Fifth Week in Eastertide

May 9, 2023



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Christ is risen!

Now, where is Christ leading us?

We are still radiating in the joy of the resurrection -- and yet, the risen Christ does not tell us to just stay put! He tells us to go and share the good news we have heard and invite others into this new way of living.

But where do we go from here? As you may remember from the Annual Meeting, about ten years ago our congregation participating in something called the Congregation Assessment Tool, or "the CAT" for short. It is an in-depth survey used by congregations all over the US, from many different denominations. Its purpose is very much like when you go to the doctor for your annual visit: to get your "vital signs." What's going well? Where are you feeling energy? In what area do you need to focus to become healthier?

The CAT measures the energy and satisfaction of a congregation. It helps us see where we are doing well and where we could adapt to better meet the needs of the world today. It helps identify areas of ministry where there is enthusiasm to grow. And it helps our leaders discern where to focus our energy.

In the next month, all active participants in the life of FLC will receive a link to complete this survey. A special planning team will then work with a coach to help us implement the results of the survey. It will be important to hear your voice! Please pray for the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we embark on this adventure.

5/7 Worship Video

Sunday's Sermon

People of the way

The first group of people to believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead... the people that met together and prayed together and broke the bread together, the people who were known primarily by the love they had for one another, were not called Christians. Did you know that? The name “Christian” didn’t come until a little later. They were also not called Catholics, meaning “universal”, or Orthodox, meaning “right belief,” nor were they called “Jews for Jesus,” even though many of them, practically speaking, were. These first followers of Jesus were known simply as “people of the Way.” 

Which is interesting because that doesn’t sound like a religion, does it? “People of the Way” doesn’t sound like an institution or even a belief system; it sounds more like a hippie commune…which actually is not that far off, when you read the book of Acts, the Bible’s account of those early days of the movement. 

That first community of Jesus-followers appeared pretty radical, even by today’s standards: “All who believed were together and had all things in common,” it says in Acts 2. “They would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.” 

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Look what's happening!

You might not have noticed it, but an incredible amount of work -- all volunteer! -- has been happening in the space to the left of the altar in our sanctuary. Steve Oman and Bill Cohan have put in dozens (if not hundreds) of hours transforming what was essentially "dead" space (the former choir seating) into a a beautiful room that will store worship furnishings, such as our paraments, banners, and vestments, as well as other books and supplies.

The floor has been completely redone (which involved removing the levels from the choir seating), the walls have been plastered, and new lighting installed. A locking door will secure the space. It has been a labor of love -- but a labor indeed! We are so grateful to Steve and Bill for all their hard work.

Time to update our Photo Wall!

It's been many years since we've updated the photos on our welcome wall in the narthex. Some of the people who are small children in those pictures have now been confirmed! And all of us look a bit older -- but certainly wiser. It's important to keep these photos updated as a way of helping people learn names, especially those who are new to our community.

We will be taking new individual and family pictures over the next four Sundays in May. You do not need to "dress up," but feel free to wear whatever you feel comfortable in. If you have a picture you already like and would like us to use that, just send it to Pr. Jon.

Cardmaking Workshop

Join the fun! Friends of FLC Susan Molloy and Kristin McKeon are hosting a Cardmaking Class at church on Saturday, June 3 at 9:00 AM on the stage in Luther Hall. Beginners are welcome!

RSVP to by May 27 to secure your spot. Cost is $20 per person and includes all supplies to make 4 cards Light refreshments and goodie bags!

Upcoming Meetings

Confirmation Class: Sunday, May 21 and June 4 at 9:00 AM

Mission Fund Committee: Tuesday, May 16 at 6:30 PM on Zoom

Chattering Crafters: Wednesday, May 17 at 9:30 AM

Council Meeting: Thursday, May 18 at 7:00 PM (Rescheduled)

Mutual Ministry Committee: Monday, May 22 at 6:00 PM on Zoom

This Sunday

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Jesus does not abandon his followers. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus comes to abide with his disciples of every generation. As Pentecost draws near, we are reminded that the risen Christ dwells in us as the Spirit of truth. We receive this Spirit in baptism and pray that in our gathering around the Lord’s table the Spirit will transform us to be the body of the risen Christ in the world.

Serving the Assembly

Assisting Minister: Brianne Jurs

Reader: Britt Haas

Altar Guild: Brad and Betty Johnson 

Ushers: Liz Anderson, Bill Gondella, Naomi Butterworth, Chiete Tongo

Coffee Hour Setup: Kim Holmes

Coffee Hour Cleanup: Kim Holmes

Worship Bulletin

Connect to Worship 5/14