Ministry Site Profile
“And who knows whether for just a time like this you have been chosen?”
These words, spoken to Queen Esther by her uncle Mordecai, are given to her as a challenge and a calling. It is an important moment for the Israelites – their future is on the line - and she must fulfill her place in the community and play her part now.
Welcome to an important moment in the history of First Lutheran Church. We need your gifts and your faith to move forward into our future!
For the next step of the journey to call the next Pastor of First Lutheran Church, we will be creating a Ministry Site Profile. This all-important document will tell the story of First Lutheran, describe our community and our ministry, and paint a picture of what God is calling us to become. The MSP will be used by the Call Committee to evaluate potential candidates, by the Bishop of the Nebraska Synod to identify the best candidates for First Lutheran, and by the candidates themselves as they discern whether this is where they are being called to ministry.
Creating the MSP needs to be our shared work! The input of everyone is vital to creating the most accurate and useful portrait of this community so that we can find the right Pastor. We need you to come to one of these four gatherings to share your memories and hopes so that they can be incorporated into the MSP. You can choose from any of these times:
Wednesday, April 19th at 6:45 pm. (after worship)
Sunday, April 23rd at 9:00 am (after worship) AND 11:15 am (after worship)
I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to attend one of these events IN PERSON! There will be other ways for you to share feedback through forms available on the church website or to pick up in the narthex, but those will have less impact on the final form of the Profile. It is our conversations together that will make the MSP more meaningful.
We are looking forward to seeing you at one of these events.
You will be seeing posters around the church now showing our progress through the Call Process journey. If you have any questions, please reach out to me or talk to any member of the church council.
In Christ,
Pastor Glen