Third Week in Ordinary Time

June 20, 2023



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This Friday is our Kickoff to Summer Party!

Potluck, Music by DJ Kim Holmes, and Games

Friday, June 23

6:00 PM

We are gathering this Friday for a fun night of food, games, and music! Bring your favorite dish to share, if you are able. Kim will be spinning tunes, and we will have lawn games set up. Feel free to bring a board game as well if that's your preference! It looks like it will be a beautiful day, but in the event of rain, we will gather inside.

We look forward to seeing you!

6/18 Worship Video

Thank you to everyone who came to help clean up Flax Pond this past Saturday!

A dozen or so FLC members came to lend a hand, pictured here with some other helpers, Mayor Nicholson, and Councilor Field. Austin was certainly the Ambassador of Goodwill!

Sunday's Sermon

Why are we here?

When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

If I were to ask you, in a sentence or two, to describe the mission of the Church – our reason for being here – how would you answer? What, at the end of the day, is all of this about? That may seem like a silly question. It may seem perfectly obvious what the Church is for – so obvious that the idea of having a “mission statement” seems unnecessary. It’s like asking what is the mission of a grocery store or a library or a car wash – everyone just knows, right?

When you grow up with something, when it’s always been part of your everyday life, when it is meaningful for you personally, it is easy to imagine that everyone else has the same experience, the same reference point, as it were. Churches have been around longer than grocery stores and libraries and car washes after all! Christianity is as much a part of Western culture as anything. You can’t go to any city or town in America without running into one of our branches. There are even more of us in Lynn than there are Dunkin Donuts.

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Save the dates!

Other summer activities at FLC

North Shore Navigators Baseball Game

Friday, July 14

7:00 PM

Join your FLC friends for a night of baseball at Lynn's Fraser Field as the Navs take on the Mystic Schooners. Tickets will be covered! Food and beverages will be available for purchase.

Reserve your tickets

Make-Your-Own Pizza Party

Saturday, August 12

4:00 PM

Home of Shirley and John Benedict

John and Shirley are inviting everyone to their home for a pizza party -- and you get to make your own pie in their fabulous outdoor pizza oven! Some fun group activities are also planned, including a reprise of last year's trivia game!

This summer we will have two opportunities to gather midweek for an informal, outdoor worship service! These are great opportunities to stay connected to God and each other, especially for people who often travel on summer weekends.

Wednesday, July 5 at Lynn Woods Rose Garden

Wednesday, August 16 at Red Rock Park (near the beach!)

Both services will begin at 7:00 PM and last about 30 minutes. You are welcome to come early or stay late and/or bring your own food for fellowship!

If YOU have an idea or would like to host an event at church or at your home, let Pr. Jon or a member of Council know!

Summer "Pick-Up" Choir

Throughout this coming summer season we will be having a "pick-up" choir that will sing once a month throughout the summer. We will meet at 9:30 AM on the last Sunday of the month (June 25, July 30, and August 27) and rehearse an easy choir anthem and a psalm setting. 

This is an open invitation to anyone in the congregation to join without any further commitment and without any pressure. Please consider joining us if you want to see what choir is like, or if you would like to sing during the year, but don’t have the time, or if you would like to sing, but can’t imagine getting along with the choir director for long periods of time. 

Retreat opportunity this fall

Several leaders from the ELCA congregations in the Northeast Massachusetts Conference are hosting a retreat at Camp Calumet to which you are invited. Members of FLC are able to attend this retreat at no cost because of the Calumet Fund!

Friday evening, September 29—Sunday Noon, October 1, 2023

You choose how to spend the time. Offerings include:

• Structured and unstructured time. 

• Conference-wide activities, congregation-specific, and personal/family activities

• 5 meals (Saturday breakfast-Sunday lunch)

• Campfire Saturday evening

• Sunday Worship

Lodging Options: 

• Heated Cabins 

• Staff House 

• Village Cabins 

• Conference Center

* Friday, September 29 – Dinner on your own.

Gather in Conference Center (fireside) 8:00pm for fellowship & orientation

Registrations forms available at church.

Contact Barbara Cox for more details.

This Sunday

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

God does not promise that the path of the disciple will be easy. Jeremiah feels the pain of rejection from those who do not want to hear what he has to say. Jesus declares that his words may bring stark division. Even so, we need not be afraid for God accounts for each hair on our heads. Though we may experience rejection, frustration, division, and death, God’s grace and love make us a new creation each day. Marked with the cross and filled with holy food, we are sent from worship to witness to Christ in the world.

Serving the Assembly

Assisting Minister: Phil Mednis

Reader: Steve Oman

Altar Guild: Jurgen Meister 

Ushers: Liz Anderson, Bill Gondella, Naomi Butterworth, Chiete Tongo

Coffee Hour Setup: John Benedict

Coffee Hour Cleanup: John Benedict

Worship Bulletin

Connect to Worship 6/25