little bit of extra time for the service (about 15 minutes, so 10:30 to 11:45 AM), as we will celebrate the installation of our Board, and I will share with you, in three movements of reading and song, a vision for our congregation.  What an honor!  
Every good thing - 
Rabbi Chava 
PS - Just a note to remind you that the Jewish High Holidays are upon us, so my office hours will vary.  I am happy to see you - just give a call ahead.  

Also, a brief reminder that our 9 AM programming begins September 24 - donuts and cider will be provided, bring your own coffee ...

Sunday Service 
Sunday, September 17 - Rabbi Chava Bahle and Margaret Wozniak
10:30 AM
"Seekers Together - A House for Our Dreams"

Rabbi Chava Bahle will  reflect on the Ministers March on Washington and  share her vision for the future of UUCGT.  We will celebrate and honor our Board of Trustees with a charge to the Board.  Together, we will look forward to the ways UUCGT is and will be the house for our dreams.

Lifespan Experience  f or Children,
Youth  and Fam ilies!

Sundays in September for preK-8th grade

In September we head off to Hogwarts as we launch our "UU & YOU at Hogwarts" program.  September 17 & 24 will be spent building excitement for our Opening Ceremony on October 1st here at the UUCGT Campus of Hogwarts.

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Suggested readings for families/parents this month include:
  • Ravenclaw Reader:  Seeking the Meaning and Artistry of J.K. Rowling's Hogwarts Saga, Essays from the St. Andrews University Harry Potter Conference  - by John Patrick Pazdziora (Editor), Micah Snell (Editor)
  • Into the Pensieve:  The Philosophy and Mythology of Harry Potter - by Patrick McCauley
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"UU & YOU at Hogwarts!"
Registration is Still Open!
We are THRILLED to announce that registration is open for our
Sunday morning curriculum September 2017 - June 2018

Most parents believe that it's important to instill social responsibility in their children, but it can be difficult to find meaningful sources or projects for children to get involved in.  In addition, many social action projects are not relevant to children, and a lack of relation can lead to a lack of engagement. The Harry Potter series of books by J.K. Rowling are an excellent way to immerse children in the idea that one can work to make the world better. Harry Potter, like other pop culture, can allow children to discuss important social issues with peers.

The "Harry and UU" curriculum was originally written by Unitarian Universalist Educator, Karen Hager - creator of the Imagine-RE UU curriculum series, and we are enhancing it to meet our multi-age classroom needs.  This curriculum is a fun way to get children and middle-school youth excited about our UU principles and social justice.  Children pre-k-5th grade are invited to participate as UU Hogwarts students, and middle-school youth are invited to be "prefects", or "upper-classmen" with additional (but FUN!) responsibilities.

Don't worry!  Children/Youth needn't have read or be familiar with the storylines from Harry Potter in order to fully participate - they need only come with a creative, playful, inquisitive and open mind - ready to explore!

CLICK HERE to view the full brochure!
Print copies are available on the Welcome Table in the social hall.
Children/Youth who register by AUGUST 28th  will receive a special Hogwarts UU Acceptance Letter! 

CLICK HERE  for Registration forms!
Print copies are available on the Welcome Table in the social hall.

We Are Also Seeking Volunteer Professors ( aka classroom teachers ) For This Program!  Please contact Sarah if you are interested!

W hat's Going On At UUCGT?

~ Please Note ~
Please schedule committee meetings and events
by contacting

UUCGT Calendar -  Click Here

Meetings & Activities

Peacemaker Needleworkers:   Thursdays, 1:30pm, social hall

Brewing Community:  Thursday, September 14, 5:00-7:00pm @ The Workshop!  Family-friendly night out with UUs!

Meditation Workshop:   Thursday, September 14, 5:30pm, classroom
Group will not meet September 28, October 5 or 12

Music Committee:  Thursday, September 14, 600pm, sanctuary

Vocal Ensemble:  Thursdays, 7:00pm, sanctuary

Mindfulness Meditation:   Sunday, September 17, 5:00pm, sanctuary

Stretch & Strengthen :  Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:30am

UUCGT Board Meeting:  Monday, September 18, 5:30pm, classroom

Community Lunch :  Tuesdays - V olunteers meet at 10:30am.  Every week for the past 25 years, UUCGT has provided a free lunch for anyone in the community who would like to come to Friends Church located at Fifth and Oak Streets in Traverse City.  For more information, or to volunteer, call Mary Kiner at 935-3050, or email  marykiner@charter.net

Bridge Group:  Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00pm, social hall

Lifespan Experience Committee:  Wednesday, Sept 20, 12:00pm, library

Sunday Services Committee:  Wednesday, Sept 20, 4:00pm, classroom

Membership Committee:  Wednesday, Sept 20, 4:30pm @ Sleder's

Wednesday Supper -  September Schedule:
  September 20 - Supper will be held at 6:00pm at Sleder's - please RSVP to  Sandra McDonald  if you plan to attend.  
  September 27 - Pizza Night!  Cost of the meal is shared by those who participate.

Endowment Committee:  Wednesday, September 20, 7:00pm, library

Congregation Beth Shalom - Rosh Hashanah Service:  Wednesday, September 20, 7:30pm, sanctuary & social hall

Congregational Beth Shalom Services:  Thursday, September 21, 10:00am & 3:00pm, sanctuary

Sunday Services Committee Retreat:  Saturday, September 23, 10:00am-3:00pm, hosted by Donna Stein-Harris

New Moon Women's Circle -  New time & location:   Saturday, September 23,  4:00-7:00pm, 3591 Old Mission Road.   This group is open to all women for connection and considering the question - "What life experiences have most influenced your spirituality?"  We meet near the new moon - a time of new beginnings.  A light meal will be offered.  RSVP to facilitator,  Carolyn Kelly  or 231-392-5761


FLASH articles are due by noon on Wednes days - email office@uucgt.org

BEACON articles are due by the 25th of each month to 

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Local Community Needs
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UUCGT Financial Report as of August 31, 2017:   Please click here

Safe Harbor Opportunities:   As most of you know Safe Harbor is renovating a building near downtown to house the emergency overnight shelter for those experiencing homelessness.  We are offering two opportunities to contribute to this effort the next two Sundays - September 17 and September 24.  We will have envelopes for those who wish to contribute financially to the renovation effort.  We also have a list of small kitchen items (like serving spoons, spatulas, etc.) to be purchased and donated.  Basically, a "kitchen shower" for Safe Harbor.  
See us after Sunday service at the Safe Harbor table in the Social Hall if you are interested in contributing or learning more -  Mike and Sandra McDonald

Save the Date -
2017 CROP Hunger Walk, Sunday, October 8, 2:00pm
Bring a sack lunch to UU and have lunch after service in the social hall with other walkers, then go to the Civic Center together! 
This is an  excellent family-focused event!  See John Hoffmann after Sunday Services in the Social Hall for more Information.  Sign up to walk and/or make a donation.

UU Benzie:  Fall services begin Wednesday, September 20!   Please bring a small container of water  from a source dear to you  to the service -  contact
mascholl@charter.net  for more details.

End Note...


FLASH articles are due by noon on Wednesday each week


UUCGT Office hours:   Mon day - Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

(231) 947-3117       office@uucgt.org         www.uucgt.org